Whether you like it or not, terrorism is a legitimate form of combat for those who just don't have the military might or ability to engage their enemies on the battlefield.
You have absolutely no idea of the difference between ‘TERRORISM’ and that of ‘CLANDESTINE AND GUERRILLA WARFARE’.
Clandestine and Guerrila Warfare is nothing new. It has always existed even in European Countries under NAZI occupation (France and Greece etc) and it is effective as conventional armies are not able to combat them with traditional methods. Yes, civilians get targeted every time a Public or Government building is blown up or when a bridge is taken out, but that is no different to Coalition collateral damage or the criminal deliberate (really?) bombings of civilians by Russian and Regime aircraft in Aleppo.
Clandestine and Guerrilla warfare is not something Radical Muslims invented. The IRA engaged in a campaign against the British. Even Cypriots engaged these tactics against the British (EOKA).
If you want to be completely honest, there is absolutely zilch difference despite what the media claims.
In your opinion of course and seeing as how you don’t know the differences is not surprising you got it all wrong IMO.
You said “
Clandestine and Guerrilla Warfare is nothing new.” Absolutely correct, it has been around in one form or another for thousands of years particularly guerrilla warfare ........ even Robin Hood and his band of merry men used it against the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.
But TERRORISM is completely different! Terrorism is acts carried out almost exclusively against civilians and in areas where there are often the most vulnerable, occasionally they will attack a military facility but that is
NOT the norm. Guerrilla warfare is planned to inflict damage on enemy forces, personnel, infrastructure and communications. Clandestine warfare happens behind the scenes ..... like putting out false stories or cyber warfare .... it is more an attack on the system, rather than people.
Terrorism is intended to kill civilians in as great a number as possible ..... to instill fear and terror into the population.The only way these terrorists groups can be effectively contained and fought is through our very own Clandestine Intelligence Agencies and Security services.
They seem very good at collecting the intelligence but then fall down when it comes to using the intelligence they collect. So, I think you are wrong ......... the Intelligence Services will never stop it. Of all the ‘
terrorist’ attacks that the FBI has prevented in the US since 9/11 ......almost all of them were set up by the FBI in the first place! The FBI groom these Jihadi's on-line .... set up a terrorist event ...... supply them with the means, do the planning ....... and then arrest them when they turn up for the show!
If you want the answer to the problem ..... check out SAS operations in Malaya after WWII and their philosophy and then update it to cover the Islamist extremists rather than Communist fanatics. It worked in Malaya in the 50’s ..... it could well work today.
Which is why trumpy is on very shaky ground going against the CIA, NSA and Homeland security. I predict an assassination ASAP!
You obviously don’t agree with the democratic process then.

You support a clandestine Deep State that is unelected and is run for the benefit of the very few, as opposed to the State and the People?
If what you seem to hope will happen ‘ASAP’ , actually does happen ...... I predict a civil war in the US with the Police, National Guard and the Military turning against their current handlers, siding with the people and led by veterans.