The failure of the big idea...
Dear Comrades,
Why did the Soviet Union collapse? In fact there was a coup by the elite. The Russian people committed revolutionary suicide. Why?
At the time the United States was on the brink of financial collapse. It could of gone either way.
The main difference between the internal politics of the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.? Racism.
Russians are not "White", they are Slav.
They had nothing to do with the creation of "racism".
They may have prejudices. Prejudices are normal. But they did not divide the world into "White omnicients" and "Black labourers".
They did not force whole ethnicities in all their diversity together to create a rootless "Black race". By this logic, African's are not "Black" by the way.
Did the U.S.S.R. suffer from lack of diversity? Or did the "Blacks" of the U.S. abandon leftist politics in favour of the American Dream?
Mainstream hip hop is as right wing as anything the Republican party has ever produced, and it has reaped benefits for the hip hop oligarchs, whilst the masses live in poverty.
As Malcolm said "by any means necessary".
Was "State Capitalism", note not "Monopoly Capitalism", necessary?
Why was the cybernetic revolution abandoned in the 70s?
Who were the bureaucrats?
Why doesn't America grant "Blacks" their own state?
All these questions must be answered if we are to progress.
Thank you.