miltiades wrote:" By 2008, 1,121 suicide bombers had carried out attacks in Iraq, killing on a massive scale. With the exception of Sri Lanka, where the Tamil Tigers used the tactic, suicide bombing has become an almost exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Whether religiously observant or driven by other motives, the bombers have been Muslims, regardless of their country of origin. Even Muslims raised and educated in non-Muslim countries (like Britain's 7/7 bombers) and exposed to cultures without overt jihadi propaganda have put on explosive belts and gone to their deaths in order to kill nonbelievers. Apart from their Islamic roots, these terrorists display a wide range of characteristics. Many have been young men, some of whom were mentally disabled, while others were very bright, some uneducated, others university graduates; a growing number are women, mostly young, some old, some virgins, others pregnant or mothers. Many have belonged to terrorist groups such as Hamas and have been indoctrinated in Islamist thought, anti-Semitism, or general hatred of the West. Others have been volunteers seeking to expiate sins or retrieve the honor of their families."
This thread should be titled
"The Old Plagiarist exposed once again"since he habitually presents the work of 'Journalists' in such a manner as would convince the reader that they are his own work/thoughts etc.
In THIS particular case, he has dragged out an article which (I believe) is a number of years old and is part of a very in depth and interesting article written by a chap quite well known to me, (Denis MacEoin) in which the whole subject of 'Suicide Bombings' and their origins is perused.
It is quite shameful that such behaviour is tolerated and the exposure of it is the duty of ANY member to report it to others who may be influenced by it, more so in the offender's case, since he is in the habit of viciously attacking the views of others (if they are at variance to his own) and is seemingly incapable of contributing any counter to an issue which displeases him, without resorting to filth, insult and abuse.
I personally have tolerated his vile insults for some time (out of deference to his age) BUT, such blatant 'Plagiarism' should NOT be allowed to escape the notice of our members, particularly since the 'Complete Article' (as written, presented and published some time ago) by 'Denis MacEoin' is worth reading and certainly does not bolster the opinions of "You Know Who".