Hello johneyunderpants.
The route you have taken is correct, however, its more a case of who you know not what you know. You say you are an engineer, but in what area, this could be important. But you do say it as if you haven't been practising it of late ???
It maybe easier to locate work whilst you are here than from afar. You don't say your age also, that is another factor considered here.
Obviously you have to look continuously, and alwaqys ask people if they hear of anything going. When you get here , get yourself a PAYG sim card and be obtainable by phone, cos its the way prospective employers will contact you initially.
I guess they interviews will just be like in the UK, but you have to get that far first.
Are you greek by any chance ?? It helps imensely if you can read and write greek too, although i understand some (and these are few) jobs do not requre this.
Happy hunting, and let me know if you hear something cos i'm looking too.