Tim Drayton wrote:Londonrake wrote:
... However, it seemed to me that they were trying to make a point. The point being. "Think what we could do here in the UK with the £350,000,000 we give to the EU, each and every week, in order to be a member".
The point is that if the economy contracts, so does the tax base, so you end up losing that money anyway if there is a big enough contraction.
Tim! Sorry, I thought you'd left.
"If". Actually, it's doing OK. Moreover, check out the EU. It's cumulative bureaucratic fetishes, not least addiction to regulation (if it ain't regulated, it's illegal) have resulted in it's having one of the most sclerotic economic models - ipso facto growth - of all the major contenders. Sorry, very long sentence,

Also, despite the RIP, people are still trampling others to death in order to get in. Although,of course, you are headed in the other direction.
£350,000,000 a week buys an awful lot of conkers.