I'm sorry but your level of understanding is not quite there but you are not the only one. the vast majority of people will agree with your thinking that there is a difference between terrorism, freedom fighters, and Guerillas etc. fact is, there isn't. There is a narrative fed to the public.
But what they teach in Military Academies is far more realistic and actually strive to teach military personnel of all the dilemmas and complexities.
Terrorists target soft targets because that is pretty much their ONLY option. They can't engage the Coalition for instance in a war of attrition in the conventional sense. They lay mines, and improvised explosive devices, they can't engage in a real fire fight other than sporadic ambushes where their escape is assured because they would lose if they did. They also conduct suicide missions. Missions which often target civilians in market places. They also do it in Western Countries as a means of Psychological Warfare and as an attempt to break down our way of life and to bring attention to themselves. No different to a Russian Aircraft dropping cluster bombs on a hospital.
There is no moral high ground I am afraid. You can't tell me that the British had the moral high ground against EOKA or the IRA just because they killed civilians or attacked soft targets. The British killed many civilians in Cyprus too.
It's a very harsh thing, but the reality is, there is no difference between Al Qaeda, ISIL to the IRA and EOKA or the many hundreds of other militant groups world wide. The only difference being the justifications, and the motivations from organisation to organisation.
But that is not what the Government will feed you through the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph.
My Mum was in her back yard playing when 2 EOKA hitmen came through. The motioned for her to go inside to her Mum (my Grand mother). They were going next door where a GC lived and who worked as a Police officer for the British. He was killed point blank execution style and all the neighbors came out onto the street but along came this young female pushing a pram with a baby inside. The hitmen came out, put their weapons in the pram as the young lass walked off, and the 2 hitmen disappeared into the crowd before the British came. No one dared say a word because if EOKA found out, they would be next.
They did this to instill fear into people, and ensure 100% compliance with their movement and to send a message not just to the British but to all Greek Cypriots too. And it was effective! Very effective.
Was the above wrong? Many will say yes, but many would say no. Depends on which side of the fence.
There is NO higher ground, not even among countries, as they too will harp on about Terrorist Groups such as Al Qaeda, ISIL and a few others (and rightfully so) but at the same time willing to support General Pinochet in Chile or send money over to Sinn Fein (which was just a cover to allow for donations) to fund IRA. There are many terrorist groups even countries will fund and that isn't anything new or restricted only to Gulf States like Saudi Arabia.
Get it?