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am i doing this right?

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am i doing this right?

Postby johnnyunderpants » Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:11 pm

hello folks. Im hoping to relocate to cyprus very soon and would like some help.I am an engineer by trade and have already put my details on a number of agencies in cyprus plus the fact my brother and sister live there and my sister works on a tv station reading the news so im in good stead.But, im not one to wait on others so am itching to do things for myself.My question is apart from what im doing, is there anything else i can do to get things moving quicker?.Oh yeah i have also sent a letter to cyprus high commission in london for any help there and also my sister is going to send a few papers for me to look up on jobs,property etc.Is the route to a job and interviews roughly the same as in the uk? anything would be a great help even if its just to give me a clear route of what im to do. many thanks and a happy new year! from gloomy wet uk!! :D
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Postby pantheman » Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:52 pm

Hello johneyunderpants.

The route you have taken is correct, however, its more a case of who you know not what you know. You say you are an engineer, but in what area, this could be important. But you do say it as if you haven't been practising it of late ???

It maybe easier to locate work whilst you are here than from afar. You don't say your age also, that is another factor considered here.

Obviously you have to look continuously, and alwaqys ask people if they hear of anything going. When you get here , get yourself a PAYG sim card and be obtainable by phone, cos its the way prospective employers will contact you initially.

I guess they interviews will just be like in the UK, but you have to get that far first.

Are you greek by any chance ?? It helps imensely if you can read and write greek too, although i understand some (and these are few) jobs do not requre this.

Happy hunting, and let me know if you hear something cos i'm looking too.

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Postby TheCabbie » Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:50 pm

Pantheman is dead right, all your qualifications won't mean a thing here (well not as much as they do in other counrties), you're going to have to go out and network to find what you want.
Be prepared to not work for a couple of months when you get here, it might take that time to meet the right people.
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Postby johnnyunderpants » Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:14 pm

hi pantheman and the cabbie, im a mechanical engineer ie working lathes/milling machines etc and yes i havnt been doing it of late cos i have a window cleaning business which ive run for 4 years but to be fair id put my hand to anything. If i was to be out of work for a while,how much do you think id need to live? i would sell my business of course if things worked out well out in cyprus. im 31 by the way and from what you said, i too think it would be better for me to locate then find work which is why finding out how much id need to live is important.As i already said my sister and brother are there too and they are sending me stuff and will be looking out for things as time goes by but i want to move things myself.Personally id be happy to get out there and 'suck it and see' but i also have a missis and a 1 year old to consider.Oh yeah also have a house which if we sold would also bring us some more money in so maybe finding a job first isnt the most important thing? what do you think? thanks nick
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Postby marnic » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:20 pm

You can always find something temporary and keep looking for something you are more interested at. Anyway it depends on your expenses but i think you can live with 400 pound/month by yourself. More if you have family.
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Postby Mikros » Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:09 pm

I agree here johny, as soon as I came back to Cy, instead of just sitting home and just waiting for THE job, I worked at various companies in my field, small and not reliable, even worked for a Computer Retail company just to get hooked to pcs.... Eventually I have changed 5 jobs in 1.5 years, but this helped me to get experience at various things, and also to meet the relevant key persons around here. Of course this is helping me a lot nowadays, and definetly will help me in my future carrer prospects. At least you did a good start!!! Well done!
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