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Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:04 am

BTW, only 5 Fleet carriers are moored at one facility, Newport. The rest are in port in Japan, Europe and elsewhere. Actual image of US carriers at port.

Your 'actual image' was taken in 2012 and released in 2013 ! There appear to be no photographic images of the ‘10 aligned in a row’, but there are various official reports that confirm that it is true. So I appologise for the articles misleading headline.

Of course its function isn't the same as a USS Fleet carrier. That's because the Kuznetsov is a lot smaller, and less capable.

So why make such a big thing of the US carriers obvious superiority and ridicule the Kuznetsov?

The Kuznetsov isn't in the same league as a USS Nimitz Class. It isn't even a military threat to the USN.

Well .......... the British saw it as a threat when it passed through the Straights of Dover ...... even though they had been informed by the Russian authorities of the transit many weeks before. They shadowed the Kuznetsov and its ‘battle fleet’ ....... even the tug (in case it broke down) as was splashed all over the UK papers at the time.

In addition, there is only one Kuznetsov, which probably won't even last 2 days against the USN Fleet.

It wouldn’t need to last even two days ....... maybe those Iskander missiles they carry (?) would take a significant part of a US fleet down with them ...... if it ever came to such a situation ..... which I hope it never will?

You are too dumb to understand that what I was saying is that the Russians do not pose any significant military threat to the Americans.

You may have thought that, but it is not what you said. Although I would disagree with your view.

In other words, if Russia has a war with the West, it would lose its entire military capability and it would go back to the stone age if it were to launch a single ICBM and Pootin knows it too, which is why its unlikely he would launch or even fight the USA.

Your hubris, if it reflects the opinion of the military elite you say you are closely associated with, will be your undoing.

If the Russian military were going to be attacked in Syria, Pootin would be doing back flips and cartwheels to crawl back into his hole. Even if the Coalition bombed its base in Syria, Pootin would be begging for negotiations rather than avenge this act of war because it would be a war he would lose.

In your opinion, which is driven by overconfidence in 'your' own capability. Believe me we would ALL lose ..... there would be no winner!

America's military supremacy isn't opinion, but fact.

See the above comment.

Who told you they can't stop an attack of Russian ICBMs including SATAN 2? They can. What they were meaning is that they won't be able to stop all attacks but that is just common sense.

How the US's nuclear weapons compare to Russia's

Russia's RS-24 Yars Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), introduced in the early 2000s, can strike anywhere in the US with what some report to be ten independently targetable nuclear warheads.

These ten warheads would reenter the earth's atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, around 5 miles a second. China has developed a similar platform, and the US simply has no way to defend against a salvo of such devastating nukes.

In comparison, the US's Minuteman III ICBM also reenters the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, but carries just one warhead, and was introduced in the 1970s.

Note! The Russian philosophy is to design and update every ten years ....... the US still relies on a system that is over 45 years old. They rely more on self confidence of their convinced superiority than on a realistic appraisal of their enemies capability compared with their own weaknesses.
The Missile Defence Shields that NATO and Israel have implemented IS the most advance system on the planet and worth more money than our Nuclear Arsenal which is an indication of money well spent rather than making weapons we know pretty much for sure will NEVER be used. Russia will not launch an ICBM, because if it did, there will be no more Russia.

See the above synopsis of US vs Russian missile capability. What the informed author states opposes your opinion.

BTW, who are you to talk about International law. we all know International law doesn't apply to Syria so bight us! When your side are held accountable to the many War Crimes, including the use of barrel Bombs and Chemical warfare (Sarin and Chlorine gas) against civilians then perhaps our sides can talk at the peace talks, but until then we have free reign and our actions in Syria are perfectly justifiable as no one in their right mind is going to even attempt to hold us to account for these alleged International Law violations, whilst Assad remains in power.

Fake news’ ...... merely your completely unsupported opinion. When will you learn the difference between accusation and proof? Your overconfidence and smugness shines through all the smoke and mirrors in your message!

Get use to it!

I have ........ I recognise much fake news ...... you have yet to acquire that skill. :roll:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:16 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Now be fair on PCR he did say that he did not have the knowledge to determine whether what he had been told, was true or not. You have to admit, that with his background he has access to sources that are almost as good as those Paphitis has! :roll:

But the US did confirm the incident but what the reason was for the destroyer just shutting down is anyone's guess. Maybe they just forgot to put 'a-shilling-in-the-meter' ? :roll: :)

Yes, I appreciate that this was somebody attempting to relay technical information outside of his experience. I'm not so sure that "sources" with any credibility would be rushing to offload their confidential knowledge to somebody like Mr Roberts though. Why? I am always suspicious of people who claim to have impeccable sources but "I can't reveal them for reasons of confidentiality". It gives the appearance of being authoritative without having to substantiate it.

Anyway, whilst we may disagree on Russian motivations and actions I think we would both sign up to their not being stupid. To display such a game-changing trump card weapon in a ridiculously offhand way like this would be nothing less than moronic - I submit.

If this were/is as powerful an EW capability as inferred can you imagine what a squadron of SU24s might do to a carrier battle group in a war? Although, of course, it would be one thing to overfly a ship and then, within meters of it's aerial arrays project a powerful RF pulse but quite another to attempt the same against an AEGIS equipt ship which was on alert in a war zone. You might need some good luck with that one.

I have to say that IMHO it's most likely to be tongue-in-cheek propaganda. It probably went down very well with the Russian viewers/readership. Well - and in here it seems. :D :wink:

As far as Electronic Countermeasures, the Americans are a long way ahead of the game.

Just to give you an example, when Russia sent 4 Cruisers Australia's way, these ships being some 20 odd years old and having inferior technology, were jammed up from over-flying Wedgetails to the point that it was highly doubtful the Russians could actually fire any weapon against the Australian Ships or an Australian Aircraft. They were continuously harassed by overflying and heavily armed Super Hornets as well which would just fly directly over their bow at 300 feet supersonic. Plus, they were constantly shadowed by Australian Ships often within only a few hundred meters as if they were in formation.

Any aircraft attempting this against an AEGIS equipped cruiser or Destroyer would be suicidal. The Russians do not have any systems that can jam AEGIS, to our knowledge at least. If they have a secret weapon which is capable enough, then they have made a quantum leap in the existing technologies they are known to possess. This is however unrealistic and it would also be very cost prohibitive to their economy. Not completely out of the question, but it took a long time for American Firms to develop AEGIS. It's not something that happened overnight, and the technology is constantly upgraded and enhanced.

Furthermore, the Nimitz Class only have some RIM Sparrow SAM and a few Phalanx CIWS. It's their last line of defence. These Ships, rely on the Battle Group for defence. In order to get to a fleet carrier, and enemy will need to get through 90 odd Fighters, and 40 odd escorting Cruisers, destroyers and frigates most of which have AEGIS target acquisition and fire control systems. They will need a miracle to even get within 100 miles of a Fleet Carrier.

In fact, I do not believe any country is capable enough to get close to a Fleet carrier. Submarines can, but that is when a Fleet carrier is sailing solo and not with the Battle Group. If a Fleet carrier is surrounded by a battle group, then I highly doubt any Submarine will be able to get through their sonar net.
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:36 am

Londonrake wrote:Everyday I get a load of YouTube stuff popping up on my home page. TBH there has never seemed to be any rhyme or reason for the subjects (chalk and cheese) they appear to be random. Although, if I've been watching something, other similar things get presented in a section of it.

Anyway, blah, blah. Today, just by coincidence, the attached appears. I make no attempt to give it any authority, neither to discredit it. I just stick it here out of interest.

If I might dip my foot in the water?

Here we are talking about what must be pushing a million tons of shipping. The combined crews amount to about 50,000. Each CVN has approximately 900 miles of wire and cable embedded. The vessels are hardened in order to be able to operate in a nuclear/EMP environment.

Is it credible, not only that what must be a vast task can be achieved in such a short space of time but that it's being done in secret? Well, apart from the inquisitive few knowing that is.

Moreover the statement "the Russians discovered that copper wiring permits them to disrupt the operating systems with certain radar frequencies built into their air control systems". Well, what we are talking about here is a super (war winning) weapon. Modern EMP proof warships can be made dead in the water, fighters can be rendered impotent in mid air? This by "simple radar frequencies" in an existing aircraft control system? Moreover, it not only being "discovered" but used in insignificant, apparently knee-jerk, trivial demonstrations. Rather than, as you might think, kept the most closely guarded of secrets for when it could be needed in anger? Credibility?

In the same way that the 35 Russian diplomats were thrown out of Washington, might it not be a simple case of Obama trying to make life as difficult as he can for Trump? Despite his friendly, corn-fed, family man veneer Barack Hussein can be quite a devious bastard (as they tend to say around here). :lol:


I don't see it myself. Having these carriers at Sea is a massive undertaking. They are crewed by 5000 personnel at any given time. Also quite expensive to operate. 10 Fleet Carriers means 50000+ personnel at Sea on these ships alone as you rightly said. They probably can only deploy 7 at any given time which makes sense as there are only 6 Battle groups and the 7th is probably the Reserve Ship aside from the other 3 in port for either upgrading or maintenance and the 11 Reserve Ship. The big elephant in the room, is the 8 Wasp Class carriers. Where are they? Are they also in port? Their propagandists lips are sealed on that one.

The below image is a Wasp Class Heavy assault Ship - which is their primary role and purpose. Hence, they are NOT classified as Aircraft Carriers.

Australia does the same thing with its HMAS Canberra and HMAS Adelaide - they too are classified as Heavy Assault Ships but can take F-35B STOVL like the Wasp Class can. And, there are 100 F-35Bs on order and 2 have been delivered. So why order the B variant? because they are STOVL (like the old Harrier Jets). They can land on the HMAS Adelaide and HMAS Canberra. You can see some harrier jets on the back of the Wasp Class ship below.


Whilst everyone is harping on about the 10 odd Fleet carriers being in port (all in one location apparently which isn't true), they neglect to mention anything about number 11. There are 11 Fleet carriers, 7 of which can deploy at any given moment. So, even if they are in port, they can leave port the next day on what is called a surge call which would only occur if their was an unforeseen pressing requirement. For all 7 to be surge called, then you are probably looking at a WW3 scenario. There is more likelihood Turkish troops will leave Cyprus tomorrow than this scenario coming to fruition.

7 Fleet carriers probably wouldn't be surge called if North Korea violated the 38th parallel. Probably only the 5th Fleet (based in Japan) would respond to that, and they might divert another Fleet carrier at most. Sending the entire Fleet there would be just a little over the top and unnecessary.

And no one has said anything about the 8 Wasp Class carriers. These aircraft carriers are only just behind the Nimitz Class in terms of capability. It's all that is needed in times of peace when the only temp currently is operations are against terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, and the Freedom of navigation patrols of the South China Sea which does not necessitate a friggin battle group for crying out loud. They are doing of Freedom of navigation, not looking for a war with China. Sending an entire battle group would send a most terrible signal to China that they are looking for an actual fight which isn't the case. It's just about preserving UNCLOS.

So no, there is no way 10 Aircraft carriers are in for maintenance and upgrades all at the same time. And yes, even a basic upgrade is likely to take several months. These are floating cities in their own right.

Furthermore, America isn't suddenly at risk because these Fleet carriers are in port. There are over 100 Kidd Class, Tigeronda Class, and Arleigh Burk AEGIS equipped ships for crying out loud. These ships are potent and can launch Cruise missiles and there is also the ICBM carrying Submarine Fleet.

And no, America is not about to stage a "Pearl Harbour" style attack as a Red Flag. Which country can they blame that on? Russia or Cuba? :roll:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:14 pm


You are a typical purveyor of ‘fake news’!

First you claim the US counter measures are way ahead of the game ...... but don’t explain why or give any incident that would indicate that was true. The Russians do give a demonstration of their capability but you ignore it as just being an uncomfortable intrusion into your version of the facts.

Then you give your example of just how far ahead of the game you are and quote a ’fleet’ of four Russian cruisers threatening Australia to the extent you mobilized every military resource to combat the threat.

All a load of rubbish of course, and completely wrong as this ‘fleet’ was just four ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet; Cruiser Vryag; Destroyer Shaposnikov; Tug Krylov and supply tanker Butoma, who were absolutely no threat to anybody as the movement of these vessels was entirely consistent with provisions under international law for military vessels to exercise freedom of navigation in international waters. In other words you created an illusion of threat without a shred of evidence that was true. :roll:

Then you blind us all with a recital of the vastly superior forces and capabilities the US and its allies has over all other nations. Very impressive but of course none of this has been put to the test, so it is simply your unfettered opinion, once again to convince a reader of the US and its allies overwhelming superiority. :x

Couple all this to your claims that there is no International Law that is applicable to the US coalition, regarding their endless breaches of such law in Syria because YOU are too big for any other country ....... or even the UN ....... to take you to task for it. Then I am afraid that attitude only supports my contention that the rest of the World has a lot more to fear from US Imperialism and hegemony, supported by its faithful allies, than the US, its allies or even the rest of the World has to fear from Russia, China or Iran. :roll:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:36 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

You are a typical purveyor of ‘fake news’!

First you claim the US counter measures are way ahead of the game ...... but don’t explain why or give any incident that would indicate that was true. The Russians do give a demonstration of their capability but you ignore it as just being an uncomfortable intrusion into your version of the facts.

Then you give your example of just how far ahead of the game you are and quote a ’fleet’ of four Russian cruisers threatening Australia to the extent you mobilized every military resource to combat the threat.

All a load of rubbish of course, and completely wrong as this ‘fleet’ was just four ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet; Cruiser Vryag; Destroyer Shaposnikov; Tug Krylov and supply tanker Butoma, who were absolutely no threat to anybody as the movement of these vessels was entirely consistent with provisions under international law for military vessels to exercise freedom of navigation in international waters. In other words you created an illusion of threat without a shred of evidence that was true. :roll:

Then you blind us all with a recital of the vastly superior forces and capabilities the US and its allies has over all other nations. Very impressive but of course none of this has been put to the test, so it is simply your unfettered opinion, once again to convince a reader of the US and its allies overwhelming superiority. :x

Couple all this to your claims that there is no International Law that is applicable to the US coalition, regarding their endless breaches of such law in Syria because YOU are too big for any other country ....... or even the UN ....... to take you to task for it. Then I am afraid that attitude only supports my contention that the rest of the World has a lot more to fear from US Imperialism and hegemony, supported by its faithful allies, than the US, its allies or even the rest of the World has to fear from Russia, China or Iran. :roll:

there is no demonstration of any Russian capability that can circumvent AEGIS or completely disable a Fleet carrier.

And secondly, our AEW&C capabilities and fire control systems are classified.

We don't demonstrate their capabilities on an RT or Sputnik Cooking show like Pootin does. that's because there is NOTHING for Western powers to prove. that's why they deployed the Kuznetsov Rust bucket despite it not being required. it's to appease numskulls like YOU and get you idiots to cream youyr little underwear which would take all of 1 minute to achieve.

We don't need to prove anything at home or flex any muscle. our capability is what it is, and Russia is the one that needs to prove itself with Fake News. Even if we were behind the Russians, then we wouldn't be talking about it. A country that makes the INTEL CHIP and Apple and has the best defense infrastructure does not need to prove a thing.

Our AEW&C planes fly over Syria. Russia doesn't have any.

And you think about it. If the Russians did have this kind of technology (which they don't), then its quite something for the USA to be upgrading 11 Fleet carriers all at once and to achieve that in a week. Fuck they are good! I would say that is Herculean! And why don't the Wasp class require that upgrade? grasping at straws but whatever gets you turned on and creaming your daks.

And where is this demonstration of Russian military superiority forcing America to recall its Fleet carriers. Didn't the other components of the Battle Group require such drastic action? it's not the job of a Fleet carrier to be fighting a war. It's a capital Ship which relies on heavy escorts from its own accompanying Battle Group. Get it? It doesn't need a Fire Control System. It's job is to launch and receive aircraft, that's it!

For it to rely on its own defencive weapons, would mean the Russians got through so many Ships and Aircraft and that is IMPOSSIBLE!
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:56 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

You are a typical purveyor of ‘fake news’!

First you claim the US counter measures are way ahead of the game ...... but don’t explain why or give any incident that would indicate that was true. The Russians do give a demonstration of their capability but you ignore it as just being an uncomfortable intrusion into your version of the facts.

Then you give your example of just how far ahead of the game you are and quote a ’fleet’ of four Russian cruisers threatening Australia to the extent you mobilized every military resource to combat the threat.

All a load of rubbish of course, and completely wrong as this ‘fleet’ was just four ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet; Cruiser Vryag; Destroyer Shaposnikov; Tug Krylov and supply tanker Butoma, who were absolutely no threat to anybody as the movement of these vessels was entirely consistent with provisions under international law for military vessels to exercise freedom of navigation in international waters. In other words you created an illusion of threat without a shred of evidence that was true. :roll:

Then you blind us all with a recital of the vastly superior forces and capabilities the US and its allies has over all other nations. Very impressive but of course none of this has been put to the test, so it is simply your unfettered opinion, once again to convince a reader of the US and its allies overwhelming superiority. :x

Couple all this to your claims that there is no International Law that is applicable to the US coalition, regarding their endless breaches of such law in Syria because YOU are too big for any other country ....... or even the UN ....... to take you to task for it. Then I am afraid that attitude only supports my contention that the rest of the World has a lot more to fear from US Imperialism and hegemony, supported by its faithful allies, than the US, its allies or even the rest of the World has to fear from Russia, China or Iran. :roll:

there is no demonstration of any Russian capability that can circumvent AEGIS or completely disable a Fleet carrier.

And secondly, our AEW&C capabilities and fire control systems are classified.

We don't demonstrate their capabilities on an RT or Sputnik Cooking show like Pootin does. that's because there is NOTHING for Western powers to prove. that's why they deployed the Kuznetsov Rust bucket despite it not being required. it's to appease numskulls like YOU and get you idiots to cream youyr little underwear which would take all of 1 minute to achieve.

We don't need to prove anything at home or flex any muscle. our capability is what it is, and Russia is the one that needs to prove itself with Fake News. Even if we were behind the Russians, then we wouldn't be talking about it. A country that makes the INTEL CHIP and Apple and has the best defense infrastructure does not need to prove a thing.

Our AEW&C planes fly over Syria. Russia doesn't have any.

And you think about it. If the Russians did have this kind of technology (which they don't), then its quite something for the USA to be upgrading 11 Fleet carriers all at once and to achieve that in a week. Fuck they are good! I would say that is Herculean! And why don't the Wasp class require that upgrade? grasping at straws but whatever gets you turned on and creaming your daks.

Your really quite a pathetic person you never answer post you just throw out belittling comments which only succeed in making you even more pathetic ! Once again .... your reply is all bravado and boasting but ....... if YOU are so bloody good how come the pathetic Russians have achieved in Syria, what you couldn't ........they liberated Aleppo and got a sort of peace and have actually got the warring factions to agree to talks to come to the Comprehensive Settlement you keep shouting about but never achieved.

Let's face it for all the power you credit YOUR forces with they have achieved nothing in Syria, in spite of dropping 26,000 bombs on Syria and Iraq in the last twelve months and things sure are going slowly in Mosul ...... in spite of all your boasting to the contrary ........they have still to enter the city proper! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:58 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

You are a typical purveyor of ‘fake news’!

First you claim the US counter measures are way ahead of the game ...... but don’t explain why or give any incident that would indicate that was true. The Russians do give a demonstration of their capability but you ignore it as just being an uncomfortable intrusion into your version of the facts.

Then you give your example of just how far ahead of the game you are and quote a ’fleet’ of four Russian cruisers threatening Australia to the extent you mobilized every military resource to combat the threat.

All a load of rubbish of course, and completely wrong as this ‘fleet’ was just four ships from the Russian Pacific Fleet; Cruiser Vryag; Destroyer Shaposnikov; Tug Krylov and supply tanker Butoma, who were absolutely no threat to anybody as the movement of these vessels was entirely consistent with provisions under international law for military vessels to exercise freedom of navigation in international waters. In other words you created an illusion of threat without a shred of evidence that was true. :roll:

Then you blind us all with a recital of the vastly superior forces and capabilities the US and its allies has over all other nations. Very impressive but of course none of this has been put to the test, so it is simply your unfettered opinion, once again to convince a reader of the US and its allies overwhelming superiority. :x

Couple all this to your claims that there is no International Law that is applicable to the US coalition, regarding their endless breaches of such law in Syria because YOU are too big for any other country ....... or even the UN ....... to take you to task for it. Then I am afraid that attitude only supports my contention that the rest of the World has a lot more to fear from US Imperialism and hegemony, supported by its faithful allies, than the US, its allies or even the rest of the World has to fear from Russia, China or Iran. :roll:

there is no demonstration of any Russian capability that can circumvent AEGIS or completely disable a Fleet carrier.

And secondly, our AEW&C capabilities and fire control systems are classified.

We don't demonstrate their capabilities on an RT or Sputnik Cooking show like Pootin does. that's because there is NOTHING for Western powers to prove. that's why they deployed the Kuznetsov Rust bucket despite it not being required. it's to appease numskulls like YOU and get you idiots to cream youyr little underwear which would take all of 1 minute to achieve.

We don't need to prove anything at home or flex any muscle. our capability is what it is, and Russia is the one that needs to prove itself with Fake News. Even if we were behind the Russians, then we wouldn't be talking about it. A country that makes the INTEL CHIP and Apple and has the best defense infrastructure does not need to prove a thing.

Our AEW&C planes fly over Syria. Russia doesn't have any.

And you think about it. If the Russians did have this kind of technology (which they don't), then its quite something for the USA to be upgrading 11 Fleet carriers all at once and to achieve that in a week. Fuck they are good! I would say that is Herculean! And why don't the Wasp class require that upgrade? grasping at straws but whatever gets you turned on and creaming your daks.

Your really quite a pathetic person you never answer post you just throw out belittling comments which only succeed in making you even more pathetic ! Once again .... your reply is all bravado and boasting but ....... if YOU are so bloody good how come the pathetic Russians have achieved in Syria, what you couldn't ........they liberated Aleppo and got a sort of peace and have actually got the warring factions to agree to talks to come to the Comprehensive Settlement you keep shouting about but never achieved.

Let's face it for all the power you credit YOUR forces with they have achieved nothing in Syria, in spite of dropping 26,000 bombs on Syria and Iraq in the last twelve months and things sure are going slowly in Mosul ...... in spite of all your boasting to the contrary ........they have still to enter the city proper! :lol: :lol:

You missed the last bit I edited!

And where is this demonstration of Russian military superiority forcing America to recall its Fleet carriers. Didn't the other components of the Battle Group require such drastic action? it's not the job of a Fleet carrier to be fighting a war. It's a capital Ship which relies on heavy escorts from its own accompanying Battle Group. Get it? It doesn't need a Fire Control System. It's job is to launch and receive aircraft, that's it!

For it to rely on its own defensive weapons, would mean the Russians got through so many Ships and Aircraft and that is IMPOSSIBLE!

Come on, show us the Pootin Cooking Show special please you want to pass off as credible evidence!
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jan 15, 2017 3:14 pm

Paphitis wrote:Furthermore, the Nimitz Class only have some RIM Sparrow SAM and a few Phalanx CIWS. It's their last line of defence. These Ships, rely on the Battle Group for defence. In order to get to a fleet carrier, and enemy will need to get through 90 odd Fighters, and 40 odd escorting Cruisers, destroyers and frigates most of which have AEGIS target acquisition and fire control systems. They will need a miracle to even get within 100 miles of a Fleet Carrier.

In fact, I do not believe any country is capable enough to get close to a Fleet carrier. Submarines can, but that is when a Fleet carrier is sailing solo and not with the Battle Group. If a Fleet carrier is surrounded by a battle group, then I highly doubt any Submarine will be able to get through their sonar net.

With no wish to get caught in a crossfire here (pun!). It has been done.

January 1982. The Arabian sea:

"Finally the Americans ’struck’ my last frigate and, as the sun set over the Arabian Sea and night began to stream in, Glamorgan turned into the two-hundred-mile zone. The dusk faded into darkness and I ordered every light in the ship to be switched on, plus as many extras as we could find. I intended that from any distance we would look exactly like a cruise liner—from the bridge we looked like a floating Christmas Tree.

We barreled on through the tense night, in towards the USS Coral Sea, listening all the time to the International Voice radio frequencies. Sure enough, eventually one of the American destroyer captains came on line, asking us to identify ourselves. My in-house Petter Sellers imitator, already primed for the job, replied in his very best Anglo-Indian: ‘This is the liner Rawalpindi, bound from Bombay to the port of Dubai. Good Night, and jolly good luck!’ He sounded like the head waiter from the Surbiton tandoori. But it was good enough. The Americans, who were conducting a ‘limited war’, were rather obliged to believe us and let us through while they thought about it. Vital minutes slipped by until we were exactly eleven miles from the carrier, with our Exocet system locked on her. They still thought our splendid display of lights was the Rawalpindi on her innocent business…

Then one of my officers calmly called the carrier to break the appalling news to Tom Brown that we were now in a position to put his ship on the bottom of the Indian Ocean and there was nothing he could do about it. ‘We fired four Exocets twenty seconds ago’, he added for good measure, knowing this gave them about forty-five seconds to hit the deck…about half as much notice HMS Sheffield would receive, six months from now."

From "100 Days. Memoirs of the Falklands Task Group Commander". Admiral Sandy Woodard. :wink:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:11 pm

......... They still thought our splendid display of lights was the Rawalpindi on her innocent business…

Then one of my officers calmly called the carrier to break the appalling news to Tom Brown that we were now in a position to put his ship on the bottom of the Indian Ocean and there was nothing he could do about it. ‘We fired four Exocets twenty seconds ago’, he added for good measure, knowing this gave them about forty-five seconds to hit the deck…about half as much notice HMS Sheffield would receive, six months from now."

From "100 Days. Memoirs of the Falklands Task Group Commander". Admiral Sandy Woodard

Brilliant ! No doubt about it ...... bullsh*t frequently beats brains. :wink: :D :D

A little story: I had a French Company in Saudi that had designed and installed a site perimeter security system on the plant. Their engineer was a bit like Paphitis, as he spent all his time telling me how superior his system was to anything we British could produced. They had over 300 cameras, a system for detecting any movement of the chain-link fencing , a microwave motion detector system inside at ground level and an outside a system which also detected movement. He was so full of sh*te he got up my nose (not difficult to do) He told me after we had witnessed the commissioning that the system was invulnerable. In a French accent he triumphantly exclaimed that a mouse couldn't get into the plant without tripping the alarms. So, I had a bet with him that if I could penetrate his system without setting off the alarms, he would take me and the another English engineer to the Holiday Inn for dinner and he agreed.

I drove off the site by the main gate, parked the car on the dirt opposite and walked back toward the gate where this super system obviously did not fully operate. He had overlooked something important! :mrgreen:

All around the plant on the inside of the fence was a perimeter road which was about 10m inside the fence and the other side of his super alarm system ......... but, there was a storm drain between the perimeter road and the sensors and at the main gate it came out of the plant and was about 2m deep ........ and there was no barred grill to prevent entry.

So I dropped into the drain walked back until I was beyond all the detectors, to the security/fire station control room ..... he and the security guy were huddled in front of the alarm console and a bank of TV's ...... so, I just tapped him on the shoulder. It had taken me about 5 minutes in all. That took the wind out of his sails and he bought the dinner that evening and put the storm drain grill into place the next day ! :roll: :wink:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:03 pm

You missed the last bit I edited!

Did I? You must be quicker with your checking and updating. I write most of my posts in WORD first, check it, correct it and then copy and paste.

And where is this demonstration of Russian military superiority forcing America to recall its Fleet carriers. Didn't the other components of the Battle Group require such drastic action? it's not the job of a Fleet carrier to be fighting a war. It's a capital Ship which relies on heavy escorts from its own accompanying Battle Group. Get it? It doesn't need a Fire Control System. It's job is to launch and receive aircraft, that's it!

You missed the point completely. It was a theory, was stated as such and PCR said he got it (just like you often claim) from contacts in the know. I don’t have a clue what allowed the Russians to disable a US destroyer but pretty obviously something did ..... the video the USN guys took proved that. It wasn’t Putin that was boasting about his prowess ..... his people didn’t take the video ..... the sailors on board the US destroyer did.

For it to rely on its own defensive weapons, would mean the Russians got through so many Ships and Aircraft and that is IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh dear .......Well .... actually it isn’t ....... at least according to this! :roll:

It explains the technology the Russians could be using ..... it appears they could be way ahead of the US in ‘electronic counter measures’ ? I cannot verify the accuracy of this report and some of the articles on their main page are a bit weird but, it seems the USS Donald Cook was not the only ship affected. Another was the USS aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt and it was disabled from a Russian submarine ! :o I have a vague recollection of this being moored off the Isle of White for a while some time ago.

Paphitis: It was suggested that it was very strange that so many front line capital ships in the form of 10 carriers were all in port at the same time. That was cross related to ......’Could it be that they were in dock for mods, swapping multicore copper comms. cables to fibre optics ? ’ as one suggestion of the events in the video, was some link between frequencies on Russian RADAR affecting electronic communications because they use copper.

Come on, show us the Pootin Cooking Show special please you want to pass off as credible evidence!

Apparently the USS Donald Cook IS is equipped with the most recent Aegis Combat System. :oops: It is an integrated naval weapons systems which can link together the missile defense systems of all vessels embedded within the same network, so as to ensure the detection, tracking and destruction of hundreds of targets at the same time. In addition, the USS Donald Cook is equipped with 4 large radars, whose power is comparable to that of several stations. For protection, it carries more than fifty anti-aircraft missiles of various types.

As you said ..."Aegis couldn't be jammed, as far as you were aware!" .......... So, now you know you could be wrong ....... again! :roll:

Oh well ......... that’s that theory of invincibility screwed. Back to the drawing board lads! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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