Paphitis wrote:What a load of nonsense! It is Pootin ignoring them. Our campaign is systematic, has degraded their capabilities substantially, and our offensive still continue and that includes in Mosul. That is 1 of 2 of their strongholds.
Coalition's campaign against ISIL is multi-faceted, and that includes following the money trails.
As Kerry says ...... you let them grow because their strength would achieve YOUR objective which is and has been from day one .... regime change in Syria.
We have destroyed hundreds of their convoys, not just 1 or 2 and then release propaganda. We are the convoy kings, and our A-10s wait for targets to leave the confines of built up areas, where they are identified as potential targets. Our drones are in the air 24/7 as well.
FYI: CNN was caught out using Russian satellite imagery of the attacks on convoys and then claimed it was a coalition strike, because they couldn't find any of US strikes. They apologised later!
The coalition destroyed NONE of the ISIS convoys until Russia arrived in Syria and showed the coalition what needed to be done to degrade ISIS capability. So your above statement is rubbish and has been proven to be so !
You still have not addressed the pootin criminal racket in Russia. How did Pootin become a billionaire as a KGB Agent? net Worth of at least $40 Billion.
Simply your opinion! All I ever see on the subject is speculation as to what he could/might/probably have in the way of wealth, never a photo or US satellite picture showing him on the deck of one of his numerous yachts or multiple Dacha's or leaving in one of his private jets.
The thing is, you expect the world to trust a known criminal?
He is a criminal in your eyes only ..... you have never provided any proof. I am sure like all powerful and rich people he has done nothing wrongbut he is no different to say Clinton, Soros, The Rothschild's etc. ...... you are the rich business man so you tell us, are you 100% honest? If you are then you are the only rich person in the world that is!
Please, a few days ago you asserted that Pootin was frugal with public money. OK that's fine. But what about his net Worth?
No body knows what his wealth is .... and it's immaterial! There are just 8 people on the Planet that hold as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the population ..... I didn't see Putin's name on the list, did you and according to you he is worth more than any of them? Makes your claims look rather pathetic.
You got a long way to go to prove that the US is in alliance with ISIL. Your propaganda has always been totally ridiculous and absurd. I yes, of course, we are in alliance with ISIL and yet at the same time liberating Mosul. Go figure.
Kerry said so .... Obama has said so ..... the UK/US supports them .... a matter of recorded fact! You cannot just ignore verified fact because it does not coincide with your narrow and dismissive views.
Every word of that post is your own propaganda! Not a single statement is linked to any source. What I posted contained a link to a detailed article which was backed by a further 34 links. The whole post is simply your own personal concept .... not even YOUR coalitions view. You lack the credibility to be taken seriously.

It appears that even words spoken by The US Secretary of State, John Kerry and recorded on video/audio, that confirms the explanation I provided for you, you just ignore , because it counters your fantasies. You will NEVER be even remotely informed, because you have no capacity for analysis.