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Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:47 pm

:lol: :lol: The sick ideology.
Just look at those ...cockroaches , how can anyone with half a brain take these Vrikolakes seriously!!!
Vordo no doubt does !! This is the 21st century and you have women looking like something out of the stone age. :lol:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:03 pm

miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:reh batcho yero are you still goin on about muslins.

wait and see what happens when trump comes to power and moves the yanks embassy to jeruselam and then see the carnage that will take place. and of course you old batcho yero will blame the muslins for it all.

give it up ffs you hatred spewing old fool.

Porto, why don't you use your brain, you know where its located, next time you have a shit ....check it out!!!
What a fucking idiot :lol: :lol:

when trump causes even more chaos in the middle eastthen then before i will remind you where your mouth and arse is reh batcho ballyobtachouro yero. so you wipe the right thing when tou take a crap.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:41 pm

Londonrake wrote:Schnauzer. It's good to see that you're finally beginning to win the battle against your addiction to capital letters. :lol: :wink:

I must admit that it is proving to be a bit of a struggle since I was dealing with two addictions simultaneously, I vowed to give up smoking for the 'New Year' but have ditched that plan and can now concentrate on the problem WiTh CapiTals (OOPS, a slight lack of concentration there !) BUT, I will endeavour to persevere.

Happy New Year to you..................slipped again...................."Ah well, where there is a will there is a way"...................says 'I'. :lol:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:29 am

Well it wasn't Pootin.

The Coalition were the one's that targeted convoys to Turkey. It is the Coalition that specifically targets ISIL recruiting and follows the money trail, not Russia and not the Regime.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:58 am

One more for the plebs.

The new invented catch all phrases are "ISIL Inspired" What does this mean?

It means that when the Security Agencies confiscate computers, they will go through your computer. If they find Jihadist Material, or have evidence you went to known Jihadist Websites, then you're in trouble and come under the definition of "ISIL Inspired" To most plebs that would mean an ISIL Terrorist Attack. They don't know the difference because people are STUPID!

I go to Jihadists websites all the time. I actually find their methods VERY INTERESTING and quite intelligent and clever. I also get a lot of information from these sites. So far, the Authorities have not bashed my door down but I think they would know why I visit these sites anyway. I consider these websites a valuable resource of information and the authorities also know I am on their side. If I was an unknown Muslim person, then they would have a swat team go after me. Among their very many talents is MEDIA. Multi media. They have within their ranks some very intelligent and bright people and the Authorities know this too. They are exceptional to be able to sell what they sell.

The Authorities know people are STUPID!

Clear example: Man Monis was the Sydney Siege Gunman at the Lindt Cafe. He had big issues with Authority and they were continuously on his back. When he took the cafe and he was under siege, he unfoiled an ISIL Flag and placed it on the window. So now, he is ISIL inspired.

Only One Issue. He is a SHIA not a Salafist or even a Sunni.

So what does this all mean?

Well it means you are all STUPID and FUCKWITS for one. It also means you are all easily manipulated within the narrative the Authorities want to push at the time. The Authorities could just as easily say that "he was crazed and confused and was Hezbolla Inspired".

If they want to say ISIL Inspired, they can. If they want to say Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Al Shabat, or Jamaar Islamiyah inspired they can. If they want to say Hezbollah Inspired they can. They can say what they want, and that is POWERFUL.

So that will depend on what country they want to hit at the time.

If the Australians want to hit east Timor again, then they will categorize it as Jamar Islamiyah. If they want to take over Somalia, then they will blame it on Al Shabat. If they want to engage Hezbollah in Syria or Lebanon then they will say it is Hezbollah Inspired.

So there you have it numskulls! :D

There is another dimension to all this. If the CIA want to prove that Trump had an escort fetish where they would piss on each other and him (dirty bastard) then Trump is a fetishist (and a deviant) and they will even hand over this information to Pootin with love from CIA and eventually, you have a POTUS impeached. :D

The Authorities have whipped you all into a frenzy themselves, and that STUPID FUCKWIT Plebs is also a form of misinformation, Psychological Warfare and TERROR (if you look at the definition). The Authorities are amplifying the terror. Because it suits their purposes. They can get 98% of people to believe what they want them to believe.

It's great! It's national security after all! :D

So how dumb are you all? 8)
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:33 am

One more thing. There is no hope in hell the CIA will allow the POTUS to be engaging in deviant sexual acts with call girls. Imagine a call girl out there claiming the POTUS paid her to piss on him! :lol:

They won't even allow him to have any of his companies bankrupted because that makes him open to Russian bribery.

In fact, TRUMP IS open to Pootin money. money is all he is interested in and that is a Security Risk that the CIA will only be all to aware of.

Personally, I give Trump about 6 months! It will take about that long for the CIA to get its ducks in a row. :mrgreen:

Or they will let in that ISIL terrorist and let them wack him whilst the Secret Service are watching the Super Bowl. Two birds that way! :mrgreen:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:42 am

Where there is smoke there is fire people!

Which explains why trump is having a bitch fight with America's security Agencies. They have all the dirt.

They have all the dirt on everyone. it's their job.

When has a POTUS ever gone against their own security Agencies? Never. Only with trump. Ask yourselves why.

Trump won't survive. No one survives the Security Apparatus. they are the Guardians of the Office of the POTUS.

They will destroy TRUMP! :mrgreen:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:11 am

miltiades wrote:Paphitis on Trump after his election victory:

"TRUMP saying it like no one else "

Post by Paphitis » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:34 am

" Pure friggin genius. A breath of fresh air.

Always telling it the way it was suppose to be told, unlike all the rest who are taking the piss! 8)

I strongly advocate for everyone to look at his twitter account to see this great man in action.

This is his response to China about his phone chat with Taiwan's President!
At last, we get a President who is gonna be hitting between the eyes rather than be all diplomatic and walking on egg shells all the time. 8)

I'm really enjoying Trumpey."

Today January 16th on this thread :
" Trump has no clue what he is doing" :lol: :lol: :lol:

According to him, Paphitis that is, I'm .....all over the place :lol: :lol:

I enjoy the sentiment of anti-establishment provided ONLY if it makes a difference to the average American on the street and American jobs, American Business, and the American worker.

If it is mere populism as his opponents say, then everyone is going to be very disappointed.

I do not support him or take him seriously if he paid some call girls to piss on each other and piss on him. I mean seriously.

I do not support him if he proves to be a national security risk. If he is in some way complicit with the enemy or with Pootin, then he is GONE! And the only thing the American bashers will have is another conspiracy theory which will actually be VERY FUNNY! :mrgreen:

I also support the institution or Office of the POTUS. That is no matter who is in power. it could be Bush, Reagan, Obama or bill Clinton. I could even respect a guy for having a thing for Blow Jobs like Bill Clinton did, as I do. You can't beat a good Head job after all. :lol: But I would draw the line at golden Showers. That's just totally not normal and quite weird! :lol:

There is no way the establishment will let Trump bring America to its knees or see it compromised in any way.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:19 am

I take it you have now gone off Trump then :lol: :lol: No longer a question of " a breath of fresh air" more like a bit of a ....piss taker :lol: :lol:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:59 am

miltiades wrote:I take it you have now gone off Trump then :lol: :lol: No longer a question of " a breath of fresh air" more like a bit of a ....piss taker :lol: :lol:

no not yet. I give him the benefit of doubt.

However, the CIA compromising news is a very big concern for me. And if the CIA are concerned, I am concerned.

You can't have some kind of joker just waltz into the POTUS position and compromise everyone or put at risk National Security or the alliance. There will be a BIG price to pay!

If however, he partakes in Golden Showers, then that's just sick.
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