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Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:55 am

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:I agree. It's reminiscent of the time when a diversity of nutters committed murder around the globe supposedly in the name of Irish nationalism. Although PIRA would claim credit I had no doubt personally they hadn't a bloody clue who those people were.

A maniac slashes the throat of a random passer by on the London tube, apparently in revenge for the Syria bombing vote and IS claim he was a soldier on a mission. Then we learn he has suffered from schizophrenia and manic outbursts for years. His own family trying to get him sectioned.

At most I suspect that perhaps some people have been sent into Europe as refugees with a vague suggestion that they create havoc. The idea that it's all being intricately masterminded is a fantasy. Well, IMHO. The random nutter with a lorry is almost impossible to counter of course. :(

Just to re-assure people how powers work in mysterious ways I would like to point out a few things about this Irish nationalism.

When these Irish nationalists were attacking the tube, Americans in the GOP and Australians in the labor and Liberal parties were raising funds at their political events in order to send over to Sinn Feinn. In Australia's case, even the Australian Trade Union movement collected fees from its membership and workers, and it sent a certain portion to the Labor party and another portion to Sinn Feinn to fund its operations against the UK. that means that even non-irish people were funding Sinn Feinn without even knowing it, even our parents. Aren't we Aussies funny people? :lol:

The current Australian PM was a very big supporter of Gerry Adams. Who would have thought that a country that has the Queen as its monarch would be funding good old Gerry.

So "God save the Queen"! With friends like that, who needs enemies! :lol: :lol:

It's nothing personal of course. They would be the first to say it. It's just Irish nationalism, and the Americans and Australians are Irish and Nationalistic about Ireland. now do you see that the current PM also spearheaded the Australian Republican Movement. Must be the Irish in him.

Do you honestly think these guys gave a shit that what they were doing was funding the IRA indirectly? I don't think so. :lol:

Oh well!

Anymore heads gone pop yet? :lol:

LR ..... he's all yours! :wink:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:39 pm

I thought the following was a brillaint article about this massacre by one of the small number of secularist journalists yet to be incarcerated by the jihadists who have taken over the Turkish state:

Massacred at Reina: the secular identity
By Tayfun Atay

Gezi was an outcry.
An outcry raised in heart-wrenching turmoil by tens of millions of people who were concerned over the loss of their life styles, targeting the rulers they held responsible for this.
An outcry raised against boorish, brutal rulers who had turned the country into a pseudo-religious pantomime and were the enemy of all who differed from them.
As to Reina, this was a massacre.
The massacre of the outcry in Gezi in which millions begged to be heard and understood, but which in return was vilified as being a plot, provocation and coup incitement.

At the outset of the Gezi events, psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Erol Göka, known for his closeness to conservative circles, described Gezi as the ‘secular identity’s outcry’ in an incisive comment he made in a newspaper interview.
It was so true.
But, the voices of ‘reason’ that made themselves audible in the first days of the Gezi events, even those emanating from the conservative community, were rendered inaudible by the rulers who branded wholesale all of those who came out onto the streets as criminals, cursed them as ‘looters’ and deemed them to be connected with and ‘adjunct’ to terrorism.
In particular, since the 15 July coup attempt, it has been impossible to refer to Gezi using any word of a sociological nature, let alone describe it as a rebellion, outcry or scream. That would be to deem it the initial ‘rehearsal’ on the road leading to 15 July.
However, Göka was right. Gezi was an outcry. And, because that outcry went unheeded and was supressed and crushed, today we find ourselves confronted with Reina!


While most reluctantly penning this article, at the same time I hear the screen warriors continuing to have a field day over Reina with yet more rhetoric about the ‘Syria factor’, ‘games by internal-external forces’, ‘an imperialist plot’, etc. It makes me want to throw the pen in my hand at the screen.
That harks back to what they said at the time of Gezi, because domestically everything was hunky-dory without a cloud on the horizon! It was just a ruse by those who wanted to disturb our peace and who did not want the country to develop, grown and become stronger and who could not abide the ‘New Turkey’.
They now harp on about the same or similar themes, and then wish God’s grace on the dead and a speedy recovery to the injured.
It is as if they had not stigmatised New Year, branding it ‘Christmas’, and had not launched a witch-hunt against those who wished to enter a new year in joy, happiness and festivity!
They had not proclaimed New Year, forever calling it ‘Christmas’, to be a sin, forbidden by religion, vile, damned and, yes, in the most official of pronouncements, ‘illegitimate’.
They had not displayed posters showing Santa Claus being punched and with a gun held to his head!
Whatever next? What is left for jihadist-salafist terrorism to accomplish in such a fertile environment? Apart from saying, ‘Thanks be to the Lord’!

Let us turn to the Religious Affairs Department.
Its head, Mehmet Görmez, said in his statement that was put out as a news report following the massacre:
‘It makes no difference whether this was done at a market or place of worship, or at a place of entertainment. This is an act of brutality and horror, a murder and a massacre.’
I congratulate you, your excellency!
But, I advise you with a heavy heart to turn and examine your department’s sermon one or two days earlier!
What did that say?
‘Let us not forget that it does not at all befit a believer to display illegitimate attitudes and behaviour that do not correspond to our values and make no contribution to human life at the end of one year of the time allotted to them.’
Your excellency, if only you had cared to set out just what does and does not befit a ‘believer’ vis-à-vis those who have adopted by way of their own life preferences the attitudes and behaviour that you so readily and rashly declare to be ‘illegitimate.’
Then perhaps so much would not have been left open! ... ntity.html
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:48 pm

...thank-you Tim, my point exactly; it is a comfort to see that in reason i am not alone.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:19 am

Don't worry. The Islamists now running the Turkish state are not sitting idle. They are swooping down and making mass arrests. Of their fellow jihadists who massacred those from the secular community engaging in the perfectly lawful activity of welcoming in the New Year in a night club? No. Of those hate-filled Islamists whose campaign in the run up to the New Year against the so-called infidel practice of welcoming in the New Year verged on incitement to commit such atrocities? No. Of those hate-filled Islamists who have made social media posts revelling in the carnage at the Reina night club? No. So, who are they arresting? People in a country whose constitution declares it to be a secular state who dare to open their mouths and argue that the best way of preventing such outrages would be the proper implementation of secularism! ... rists.html
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:40 am

In a city like Istanbul, so Cosmopolitan, the center of a Caliphate to be, what are the numbers, what were the numbers? any case, even being Muslim is not enough, (the "others" are incidental now), those who have a dream of Islamic greatness feed on their own, no less; Istanbul, Turkey, the World, is not "pure" enough.

Whatever is religion in Turkey, is political, and this is the result of their politics, those who consider themselves "Turkish" enough.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:53 am

For Erdoğan and the AKP, religion is just a tool for securing their hegemony. All these noxious populist movements that are rearing their heads everywhere latch on to whatever vague, visceral fears and emotions they calculate will give them control over the uneducated masses where they operate.
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