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Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:58 am

Whether you like it or not, terrorism is a legitimate form of combat for those who just don't have the military might or ability to engage their enemies on the battlefield.

Clandestine and Guerrila Warfare is nothing new. It has always existed even in European Countries under NAZI occupation (France and Greece etc) and it is effective as conventional armies are not able to combat them with traditional methods. Yes, civilians get targeted every time a Public or Government building is blown up or when a bridge is taken out, but that is no different to Coalition collateral damage or the criminal deliberate bombings of civilians by Russian and Regime aircraft in Aleppo.

Clandestine and Guerilla warfare is not something Radical Muslims invented. The IRA engaged in a campaign against the British. Even Cypriots engaged these tactics against the British (EOKA).

If you want to be completely honest, there is absolutely zilch difference despite what the media claims.

The only way these terrorists groups can be effectively contained and fought is through our very own Clandestine Intelligence Agencies and Security services.

Which is why trumpy is on very shaky ground going against the CIA, NSA and Homeland security. I predict an assassination ASAP!
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:22 am

Paphitis wrote:Whether you like it or not, terrorism is a legitimate form of combat for those who just don't have the military might or ability to engage their enemies on the battlefield.

Clandestine and Guerrila Warfare is nothing new. It has always existed even in European Countries under NAZI occupation (France and Greece etc) and it is effective as conventional armies are not able to combat them with traditional methods. Yes, civilians get targeted every time a Public or Government building is blown up or when a bridge is taken out, but that is no different to Coalition collateral damage or the criminal deliberate bombings of civilians by Russian and Regime aircraft in Aleppo.

Clandestine and Guerilla warfare is not something Radical Muslims invented. The IRA engaged in a campaign against the British. Even Cypriots engaged these tactics against the British (EOKA).

If you want to be completely honest, there is absolutely zilch difference despite what the media claims.

The only way these terrorists groups can be effectively contained and fought is through our very own Clandestine Intelligence Agencies and Security services.

Which is why trumpy is on very shaky ground going against the CIA, NSA and Homeland security. I predict an assassination ASAP!

Once again you are talking rubbish. Did EOKA or the IRA use suicide bombers in churches, public markets, funeral processions, or any other public place targeting civilians ? Perhaps EOKA and the IRA chopped heads off and stuck then on poles as the " audience" were screaming GOD IS GREAT !!!

Mate, try and get your logic working because you are utterly wrong in your " analysis ,
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:02 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Whether you like it or not, terrorism is a legitimate form of combat for those who just don't have the military might or ability to engage their enemies on the battlefield.

Clandestine and Guerrila Warfare is nothing new. It has always existed even in European Countries under NAZI occupation (France and Greece etc) and it is effective as conventional armies are not able to combat them with traditional methods. Yes, civilians get targeted every time a Public or Government building is blown up or when a bridge is taken out, but that is no different to Coalition collateral damage or the criminal deliberate bombings of civilians by Russian and Regime aircraft in Aleppo.

Clandestine and Guerilla warfare is not something Radical Muslims invented. The IRA engaged in a campaign against the British. Even Cypriots engaged these tactics against the British (EOKA).

If you want to be completely honest, there is absolutely zilch difference despite what the media claims.

The only way these terrorists groups can be effectively contained and fought is through our very own Clandestine Intelligence Agencies and Security services.

Which is why trumpy is on very shaky ground going against the CIA, NSA and Homeland security. I predict an assassination ASAP!

Once again you are talking rubbish. Did EOKA or the IRA use suicide bombers in churches, public markets, funeral processions, or any other public place targeting civilians ? Perhaps EOKA and the IRA chopped heads off and stuck then on poles as the " audience" were screaming GOD IS GREAT !!!

Mate, try and get your logic working because you are utterly wrong in your " analysis ,

So it's about engaging suicide bombers now?

It makes no difference whether you engage a suicide bomber or you get someone to plant an explosive device in the tube, or in Government House, or blow up a bridge.

It's exactly the same thing, the only difference being that the person conducting the operation will also die along with his intended targets.

Are you going to now imply to me that if these terrorists did not engage suicide bombers, that that now raises their humanity? Wow!

BTW, the Japanese were the first to engage suicide bombers. That is a civilization that is thousands of years old, and a race of people that is at the forefront of technology and innovation then as well as today! they were also quite barbaric and cruel to the enemy beyond comprehension. They made Hitler and NAZIs look like pansies!

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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:23 am

Cant be bothered to answer mate !
Chopping a mans head in public , audience present, is, according to you a ....legitimate act !!!
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:24 am

miltiades wrote:Cant be bothered to answer mate !
Chopping a mans head in public , audience present, is, according to you a ....legitimate act !!!

That's capital punishment under Sharia. it's basically the old testament in practice. And don't tell me that Western Countries have transcended it because there is capital Punishment in many American States. capital punishment is also practiced in many Asian countries, including Singapore, China, South Korea, and Japan.

And the difference between that and a firing squad in Indonesia is?

Or what about a public hanging in Iran by strangulation where you're just lynched into the air by a crane? No drop so at least you neck is broken. Oh I forgot as Hezbollah is now your new bum chum! Pootin's ally remember? Israel's enemy! You're all over the place.

Or lethal injection in the USA whilst all the relies of the victim watch poisons being pumped through a man or woman's body?

At least beheading by scimitar is probably instantaneous like the firing squad (provided they don't miss the heart).

Grow a brain!
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:31 am

It's one thing to be talking about Saudi Arabia but when you support Hezbollah and Iran, there is absolutely zero credibility if it is Human Rights that motivate you.

Iran, is just Saudi Arabia's eternal rival. But they are every bit as brutal.

At least the Coalition is brutally honest about human Rights not being the be all and end all. it's about Interests!

If we were to apply the same standards of Human Rights to all countries, then all of a sudden, we have animosities with over 100 countries but instead we consider them allies.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:34 am

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What's so great having to deflower so maaaany virgins?????
I am serious :!:

A difficult question to answer, not being a Muslim, but in our society a virgin over the age of consent is about as rare as hobby-horse sh*t anyway !! :roll:

Don't tell me you've researched that one! :shock: :lol: :wink:

Of course I did ..... I read The Daily Mail! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:35 am

you might as well because even the daily mail is better than all of your sources.

You are a low information reader. One that looks for sources which agree with your misguided world view.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:12 am

Whether you like it or not, terrorism is a legitimate form of combat for those who just don't have the military might or ability to engage their enemies on the battlefield.

You have absolutely no idea of the difference between ‘TERRORISM’ and that of ‘CLANDESTINE AND GUERRILLA WARFARE’.

Clandestine and Guerrila Warfare is nothing new. It has always existed even in European Countries under NAZI occupation (France and Greece etc) and it is effective as conventional armies are not able to combat them with traditional methods. Yes, civilians get targeted every time a Public or Government building is blown up or when a bridge is taken out, but that is no different to Coalition collateral damage or the criminal deliberate (really?) bombings of civilians by Russian and Regime aircraft in Aleppo.

Clandestine and Guerrilla warfare is not something Radical Muslims invented. The IRA engaged in a campaign against the British. Even Cypriots engaged these tactics against the British (EOKA).

If you want to be completely honest, there is absolutely zilch difference despite what the media claims.

In your opinion of course and seeing as how you don’t know the differences is not surprising you got it all wrong IMO.

You said “Clandestine and Guerrilla Warfare is nothing new.” Absolutely correct, it has been around in one form or another for thousands of years particularly guerrilla warfare ........ even Robin Hood and his band of merry men used it against the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.

But TERRORISM is completely different! Terrorism is acts carried out almost exclusively against civilians and in areas where there are often the most vulnerable, occasionally they will attack a military facility but that is NOT the norm. Guerrilla warfare is planned to inflict damage on enemy forces, personnel, infrastructure and communications. Clandestine warfare happens behind the scenes ..... like putting out false stories or cyber warfare .... it is more an attack on the system, rather than people. Terrorism is intended to kill civilians in as great a number as possible ..... to instill fear and terror into the population.

The only way these terrorists groups can be effectively contained and fought is through our very own Clandestine Intelligence Agencies and Security services.

They seem very good at collecting the intelligence but then fall down when it comes to using the intelligence they collect. So, I think you are wrong ......... the Intelligence Services will never stop it. Of all the ‘terrorist’ attacks that the FBI has prevented in the US since 9/11 ......almost all of them were set up by the FBI in the first place! The FBI groom these Jihadi's on-line .... set up a terrorist event ...... supply them with the means, do the planning ....... and then arrest them when they turn up for the show!

If you want the answer to the problem ..... check out SAS operations in Malaya after WWII and their philosophy and then update it to cover the Islamist extremists rather than Communist fanatics. It worked in Malaya in the 50’s ..... it could well work today.

Which is why trumpy is on very shaky ground going against the CIA, NSA and Homeland security. I predict an assassination ASAP!

You obviously don’t agree with the democratic process then. :roll: You support a clandestine Deep State that is unelected and is run for the benefit of the very few, as opposed to the State and the People?

If what you seem to hope will happen ‘ASAP’ , actually does happen ...... I predict a civil war in the US with the Police, National Guard and the Military turning against their current handlers, siding with the people and led by veterans. :? :!:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:51 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
Whether you like it or not, terrorism is a legitimate form of combat for those who just don't have the military might or ability to engage their enemies on the battlefield.

You have absolutely no idea of the difference between ‘TERRORISM’ and that of ‘CLANDESTINE AND GUERRILLA WARFARE’.

Clandestine and Guerrila Warfare is nothing new. It has always existed even in European Countries under NAZI occupation (France and Greece etc) and it is effective as conventional armies are not able to combat them with traditional methods. Yes, civilians get targeted every time a Public or Government building is blown up or when a bridge is taken out, but that is no different to Coalition collateral damage or the criminal deliberate (really?) bombings of civilians by Russian and Regime aircraft in Aleppo.

Clandestine and Guerrilla warfare is not something Radical Muslims invented. The IRA engaged in a campaign against the British. Even Cypriots engaged these tactics against the British (EOKA).

If you want to be completely honest, there is absolutely zilch difference despite what the media claims.

In your opinion of course and seeing as how you don’t know the differences is not surprising you got it all wrong IMO.

You said “Clandestine and Guerrilla Warfare is nothing new.” Absolutely correct, it has been around in one form or another for thousands of years particularly guerrilla warfare ........ even Robin Hood and his band of merry men used it against the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.

But TERRORISM is completely different! Terrorism is acts carried out almost exclusively against civilians and in areas where there are often the most vulnerable, occasionally they will attack a military facility but that is NOT the norm. Guerrilla warfare is planned to inflict damage on enemy forces, personnel, infrastructure and communications. Clandestine warfare happens behind the scenes ..... like putting out false stories or cyber warfare .... it is more an attack on the system, rather than people. Terrorism is intended to kill civilians in as great a number as possible ..... to instill fear and terror into the population.

The only way these terrorists groups can be effectively contained and fought is through our very own Clandestine Intelligence Agencies and Security services.

They seem very good at collecting the intelligence but then fall down when it comes to using the intelligence they collect. So, I think you are wrong ......... the Intelligence Services will never stop it. Of all the ‘terrorist’ attacks that the FBI has prevented in the US since 9/11 ......almost all of them were set up by the FBI in the first place! The FBI groom these Jihadi's on-line .... set up a terrorist event ...... supply them with the means, do the planning ....... and then arrest them when they turn up for the show!

If you want the answer to the problem ..... check out SAS operations in Malaya after WWII and their philosophy and then update it to cover the Islamist extremists rather than Communist fanatics. It worked in Malaya in the 50’s ..... it could well work today.

Which is why trumpy is on very shaky ground going against the CIA, NSA and Homeland security. I predict an assassination ASAP!

You obviously don’t agree with the democratic process then. :roll: You support a clandestine Deep State that is unelected and is run for the benefit of the very few, as opposed to the State and the People?

If what you seem to hope will happen ‘ASAP’ , actually does happen ...... I predict a civil war in the US with the Police, National Guard and the Military turning against their current handlers, siding with the people and led by veterans. :? :!:

Oh I do and there is very little to differentiate Guerrilla warfare from different forms of terrorism. We only call it terrorism because it sounds a lot more scary and it feeds a particular narrative. but one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. that is a fact, but you wouldn't know it would you if you read all the MSM media outlets as well as all the junk sites you read.

Clandestine are covert operations. In fact all these operations are covert but let's just differentiate Clandestine as being the various intelligence agencies around the world such as the CIA and Mossad. That is what they actually are.

IRA and EOKA were your typical Guerrilla outfits, as were the Greek and french resistance during WW2. In fact, EOKA for instance could easily be classified as a Clandestine Operation which actually began in Greece and for all we know could have been a covert Greek Operation to bring about ENOSIS. Grivas and Afxentiou were Hellenic Army Officers and sent to Cyprus to begin operations against the British Occupation. So they had a military and geopolitical scope as well. The British would call them terrorists. But not the Cypriots. All this stuff is nothing new of course. The IRA was bank rolled through American and Australian NGO's, Unions, political Movements and so forth. This could have been CIA and ASIO too. Don't tell me it isn't possible when millions were going to Sinn Feinn. but these were terrorists right? well obviosly, some American and Australian Irish elites didn't agree with the assertion and all that went to the higher levels of our Governments as well. Think Kennedy and Keating! do you honestly believe these clans considered the IRA as a terrorist organisation? I got news for you!

Just because these terrorists are actually Al Qaeda or ISIL or Jamaar Islamiyah, the fact is, they are fighting for a purpose and because they don't actually have F-18s or a USS Nimitz, they employ the only tactics available to them as ghastly as that may sound.

yes it's a bad world out there, and not everyone is going to be seeing things though the same lens as us.

In the case of an ISIL terrorist, they see their struggle as perfectly legitimate. they see the caliphate as their God given right and that non-believers are their enemy but it goes a lot more deeper than that if you want to be truthful about things. EOKA believed their struggle was legitimate too as did the IRA and the Greek and French resistance against NAZI occupiers which is nothing different to Britain's occupation of Cyprus if you are honest with yourself.
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