Hehe. Nice read. Thanks. Now let me tell you something.
First of all, what do you mean - "Russian Mafia"? And what do you mean by saying that "russian mafia is powerful in Cyprus"?
As for Russian Mafia in general...
Someone stated that stereotypes are stil alive. And yes, they are alive and will be alive as far as there is such a country -RUSSIAN FEDERATION- on the map. See, there is only one known situation, all over the world, where criminals achieved to legalzie theirselfs as a legal country government. Something that happened in Russia. Many people just dont get it, they believe that Russia is just another poor country. Well this is not right. As a russian myself (lived in cyprus for 9 years now) I may tell you one thing: Dont be such a naive persons. Russian mafia exist and it is a Russian Federal Government. Forget about "Al Capone" and westerns style mafia, the game is played on the other levels.
You guys seem to talk about some lower level gangsta style mafia, known as "TORPEDO'S" in Russia. Guns, stabbing, killing, robbing, abusing, and this kinda stuff is not Mafia. It is just crminal activity. Which thanks God is not so active dont here in Cyprus. But as for more advanced criminal activities - Cyprus is Number one in some Russian Statistics
Cypriot Russian Mafia -Going further...
Before saying anything I would like to make one small intro, like a backround to what I will lead to eventually. After Soviet Union collapsed, there was many opportunities for some people (who had one place in Communist Party or were some kind of managing directors of any shop, factory, cafe and so on) to steal a really big piece of what we used to define a Common Property. As you might know almost all of them achieved it and exported from Russia many billions of $$$.
The Russian "Arhi Ilektrismou" - the government energy providing organization - RAOEES (Rossijskie Energosistemy), which may be translated as "Russian Energy Systems" is a giant holding which belongs (mainly) to the government and the rest percentage of the sharings belong to the individuals or companie (which is more common). Sooo.. one branch of it - "Astrahan Energo", in charge for enrgy in the region of Astrahan when was asked for the statement of the shareholders, the 20% of the sharings belonged to companies which were registered at the Cyprus offshore zone. Now you tell me whats up... This is just one example.
Now as for influence of the Russian Mafia on the island... Well if considering that Russian Mafia may be defined as Federal Government, then the influence is DAMN huge
Dont forget about the Offshore Zone I've mentioned before. Many many investments were made by Russians down here, denying it would be more than stupid. Plus dont forget that most of them were a regular procedure or "money washing" since there were no way someone could make money back in USSR. Wake up.
Clubs, Prostitutes and Rolls Royces...
Now this is the most funny part.. Russians dont own any clubs. They never did. Maybe back to 95 there used to be some but now - none. Russian prostitutes? Very very funny

When did you last time went to any cabaret? Ask any chick down there where is she from? Most probably it will be: Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Bulgaria or Romania. The point is that, when chicks from former USSR started arriving to Cyprus as a prostitutes when being asked where were they from they used to answer Russia since not many cypriots (who visit such a clubs) know what is Belarus or Moldova, lol

:D And finally Rolls Royce. I know one guy, hes 18 or something like that and he is cruising around in a brand new Phantom (in Limassol). Offcourse its his dad's, but think about it... buying such a car in Cyprus, what would that mean?
Best regards