BTW, only 5 Fleet carriers are moored at one facility, Newport. The rest are in port in Japan, Europe and elsewhere. Actual image of US carriers at port.
Your 'actual image' was taken in 2012 and released in 2013 ! There appear to be no photographic images of the ‘10 aligned in a row’, but there are various official reports that confirm that it is true. So I appologise for the articles misleading headline.
Of course its function isn't the same as a USS Fleet carrier. That's because the Kuznetsov is a lot smaller, and less capable.
So why make such a big thing of the US carriers obvious superiority and ridicule the Kuznetsov?
The Kuznetsov isn't in the same league as a USS Nimitz Class. It isn't even a military threat to the USN.
Well .......... the British saw it as a threat when it passed through the Straights of Dover ...... even though they had been informed by the Russian authorities of the transit many weeks before. They shadowed the Kuznetsov and its ‘battle fleet’ ....... even the tug (in case it broke down) as was splashed all over the UK papers at the time.
In addition, there is only one Kuznetsov, which probably won't even last 2 days against the USN Fleet.
It wouldn’t need to last even two days ....... maybe those Iskander missiles they carry (?) would take a significant part of a US fleet down with them ...... if it ever came to such a situation ..... which I hope it never will?
You are too dumb to understand that what I was saying is that the Russians do not pose any significant military threat to the Americans.
You may have thought that, but it is not what you said. Although I would disagree with your view.
In other words, if Russia has a war with the West, it would lose its entire military capability and it would go back to the stone age if it were to launch a single ICBM and Pootin knows it too, which is why its unlikely he would launch or even fight the USA.
Your hubris, if it reflects the opinion of the military elite you say you are closely associated with, will be your undoing.
If the Russian military were going to be attacked in Syria, Pootin would be doing back flips and cartwheels to crawl back into his hole. Even if the Coalition bombed its base in Syria, Pootin would be begging for negotiations rather than avenge this act of war because it would be a war he would lose.
In your opinion, which is driven by overconfidence in 'your' own capability. Believe me we would ALL lose ..... there would be no winner!
America's military supremacy isn't opinion, but fact.
See the above comment.
Who told you they can't stop an attack of Russian ICBMs including SATAN 2? They can. What they were meaning is that they won't be able to stop all attacks but that is just common sense.
How the US's nuclear weapons compare to Russia's –
Russia's RS-24 Yars Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), introduced in the early 2000s, can strike anywhere in the US with what some report to be ten independently targetable nuclear warheads.
These ten warheads would reenter the earth's atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, around 5 miles a second. China has developed a similar platform, and the US simply has no way to defend against a salvo of such devastating nukes.
In comparison, the US's Minuteman III ICBM also reenters the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds, but carries just one warhead, and was introduced in the 1970s.
Note! The Russian philosophy is to design and update every ten years ....... the US still relies on a system that is over 45 years old. They rely more on self confidence of their convinced superiority than on a realistic appraisal of their enemies capability compared with their own weaknesses.
The Missile Defence Shields that NATO and Israel have implemented IS the most advance system on the planet and worth more money than our Nuclear Arsenal which is an indication of money well spent rather than making weapons we know pretty much for sure will NEVER be used. Russia will not launch an ICBM, because if it did, there will be no more Russia.
See the above synopsis of US vs Russian missile capability. What the informed author states opposes your opinion.
BTW, who are you to talk about International law. we all know International law doesn't apply to Syria so bight us! When your side are held accountable to the many War Crimes, including the use of barrel Bombs and Chemical warfare (Sarin and Chlorine gas) against civilians then perhaps our sides can talk at the peace talks, but until then we have free reign and our actions in Syria are perfectly justifiable as no one in their right mind is going to even attempt to hold us to account for these alleged International Law violations, whilst Assad remains in power.
‘Fake news’ ...... merely your completely unsupported opinion. When will you learn the difference between accusation and proof? Your overconfidence and smugness shines through all the smoke and mirrors in your message!
Get use to it!
I have ........ I recognise much fake news ...... you have yet to acquire that skill.