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Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:00 pm

Londonrake wrote:Many reports of ISIL claiming responsibility for the Istanbul attack: ... 08171.html

Thank you for sticking to the context of the OP and the thread. :roll: :wink:

I think it would be very logical to presuppose that ALL crimes like this from now on, will now be claimed by IS. They are a bit of a mystery as, unlike Al-Qaida there is no named leader of the organisation that we the observers can relate to. They need to keep their name in the spotlight ..... for the fear factor.

Going back to the OP; my own feelings are that it was not IS, they had nothing to do with it. Reason ....... think like your enemy! If you were going to all the trouble to enact such an attack, whilst 12 dead is 12 too many, thinking like a terrorist ...... would you not go for inflicting maximum casualties and an even higher number of deaths? :evil:

I think, and it's only my opinion, that IS would have packed the truck with explosives and would have been aware that the truck had an auto braking system. If they had done so the carnage would have been horrific.

I think he was just another deranged no brain Jihadist driven by a hate for the very people that gave him asylum in the first place, because he could not attain their quality of life and was never regarded (for good reason) as being one of them. His religious hang-ups and his general failure in life led him to take it out on others in revenge for his own failures!

Whatever, he deserved what he got .... he shot a policemen .... a policeman shot him and killed him. Justice was served, it's just a pity they could only kill him once! :roll:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Londonrake » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:32 pm

I agree. It's reminiscent of the time when a diversity of nutters committed murder around the globe supposedly in the name of Irish nationalism. Although PIRA would claim credit I had no doubt personally they hadn't a bloody clue who those people were.

A maniac slashes the throat of a random passer by on the London tube, apparently in revenge for the Syria bombing vote and IS claim he was a soldier on a mission. Then we learn he has suffered from schizophrenia and manic outbursts for years. His own family trying to get him sectioned.

At most I suspect that perhaps some people have been sent into Europe as refugees with a vague suggestion that they create havoc. The idea that it's all being intricately masterminded is a fantasy. Well, IMHO. The random nutter with a lorry is almost impossible to counter of course. :(
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:46 pm

Londonrake wrote:I agree. It's reminiscent of the time when a diversity of nutters committed murder around the globe supposedly in the name of Irish nationalism. Although PIRA would claim credit I had no doubt personally they hadn't a bloody clue who those people were.

A maniac slashes the throat of a random passer by in a London tube, apparently in revenge for the Syria bombing vote and IS claim he was a soldier on a mission. Then we learn he has suffered from schizophrenia and manic outbursts for years. His own family trying to get him sectioned.

At most I suspect that perhaps some people have been sent into Europe as refugees with a vague suggestion that they create havoc. The idea that it's all being intricately masterminded is a fantasy. Well, IMHO. The random nutter with a lorry is almost impossible to counter of course. :(

I agree with you! I cannot for the life of me see how 'they' can stop this becoming a regular event? In Germany, in spite of all the intelligence they collect, and I have to assume the same applies all over Europe and the US/Canada/Australia, they do not seem to be able to use it to effectively remove the danger ..... only to tell us who did it a short time after the event. :x
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby tsukoui » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:55 pm

How I remain sane. Everything has a reason. I see the "signs" that should point me to submission and I submit, but my ego says, that means you're important, so I tell my ego I am God, terror grips my ego, and I have a waking dream, they call it schizophrenia, but I know better, it is the dynamics of the universe, vibrating according to my alignment :arrow:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:08 pm

tsukoui wrote:How I remain sane. Everything has a reason. I see the "signs" that should point me to submission and I submit, but my ego says, that means you're important, so I tell my ego I am God, terror grips my ego, and I have a waking dream, they call it schizophrenia, but I know better, it is the dynamics of the universe, vibrating according to my alignment :arrow:

I’d say you’re overdue for realignment… :?
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:29 am

...youths, angry youths come to mind; whether so called "ISIS" claims responsibility for the act or not, this is not new in Turkey: Santa Claus has been the center of attention, in Istanbul, for quite some time now. ... sCatID=341 ... sCatID=341 ... 669a5aeb83 ... 1848737240
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:46 am

tsukoui wrote:When owing to my desperation not to be a Shaolin monk my whole life, I begged Sheikh Nazim for a Jewish girlfriend, telling him if I didn't get one it was over, he kicked the bucket. Having Christ within me, I promised his son that he would walk again and I would meet him personally in a liberated Cyprus. In fact the threat of nuclear annihilation was my neighbour Joe's idea, a great Labour councillor for Haringey aligned with Momentum :arrow:

As a mathematician I know fully well how to deal with "signs", as my Muslim brother's call them, I tend to watch my words and put everything in order, then I must submit to the dream state and face my paranoia, it was the English women who first tormented me with threats of cannibalism, yet still I love them, it was the Afro-Cuban ladies who first tormented me with threats of nuclear annihilation, yet still I love them, it was the Sufi brotherhood that first called me to help, yet still I attacked, it was my teacher who taught me to collect cacti as a kid, yet still he chose to die, I lost my ability to play dreams in my head many years ago, I am only marginally aware :roll:

My brother works for the largest trade union in the country, his ex-wife is Brazilian, his son named after Maduro. My father turned down running the South African Supercomputer centre because they refused to agree to his terms of releasing Mandela, he turned down running the Cypriot one because he didn't think they were serious and he was tired, I am not a maths prodigy, just a child who had to take on too much :cry:

We are not a spiritual family, we are atheists, have mercy on us! That's why I wrote to Russia 8)

You would be better off being an Atheist if you want to write to Pootin.

he is an Atheist brother. He only goes to Church for the votes.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:51 am

Londonrake wrote:I agree. It's reminiscent of the time when a diversity of nutters committed murder around the globe supposedly in the name of Irish nationalism. Although PIRA would claim credit I had no doubt personally they hadn't a bloody clue who those people were.

A maniac slashes the throat of a random passer by on the London tube, apparently in revenge for the Syria bombing vote and IS claim he was a soldier on a mission. Then we learn he has suffered from schizophrenia and manic outbursts for years. His own family trying to get him sectioned.

At most I suspect that perhaps some people have been sent into Europe as refugees with a vague suggestion that they create havoc. The idea that it's all being intricately masterminded is a fantasy. Well, IMHO. The random nutter with a lorry is almost impossible to counter of course. :(

These are IS inspired attacks. There is a big difference and yes IS would claim responsibility.

IS has called upon all its followers to wage Jihad and attack the "enemy" by striking at their throat. There networks and propaganda are quite active and elaborate on Social media and the Internet. Which is why our security Agencies are highly successful to a degree. I would say, an IP Address is the first point of contact to radicalized persons in the West.

The authorities are also able to obtain the inspiration of the attack when they confiscate valuable things like computers and so forth.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:52 am

Get Real! wrote:
tsukoui wrote:How I remain sane. Everything has a reason. I see the "signs" that should point me to submission and I submit, but my ego says, that means you're important, so I tell my ego I am God, terror grips my ego, and I have a waking dream, they call it schizophrenia, but I know better, it is the dynamics of the universe, vibrating according to my alignment :arrow:

I’d say you’re overdue for realignment… :?

I've just given you yours and so go forth and re-align my padawan! :lol:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:03 am

Londonrake wrote:I agree. It's reminiscent of the time when a diversity of nutters committed murder around the globe supposedly in the name of Irish nationalism. Although PIRA would claim credit I had no doubt personally they hadn't a bloody clue who those people were.

A maniac slashes the throat of a random passer by on the London tube, apparently in revenge for the Syria bombing vote and IS claim he was a soldier on a mission. Then we learn he has suffered from schizophrenia and manic outbursts for years. His own family trying to get him sectioned.

At most I suspect that perhaps some people have been sent into Europe as refugees with a vague suggestion that they create havoc. The idea that it's all being intricately masterminded is a fantasy. Well, IMHO. The random nutter with a lorry is almost impossible to counter of course. :(

Just to re-assure people how powers work in mysterious ways I would like to point out a few things about this Irish nationalism.

When these Irish nationalists were attacking the tube, Americans in the GOP and Australians in the labor and Liberal parties were raising funds at their political events in order to send over to Sinn Feinn. In Australia's case, even the Australian Trade Union movement collected fees from its membership and workers, and it sent a certain portion to the Labor party and another portion to Sinn Feinn to fund its operations against the UK. that means that even non-irish people were funding Sinn Feinn without even knowing it, even our parents. Aren't we Aussies funny people? :lol:

The current Australian PM was a very big supporter of Gerry Adams. Who would have thought that a country that has the Queen as its monarch would be funding good old Gerry.

So "God save the Queen"! With friends like that, who needs enemies! :lol: :lol:

It's nothing personal of course. They would be the first to say it. It's just Irish nationalism, and the Americans and Australians are Irish and Nationalistic about Ireland. now do you see that the current PM also spearheaded the Australian Republican Movement. Must be the Irish in him.

Do you honestly think these guys gave a shit that what they were doing was funding the IRA indirectly? I don't think so. :lol:

Oh well!

Anymore heads gone pop yet? :lol:
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