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Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Lordo » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:31 am

miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:reh batcho yero what were you saying about christians not attacking mulins and killing them on mosques.

lookk at this cute looking christian boy. aint he cute can we keep him

A thoroughly disgusting act perpetrated by a sick bastard. No human can justify such a gruesome atrocity and unlike you stupid who is at the forefront of excusing any atrocity committed by islamists, I thoroughly condemn this horrid act carried out by a sick bastard.

You of all people come to the immediate " support" of the allah virus infected bastards who commit similar acts of violence against innocent people.
May the victims RIP.

your lack of education shines through like darkness lighting up a room.

muslin countires did not kill 36 million native americans
musling country did got ever use wmd
musling country did not bomb vietnam and kill million of vietnamese
it was not a muslin pope who sent 10,000 christians to kill muslims and wash their soul with christian blood to get to heaven in the crusades
muslins did not carpet bomb a country and kill 150,000 impoverished christians like the chrsitians did in afghanistan.
muslins did not get a christain country to attack another christian country and murder 1 million christians like america got iraq to attack iran
muslins did not decide the change a leader of a christian country and bomb it killing half a million christians like the west did in syria
the muslins do not have drones going around shooting at anything that moves in christian coountries using their little joystick and killing innocent christians

see muslins did non of that. this christian boy had no cause to attack muslins. using the excuse that muslins are killing christians in iraq and syria. look at the numbers involved. you blithering idiot.

now lets reverse it and say that muslin group of nations did all the above to christian nations in the last 20 years. would you still feel the same about anybody who kills muslins. i think not.

you murdering swines. stop the slaughter of all innocent civilians, stop wars in the muslin countires and i am sure the muslins who are enraged will not be going around killing innocent people.

the slaughter of innocent civilians continue.

but did not somebody here claim that christians do not kill muslins in a mosqe while praying. who was that fool again
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby kurupetos » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:10 pm

Here's the definition of muslin in the COED...

lightweight cotton cloth in a plain weave

Thanks kuz. Your post above makes perfect sense... :mrgreen:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:06 am

Lordo wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Lordo wrote:reh batcho yero what were you saying about christians not attacking mulins and killing them on mosques.

lookk at this cute looking christian boy. aint he cute can we keep him

A thoroughly disgusting act perpetrated by a sick bastard. No human can justify such a gruesome atrocity and unlike you stupid who is at the forefront of excusing any atrocity committed by islamists, I thoroughly condemn this horrid act carried out by a sick bastard.

You of all people come to the immediate " support" of the allah virus infected bastards who commit similar acts of violence against innocent people.
May the victims RIP.

your lack of education shines through like darkness lighting up a room.

muslin countires did not kill 36 million native americans
musling country did got ever use wmd
musling country did not bomb vietnam and kill million of vietnamese
it was not a muslin pope who sent 10,000 christians to kill muslims and wash their soul with christian blood to get to heaven in the crusades
muslins did not carpet bomb a country and kill 150,000 impoverished christians like the chrsitians did in afghanistan.
muslins did not get a christain country to attack another christian country and murder 1 million christians like america got iraq to attack iran
muslins did not decide the change a leader of a christian country and bomb it killing half a million christians like the west did in syria
the muslins do not have drones going around shooting at anything that moves in christian coountries using their little joystick and killing innocent christians

see muslins did non of that. this christian boy had no cause to attack muslins. using the excuse that muslins are killing christians in iraq and syria. look at the numbers involved. you blithering idiot.

now lets reverse it and say that muslin group of nations did all the above to christian nations in the last 20 years. would you still feel the same about anybody who kills muslins. i think not.

you murdering swines. stop the slaughter of all innocent civilians, stop wars in the muslin countires and i am sure the muslins who are enraged will not be going around killing innocent people.

the slaughter of innocent civilians continue.

but did not somebody here claim that christians do not kill muslins in a mosqe while praying. who was that fool again

I think my comments on above atrocity are perfectly clear in utter condemnation of this heinous act committed by a deranged individual, no reports have come to light that on doing so this murderer was screaming GOD ALMIGHTY.

The difference between this idiots ( LORDO) comments and my comments is that where I condemn unreservedly barbaric acts he , Lordo, justifies any atrocity be telling us that Christians committed far worst crimes against innocents. Not once this 86 year old moron uttered one word in condemnation of his brothers!!!
What an absolute moron.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:30 pm any case Canada mourns, today the prayers that put to rest three bodies, was seen across this country, and heard. man yesterday was arrested on a hate crime charge; BRAVO, he said on social media, that a white boy, soucheurs (from the word, "souche") i call them, this white boy had the balls to stand up against the "others". It was sad to see him charged, tears of regret, while he was being led away to spend the night in jail, he was not sure he would survive he said, "don't worry we will take care of you", said the Judge; he is lucky this is Canada. was not for "God" that this was done, clearly. And you Lordo, once again, a tool, like the tool that winds these guys up; i ask, what purpose?

...while we witness America seething, with what is un-American in themselves, where is the glee in that? "You" would be right if these, were not the facts.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Lordo » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:13 am

the yanks suck the life out of all the third world countries impose on them dictatorships and sell their arms to them while forcing them to produce things for the west rather then food for their population and the population is going hungry of course.

till this madnes is stopped and the parasitic activities are stopped, the fighting will continue and while the corporations are creaming it the innocents will die. it is a small price to pay for all the creaming they get is their mentality and on it goes and on and on.

many an empire got this point and beyond but they all have one thing in common, they all came to an nasty end. and so will this one. sooner or later.

what purpose you say. if you see wrong and you don't object to it then you support it. remaining silent is encouraging it.

if i said it once i said it a million times. all killings are wrong no matter who carries them out but you have to look at the root casues of the problem.

i seem to remember nelson madela going to prison for not condeming anc for their killings of the white folk in africa. anc was right then and the people who are rising against the devil today are too.

ignorance is bliss let the old man pour out his poison he will feel better and sleep well to after all he has no concience just pan selling.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:37 am

...the "Yanks" as you call them, are not the American people; quit the Ignorance.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:09 pm

Lordo wrote:the yanks suck the life out of all the third world countries impose on them dictatorships and sell their arms to them while forcing them to produce things for the west rather then food for their population and the population is going hungry of course.

till this madnes is stopped and the parasitic activities are stopped, the fighting will continue and while the corporations are creaming it the innocents will die. it is a small price to pay for all the creaming they get is their mentality and on it goes and on and on.

many an empire got this point and beyond but they all have one thing in common, they all came to an nasty end. and so will this one. sooner or later.

what purpose you say. if you see wrong and you don't object to it then you support it. remaining silent is encouraging it.

if i said it once i said it a million times. all killings are wrong no matter who carries them out but you have to look at the root casues of the problem.

i seem to remember nelson madela going to prison for not condeming anc for their killings of the white folk in africa. anc was right then and the people who are rising against the devil today are too.

ignorance is bliss let the old man pour out his poison he will feel better and sleep well to after all he has no concience just pan selling.

You for your part say you condemn all killings, then in two lines further on, you seem imply the ANC was right to have a campaign of killing, which you say Mandela failed to Condemn.

As it was Nelson Mandela was convicted of being involved in terrorist offences which included: recruiting persons for training in the preparation and use of explosives and in guerrilla warfare for the purpose of violent revolution and committing acts of sabotage, conspiring to commit the aforementioned acts and to aid foreign military units when they invaded the Republic, acting in these ways to further the objects of communism soliciting and receiving money for these purposes from sympathizers in Algeria, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Tunisia, and elsewhere.

During his trial he did not merely fail to condemn violence but openly advocated the use of violence.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Lordo » Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:27 pm

you are taking part of my sentence and consequebtly losing the relevance. people have the right to defend themselves in their own country. in the mean time american warplanes and drones are dropping bombs on them like confetti in a wedding. nelson mandela said it masny time he cannot vondem the viloence of the anc if the viloenc eof the whites do not stop. this vilence againstthe third world continues to this day.

look at the causes of why these people take up arms and then you will begin to see the light. honestly. try just once.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:36 pm

Lordo wrote:you are taking part of my sentence and consequebtly losing the relevance. people have the right to defend themselves in their own country. in the mean time american warplanes and drones are dropping bombs on them like confetti in a wedding. nelson mandela said it masny time he cannot vondem the viloence of the anc if the viloenc eof the whites do not stop. this vilence againstthe third world continues to this day.

look at the causes of why these people take up arms and then you will begin to see the light. honestly. try just once.

Will you please post in Turkish, we may understand the bullshit a bit more :lol: :lol:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby kurupetos » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:28 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...the "Yanks" as you call them, are not the American people; quit the Ignorance.

Indeed...they are just the victims of multiculturalism.
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