Oh ok! You are the one talking about hegemony and then revel over assad's hegemony in Syria + war crimes.
You don't even understand what 'hegemony' is! What countries does Syria/Assad have bases in or have any internal influence on its politics? What other country does Syria exert its power over?

You are dancing on the graves of thousands of innocent civilians as if you think that is a major "up Yours" to the USA.
I am afraid as far as I am concerned it is YOU as the US coalition that is responsible for most of these deaths. Had Russia been listened to in 2012, countless lives would have been saved ..... but NO ... YOU lot decided that 'Assad must go!', irrespective of the opinions of the Syrian people. That factor and only that factor, was the drive behind the string of war crimes YOU then committed in Syria.
So don't give me all this BS that YOU had any regard at all for the Syrian people .... as usual what the US wanted was paramount and they got a bunch of proxies like Australia to do their dirty work for them, like they did with UK and France in Libya and previous to that Gulf War 2, again using the UK, without even a UNSC mandate for their action! Of course YOU don't need that as ..... YOU are the Exceptional Nation and the UK has your protection against any charges of War Crimes ...... and Bush/Blair I am sure were very grateful. In the end the reason for it all turned out to be lies, propaganda and a load of old bo**ocks!
International Laws and conventions do not apply to the US and its allies, they ONLY apply to everyone else. That is what a hegemon is!!!!!!
The US and its proxies then set their sights on Syria breached International Law by providing declared terrorists with weapons to overthrow an elected government and President. YOU attacked Syria .... illegally, many times, every attack being a war crime.
That's OK Robin Hood, but we will find out for sure and it isn't as if you haven't made a few disgusting posts about Cyprus and its authorities in particular over the Financial crisis.
I suggest you lay off anything to do with economics or 'money' .... your knowledge of the subject is extremely poor, you do not even understand the basics.
BTW: I have asked admin to release the information on IP addresses as you have requested, as proof that your crazy idea that one IP address is being used for dual forum members identities is wrong. We will then see whether you actually have the balls to apologise when you are shown to be so wrong.