You carry on living in your..... my what?
You mean The Real World?
just the other day, you claimed Pootin was frugal with Russian Public money. How?
I explained that to you .... aeroplanes, helicopters, special limo's ..... you obviously missed it?
And how did he become so rich?
Is he rich? That was just your assumption. I expect he is but nowhere near the figures you produced to prove his corruption!
You NEVER address anything put to you.
Quite the contrary! I address (
usually .... like now) everything you put to me and often in some detail ..... if you can't cope with the answers by providing some proof to disprove what I say, that is your short coming not mine!
But of course you also claim to have substantiated evidence that SEP11 was a Red Flag.
I have never made such a claim .......... but like a large majority of people (
and many in the US) I do believe we have never been told the full story. You of course just believe the '
official' story because you are not clever enough to work out that the story and what we know are at odds.
Sorry, but you are the last to be pointing any fingers.
At least I can give you a reasoned argument which is something you fail to do every time you post ..... you just spout rubbish!!
My views are how I see things after careful analysis of the rhetoric which idiots are only too eager to swallow, and from my own personal knowledge.
They are your views and just that! You have no knowledge, only opinion and certainly no capacity
AT ALL for analysis, it is you that swallows all the MSM/official rhetoric and show it time and time again. Any one who professes he would like to be, and live like an Arab, has absolutely no credibility!
Pootin isn't fighting insurgents in Syria and doesn't have the capability to be fighting ISIL. he is only suring up the regime and that is a long way from defeating the Rebels. There are 50+ militias in Syria still at large. Wonder why?
Er ..... 85% of the Syrian population is in now in areas controlled by the government. The Russians and Assad are slowly closing the net around areas like Idlib and will also sort out Raqqa unles they get YOU to do it for them and are working the 'cauldron' principal. They don't boast about how well they are progressing .... they just get on with the job. But again, how the hell would you know what is going on? Your info comes from the very sources that either spread the fake news or ignore facts that they don't like !
And ISIL is getting stronger. Wonder why?
Because you ignored them whilst claiming to do otherwise and let them become stronger. Then, your mates the Saudi's et al are supporting them with weapons to supplement the ones
YOUR terrorists have been and are still, giving them. Like Kerry said'
We thought we could control the situation!' .... which
THEY very obviously couldn't, so the US let Daesh get strong and now their proxies are dying by the thousand to regain control ....... without much success so far I would suggest.