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Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:20 am

BTW, only 5 Fleet carriers are moored at one facility, Newport.

The rest are in port in Japan, Europe and elsewhere.

Actual image of US carriers at port.


BTW, here is a typical roster for all USS Fleet carriers in tghe event of a major war.


Most of the Aircraft carriers are ABLE to deploy very quickly if needed. But for this to occur, there would have to be a need or a war.

They can surge call 7 of the 11 Aircraft carriers within hours if they need to.

The other 3 boats have scheduled maintenance and the other is in Reserve and can be made available.

In addition, there are 8 Wasp Class assault Ships which are also Aircraft Carriers and some of them are at Sea. at lweast one is in the Mediterranean as well with the 6th Fleet.

So it's not accurate to say there are no Aircraft carriers at sea. The USS Wasp Class are carriers but are not designated as such.

But don't let the facts get in the way of a good story ladies!

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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:23 am

All in all, there are 19 Aircraft carriers in the USN.

11 of which are USS Nimitz Class fleet carriers. One is in reserve. these are the mother of all carriers on the planet.

There are 8 smaller Wasp assault Ships serving at various locations.

The propaganda fake news sites only count the 11 as proper aircraft carriers when that is NOT accurate.

It's like the HMAS Canberra and HMAS Adelaide which is classified as an assault Ship but can actually deck 16 F-35B STOVL. They are Aircraft carriers too.
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Londonrake » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:28 am

I think the capability and significance of Carriers as stated in many of these reports is a well over-egged puddin'.

The idea that they have been recalled to port, in order to facilitate some sort of Pearl Harbor. That North Koreans are going to poor over the border. The Chinese will invade Taiwan - and all the other hyperbole being floated (bad pun!) is, IMHO, risible. Carrier TFs are not that powerful.

It does make for gripping reading though! :lol:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:35 am

Londonrake wrote:I think the capability and significance of Carriers as stated in many of these reports is a well over-egged puddin'.

The idea that they have been recalled to port, in order to facilitate some sort of Pearl Harbor. That North Koreans are going to poor over the border. The Chinese will invade Taiwan - and all the other hyperbole being floated (bad pun!) is, IMHO, risible. Carrier TFs are not that powerful.

It does make for gripping reading though! :lol:

No one said anything about a war taking place or North Koreans invading South Korea.

If it were to happen though, the Americans are able to quickly deploy a minimum of 7 of the 10 super carriers, if there was some kind of need for it.

They obviously envisage no such thing either which is why many of their ships are in port. Otherwise they wouldn't be in port.

Fact of the matter is, a carrier spends very little time at sea. They are expensive, and they need to train their crews as well as rest them whenever they can. some of the ships need maintenance as some tender love and care. In addition, aircraft can't remain at sea indefinately either, and need to be maintained and treated for corrosion and air-frame stress.

It's not like the old days when Triremes were powered by a bunch of slaves.

People are actually over-stating the threat against the USA and or its allies. Fact is, there is no threat. Just in the minds of the likes of Robin hood maybe, or so they wish.

And yes, it is completely nuts to think that the US is going to stage its own False Flag against its own ships, as important as the USS Nimitz and Wasp Class. But these people also believe that Sep11 was an American false Flag. You couldn't get anymore stupid than that! :roll:

One more thing, it is far more sensible to deploy a wasp Class carrier than a Nimitz Class carrier whenever you can get away with it. they are much smaller and a lot more cheaper to have out there when all you're doing is cruising the high seas.
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:13 pm

People are actually over-stating the threat against the USA and or its allies. Fact is, there is no threat. Just in the minds of the likes of Robin hood maybe, or so they wish.

Absolutely the most significant point you have ever made ...... but for sure you are too dumb to see why! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are no threats to the US or its allies, the image of a threat is generated by the US and its allies to give them a reasons to have 800 US Military bases spread across the globe. You are absolutely correct ...... IN MY MIND AND THE MINDS OF MILLIONS WHO THINK THE SAME ...... THE US HAS NO REAL ENEMIES THEY NEED TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST ......absolutely 100% correct. They are all imaginary!

But that has not stopped them from regarding other countries such as Russia (obviously), China (obviously) Iran (questionably), North Korea (doubtfully) .... as existential threats to them but without ever explaining why. I would suggest that they are or could be an economic threat .... that's plausible, but surely, according to the way YOU think they remain THE supreme and invincible power?

You only have to look at the few preceding posts you have made to see that you obviously believe even Israel is powerful enough to take on all their perceived enemies as well, They see a threat in spite of the fact that it has been Israel over the 65 years that has attacked all their neighbours at some time or another. As you point out it is now Syria's turn ..... maybe! :roll: .

What have the US and their allies got to be afraid of? I think it would be far more realistic to say that, given their history over the last 70 years, it is the rest of the World that should fear the US and its allies! That is of course, if what you spew out on here is even remotely true, rather than the inane, imbecilic, ramblings of a war mongering dork! :roll: :x
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:22 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
People are actually over-stating the threat against the USA and or its allies. Fact is, there is no threat. Just in the minds of the likes of Robin hood maybe, or so they wish.

Absolutely the most significant point you have ever made ...... but for sure you are too dumb to see why! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are no threats to the US or its allies, the image of a threat is generated by the US and its allies to give them a reasons to have 800 US Military bases spread across the globe. You are absolutely correct ...... IN MY MIND AND THE MINDS OF MILLIONS WHO THINK THE SAME ...... THE US HAS NO REAL ENEMIES THEY NEED TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST ......absolutely 100% correct. They are all imaginary!

But that has not stopped them from regarding other countries such as Russia (obviously), China (obviously) Iran (questionably), North Korea (doubtfully) .... as existential threats to them but without ever explaining why. I would suggest that they are or could be an economic threat .... that's plausible, but surely, according to the way YOU think they remain THE supreme and invincible power?

You only have to look at the few preceding posts you have made to see that you obviously believe even Israel is powerful enough to take on all their perceived enemies as well, They see a threat in spite of the fact that it has been Israel over the 65 years that has attacked all their neighbours at some time or another. As you point out it is now Syria's turn ..... maybe! :roll: .

What have the US and their allies got to be afraid of? I think it would be far more realistic to say that, given their history over the last 70 years, it is the rest of the World that should fear the US and its allies! That is of course, if what you spew out on here is even remotely true, rather than the inane, imbecilic, ramblings of a war mongering dork! :roll: :x

No one ever stated anything about a threat to the USA. there is however threats to our interests and there are also other threats against the State of Israel which will never bode well for your Hezbollah chums and will never bode well for peace and stability in the Middle east. these are different issues all together.

Then there are the other issues of a brutal dictatorship in Syria, which has oppressed and the Sunni people of Syria for a long time, thus culminating in war and even international terrorism. And not to mention War crimes.

You picked the fight, and they will be made to lay in the bed they made for themselves. It won't be pleasant.

But yes, if you think the Russians are a serious threat to the US, you're delusional. Russia is a minnow in comparison. A minnow.

It's Kuznetsov and Russia's Navy and Air force isn't a serious match at all to the USN or its 19 carriers (Nimitz and Wasp).

TBH, this is just a silly attempt by Pootin to engage the Nationalists at home, and to try and play big shot and regain the former "glory" of the Soviet Union which crumbled. It's actually quite futile too, because if he actually goes too far and a war occurs, he would completely regret it. So far he is relying and anticipating on the good nature of US Government and Military Commanders and their cool heads in averting further escalations. That's not because they are scared of him. They just don't have a good enough reason for war as yet, but you never know because there is always a breaking point and Pootin is testing his boundaries like a spoilt brat! also, he is playing with fire and a dangerous geopolitical game here.

Attack Israel, and that will give them reason to move. So again, the Coalition welcomes Israel to the fold of the Syrian War.
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:12 pm

Paphitis said; (at 11:35)

People are actually over-stating the threat against the USA and or its allies.

Paphitis then said: ( at 13:22)

No one ever stated anything about a threat to the USA ......... there is (are?) however threats to our interests ........

I said you were too dumb to realise what you said ..... you just proved it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW: I did say that their threats to the rest of the World were mostly to protect their commercial interests, not to counter military threats ....... so once again you prove me right! :roll: :lol:

The rest of the post is simply your opinion and of no significance ..... or is this what they call planting 'false news' ? :lol:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:40 pm


BTW, Aircraft carriers do not have a secondary role. they are purely carriers and rely on the battle Group for Missile Area defence.

Check your facts! Kuznetsov is classified by the Russians as an 'aircraft carrying cruiser'. Its function is not the same as a US aircraft carrier. As I said before ..... it is basically intended as a floating airfield for parts of Russia where standard airfields do not exist or are very few and in the wrong places.

Secondly, the USA and allies as well as Israel have the most advance missile defence shields on the planet.

Well, that’s what they think. Let’s hope they don’t find out too late that isn’t quite true!

There are no guarantees any Russian Missile will reach its target as opposed to our which will reach their target.

Well, that’s what they think. Let’s hope they don’t find out too late that isn’t quite true! The US has stated that it could not stop an attack by Russian missiles SATAN II (?) because they change both trajectory and heading ..... continuously throughout their flight.

The only reason why Russians are more effective is because they do not have any rules of Engagement. WE could do the same if WE wanted, but then WE would be exactly the same as Pootin and the Regime, as WAR CRIMINALS. WE are the Coalition! WE are the democratic WEST! WE do not kill thousands upon thousands of civilians or bomb hospitals. there is a BIG difference between the Coalition vis a vis Russia and Syria or Assad shouldn't even be in the same sentence as us. it's offensive!

YOU just ignore all international Law and Conventions! YOUR actions in Syria are illegal and therefore YOUR actions are ALL war crimes! YOU just kill millions of civilians and ignore your guilt! YOU bomb hospitals just as much as those you accuse but you never recognise the fact that in either case it is invariably accidental!

You are full of crap!!!! :roll:
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:51 pm

Londonrake wrote:Everyday I get a load of YouTube stuff popping up on my home page. TBH there has never seemed to be any rhyme or reason for the subjects (chalk and cheese) they appear to be random. Although, if I've been watching something, other similar things get presented in a section of it.

Anyway, blah, blah. Today, just by coincidence, the attached appears. I make no attempt to give it any authority, neither to discredit it. I just stick it here out of interest.

If I might dip my foot in the water?

Here we are talking about what must be pushing a million tons of shipping. The combined crews amount to about 50,000. Each CVN has approximately 900 miles of wire and cable embedded. The vessels are hardened in order to be able to operate in a nuclear/EMP environment.

Is it credible, not only that what must be a vast task can be achieved in such a short space of time but that it's being done in secret? Well, apart from the inquisitive few knowing that is.

Moreover the statement "the Russians discovered that copper wiring permits them to disrupt the operating systems with certain radar frequencies built into their air control systems". Well, what we are talking about here is a super (war winning) weapon. Modern EMP proof warships can be made dead in the water, fighters can be rendered impotent in mid air? This by "simple radar frequencies" in an existing aircraft control system? Moreover, it not only being "discovered" but used in insignificant, apparently knee-jerk, trivial demonstrations. Rather than, as you might think, kept the most closely guarded of secrets for when it could be needed in anger? Credibility?

In the same way that the 35 Russian diplomats were thrown out of Washington, might it not be a simple case of Obama trying to make life as difficult as he can for Trump? Despite his friendly, corn-fed, family man veneer Barack Hussein can be quite a devious bastard (as they tend to say around here). :lol:

Now be fair on PCR he did say that he did not have the knowledge to determine whether what he had been told, was true or not. You have to admit, that with his background he has access to sources that are almost as good as those Paphitis has! :roll:

But the US did confirm the incident but what the reason was for the destroyer just shutting down is anyone's guess. Maybe they just forgot to put 'a-shilling-in-the-meter' ? :roll: :)
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Re: Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:14 pm


Also, if the US Aircraft carrier Fleet were scheduled for upgrades, then they would do one at time or two at a time, not the entire fleet at once. And such an upgrade is more likely to take months, not a week!

Next idiot please.

There was therefore a reason that ten were in dock at the same time? What do your sources say the reason was or is that info covered by the Official Secrets Act? :roll:

Have you ever been involved in replacing multi-core copper communications cables linked between units of the system, with fibre optics? This ‘idiot’ has, although not on an aircraft carrier, and I can tell you that if that was all they were replacing it would not take months. It would all be installed in trunking all through the vessel, fully accessible and it can be done with relative ease. Main cable routes are designed that way, even the redundant routes. :roll:
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