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Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:55 am

miltiades wrote:
tsukoui wrote:Temperatures are expected to plummet to -10C (14F) in rural areas this week and last into the weekend. The weather is expected to turn cold and windy by Wednesday evening as a polar maritime airmass, with its origins over northern Canada, moves into northern Scotland and then south across the whole of the UK.

This will ....cause many more suicides :lol: :lol:

The virgins better wrap up.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:09 pm

Lordo wrote:thats bullshit and you firkine know it old fool

kabul was at peace with life till the bastard yanks decided to arm and train the taliban and the rest is history. may you and those who trained the taliban and alqaida go to hell where you belong you stupid old fool

Kabul was at anything but peace, as the whole of Afghanistan ended up in a state of Civil war after the Coup which deposed the Monarchy, and which involved Soviet led Coup (Soviet Troops in Afghan uniforms) deposing and killing the President, in 1979.

Following this and the rise of the Mujaheddin insurgency, which lead to the rise of the Taliban, weapons supplies were made available through numerous countries; the United States purchased all of Israel's captured Soviet weapons clandestinely, and then funneled the weapons to the Mujaheddin, while Egypt upgraded their own army's weapons, and sent the older weapons to the militants, Turkey sold their World War II stockpiles to the warlords, and the British and Swiss provided Blowpipe missiles and Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns respectively, after they were found to be poor models for their own forces. China provided the most relevant weapons, likely due to their own experience with guerrilla warfare, and kept meticulous record of all the shipment. so it was not just the Yanks.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:57 pm

The suicide bombers that I refer to as savages are considered by their peers as ....martyrs !!
The poor bastards are so intensely brainwashed that they consider their barbaric act as righteous and a ticket to paradise included a fuck a day !!
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Lordo » Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:19 pm

let me enlighten you asshole. i am talking about a kabul where girsl used to wear miniskirts and go to university and able to be like any western woman. i am talking about no savages of any kind till your crazy nank friends decided to fiance arm and train taliban and alqaida to supposedly remove the russian influnce from kabul. and you know have the savages in kabul. so learn your history before you make such an assholing fool of yourself.

now go to sleep so we can have some piis
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:11 pm

Lordo wrote:let me enlighten you asshole. i am talking about a kabul where girsl used to wear miniskirts and go to university and able to be like any western woman. i am talking about no savages of any kind till your crazy nank friends decided to fiance arm and train taliban and alqaida to supposedly remove the russian influnce from kabul. and you know have the savages in kabul. so learn your history before you make such an assholing fool of yourself.

now go to sleep so we can have some piis

Listen you blithering idiot. The Yanks did not brainwash these fucking savages that by blowing themselves up they become fucking martyrs. TYour religion brainwashed them. Try and grow even a minute brain even with one singular cell you moron.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:41 am

miltiades wrote:The suicide bombers that I refer to as savages are considered by their peers as ....martyrs !!
The poor bastards are so intensely brainwashed that they consider their barbaric act as righteous and a ticket to paradise included a fuck a day !!

Think it out logically! I don't condone any of this violence whether it is a Jihadi suicide bomber sacrificing himself for his cause to become a martyr or a coalition pilot putting himself in danger for his to be hailed as a hero! :(

Are 'WE' any different? We may not resort to car bombs or suicide bombers as we don't have to, we can use a massive arsenal of sophisticated weaponry to achieve exactly the same result ........ death and destruction. If the Islamists had access to the same array of weapons 'WE' have .... 'WE' would have been defeated decades ago. :o

Are 'WE' not brainwashed? Maybe a different ideology but we are taught to believe that our God will look after us and if we follow his word and follow the doctrine, when we die we will enter a divine kingdom full of Angels plucking harps. Virtually anyone can be brain washed. The Islamists just have it off to a fine art and have had centuries to perfect the method, mainly in countries where the people and provision of education is poor ........ so they teach them their vision for free. :roll:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:14 am

The fundamental issue surrounding suicide bombers is that they detonate themselves indiscriminately targeting whoever happens to be there be it women,children young and old. They carry out this disgustingly inhumane act in mosques, markets, restaurants, Train stations as in the case of the London attacks, or the French, Belgium, Germany or any other part of the globe.

These savages are NOT fighting for their cause, they are thoroughly brain washed believing that they are martyrs and will receive their just rewards in paradise.

They are sub human, they are savages, NOT freedom fighters. The earliest that this disgustingly obscene ideology is challenged and defeated the better for, not only the civilized world, but muslims the world over.
The driving force behind these disgusting acts is none other than a demonic interpretation of a false ideology.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Londonrake » Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:38 am

FWIW. Whatever POV you hold, the past two posts were reasonably expressed and worth reading. The previous coarse slanging matches weren't. Just sayin' :cry: :wink:
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby miltiades » Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:16 am

Londonrake wrote:FWIW. Whatever POV you hold, the past two posts were reasonably expressed and worth reading. The previous coarse slanging matches weren't. Just sayin' :cry: :wink:

I beleive in the sanctity of life. For an individual to take his /her own life and in the process cause the death of innocent bystanders is the lowest and most inhumane act, regardless how ones brain has suffered mental rape , such an act is despicable, an act that has its roots in a distorted religious ideology. We value life , we mourn the death of someone, we do not celebrate death, inevitable as it is still causes much pain to the bereaved.

Human life is precious and has to be respected and protected.
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Re: Another 144 Virgins about to be deflowered

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:48 am


I do not disagree with either of your last two posts. Anyone who deliberately targets civilians or civilian targets such as schools and hospitals ........ have no morals, are totally without feeling for human life and are of course committing war crimes. That I would suggest applies exclusively to the Islamic extremists under whatever flag they fly, and cannot be applied to any of the other fighters in this conflict. But the word ‘DELIBERATE’ is significant!

I have never subscribed to the oft quoted meme that the Russians and Assad deliberately target hospitals, schools or civilian targets, any more than coalition forces do ...... the Russians/Assad/US/coalition forces are from civilised backgrounds. From countries where such extreme ideology is not normal. ‘Our’ religious instruction manual is not the same as ‘their’s’.

Our military participation is often sanitised and at some time all sides will kill civilians, but they do not do it deliberately.
Most often, when the follow up stories start coming through, it is evident that these accusations are just plain inaccurate! Do civilians die in battle? Yes of course they do, that is one of the horrors of war ......... the innocent pay the price very often but they are not deliberate targets because if you apply common sense to the situation it just plain does not make sense. With the exception of the views the head choppers hold .... who, incidentally the coalition have been supporting in Syria, ........ what is there to gain for any of these combatants to deliberately kill those they have a responsibility to protect? It is an illogical concept.

This current fad of ‘false news’ has been around for a long, long time and has had the same effect on our brains as the Jihadi’s achieve with their followers. I tend to read both sides of stories often some days (even weeks or months) after the event. When you then assemble the facts that come out from various sources, it inevitably paints a very different picture to that given in the MSM initial reporting of the story. This is very rarely followed up in the MSM, as it is ‘old news’ and not worth the column inches, so ‘WE’ tend to be just a brainwashed as the Jihadi’s and see our ideological enemy as those that control what we see and read, would prefer we believed without questioning.

When terrorists attacked a Russian field hospital treating people fleeing Eastern Aleppo, and killed Russian medical staff, we heard very little about it in our MSM. It seemed it was of no great significance. But, when Terrorist sources fed the media with stories of the Russian air force deliberately destroying ‘... the last hospital in Aleppo.’ (20 times Al-Quds hospital has been destroyed since the beginning of 2016) it is all over the front pages and many people fall for it without ever questioning the facts because it falls in-line with the perception ‘WE’ have of events.

About 48 hours later the Russian MoD issued drone pictures taken of Al-Quds a day before this raid and the day after the raid .... the hospital had not been hit at all ...... but a couple of buildings close by had been. They were weapons stores and a command centre placed by the terrorists very close to the hospital for protection. Once again, the terrorists have no regard for the lives of the civilians they put in danger. So the picture changes but ‘WE’ do not read about that version of events. The initial version is what lodges as being the event.

I am afraid that 'WE' have disturbed a hornet’s nest and it is not going to be easy to eradicate them. Even someone like any of us with a beef against society, could steal a truck and kill dozens of people ....... how on earth do you stop that happening? ‘WE’ seem to be concentrating our efforts on the wrong enemy! Apparently when Trump was discussing the ME in some meeting he asked “Why can’t we just nuke them?” I’ve often asked myself the same question ..... but being civilised I couldn’t ‘nuke ‘em’ simply because I have morals and too many innocent people would die. :x
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