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Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:39 pm

Oh ok! You are the one talking about hegemony and then revel over assad's hegemony in Syria + war crimes.

You don't even understand what 'hegemony' is! What countries does Syria/Assad have bases in or have any internal influence on its politics? What other country does Syria exert its power over? :?:

You are dancing on the graves of thousands of innocent civilians as if you think that is a major "up Yours" to the USA.

I am afraid as far as I am concerned it is YOU as the US coalition that is responsible for most of these deaths. Had Russia been listened to in 2012, countless lives would have been saved ..... but NO ... YOU lot decided that 'Assad must go!', irrespective of the opinions of the Syrian people. That factor and only that factor, was the drive behind the string of war crimes YOU then committed in Syria.

So don't give me all this BS that YOU had any regard at all for the Syrian people .... as usual what the US wanted was paramount and they got a bunch of proxies like Australia to do their dirty work for them, like they did with UK and France in Libya and previous to that Gulf War 2, again using the UK, without even a UNSC mandate for their action! Of course YOU don't need that as ..... YOU are the Exceptional Nation and the UK has your protection against any charges of War Crimes ...... and Bush/Blair I am sure were very grateful. In the end the reason for it all turned out to be lies, propaganda and a load of old bo**ocks!

International Laws and conventions do not apply to the US and its allies, they ONLY apply to everyone else. That is what a hegemon is!!!!!!

The US and its proxies then set their sights on Syria breached International Law by providing declared terrorists with weapons to overthrow an elected government and President. YOU attacked Syria .... illegally, many times, every attack being a war crime.

That's OK Robin Hood, but we will find out for sure and it isn't as if you haven't made a few disgusting posts about Cyprus and its authorities in particular over the Financial crisis. :evil:

I suggest you lay off anything to do with economics or 'money' .... your knowledge of the subject is extremely poor, you do not even understand the basics.

BTW: I have asked admin to release the information on IP addresses as you have requested, as proof that your crazy idea that one IP address is being used for dual forum members identities is wrong. We will then see whether you actually have the balls to apologise when you are shown to be so wrong.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:43 pm


Didn't read and won't respond to the troll.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:Image

Didn't read and won't respond to the troll.

Do I appear to give a sh*t ? :roll: What you really mean is that you can provide no counter argument because what is written is a brief but accurate reflection of reality? :roll:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Cp279 » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:01 pm

His Master's Voice Grand Koala said:

Has Russia ever looked after Cypriot interests? Well the answer is NO. In fact it is responsible for the invasion in 1974 as that is exactly what the USSR wanted to occur so that 2 NATO countries can go to war.

very inconvenient but true

Now use your brains


Russia, then USSR was on the enemy camp to Nato. So why the f..k they would care if two enemy members from the southern flank of nato would have a go at each other. On the contrary, she was delighted and for a legitimate reason.

Forget about archenemy Russia, why the mighty uncle Sam did not intervene to stop two NATO members from doing so? Any such confrontation would have undermined the warring capabilities of NATO.

All NATO headmaster was supposed to ,was to release a strong fart for both parties to smell and off would go two boys back home.

You are sure the last summer wave of fires all over the land of Oz did not melt down your own brain ? :lol:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:12 pm

Cp279 wrote:His Master's Voice Grand Koala said:

Has Russia ever looked after Cypriot interests? Well the answer is NO. In fact it is responsible for the invasion in 1974 as that is exactly what the USSR wanted to occur so that 2 NATO countries can go to war.

very inconvenient but true

Now use your brains


Russia, then USSR was on the enemy camp to Nato. So why the f..k they would care if two enemy members from the southern flank of nato would have a go at each other. On the contrary, she was delighted and for a legitimate reason.

Forget about archenemy Russia, why the mighty uncle Sam did not intervene to stop two NATO members from doing so? Any such confrontation would have undermined the warring capabilities of NATO.

All NATO headmaster was supposed to ,was to release a strong fart for both parties to smell and off would go two boys back home.

You are sure the last summer wave of fires all over the land of Oz did not melt down your own brain ? :lol:

There you go folks. This is the smartest post I have seen on this forum ever!

Russia was delighted to see Turkey invade Cyprus. You read it and heard it right here on this forum.

I must thank you for this wisdom which seems lacking on this forum.

Of course, it's not news to me. I know Russia wanted a war between Greece and Turkey to weaken NATO's Southern Flank. This was the tight rope the NATO alliance was walking and the reason why Cyprus never stood a chance.

This is the evil Cyprus unwittingly walked into amid promises from the devil itself that USSR would intervene. The only intervention they would consider is a full on Nuclear Attack on NATO countries, beginning with Greece and Turkey.

And that is the reason why Cyprus was stupidly on the wrong side of NATO and USA. Cyprus put itself in this very stupid predicament. You couldn't be more stupid if you tried.

So I hope Cypriots have got a lot more nouse these days otherwise the island is fucked! No country will ever put themselves in this position unless they had a death wish.

Unfortunately, you were all spoon fed a bunch of baloney from a stupid priest you would have been better placed doing Sunday Liturgy with a few Greek Alter Boys.

So don't cry wolf to me and scream foul. It's like a baby having a cry because they burnt their fingers playing with matches.

But to answer your question about Uncle Sam. It did intervene. It foiled the USSR's plans by stopping Greece and Turkey going to war over Cyprus. That was its duty. It didn't owe anything to Cyprus which put itself on the wrong side of the fence with the devil. It taught Cyprus a valuable lesson and gave it a bitch hastouki it will never forget!!

America and NATO had obligations to its 2 NATO members - Greece and Turkey. Cyprus was out in the cold and some would say deserved what it got just from being just so stupid beyond anyone's comprehension.
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:There you go folks. This is the smartest post I have seen on this forum ever!

It looks like you're both proficient in pigeon English... :lol:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:26 pm

Cp279 wrote:His Master's Voice Grand Koala said:

Has Russia ever looked after Cypriot interests? Well the answer is NO. In fact it is responsible for the invasion in 1974 as that is exactly what the USSR wanted to occur so that 2 NATO countries can go to war.

very inconvenient but true

Now use your brains


Russia, then USSR was on the enemy camp to Nato. So why the f..k they would care if two enemy members from the southern flank of nato would have a go at each other. On the contrary, she was delighted and for a legitimate reason.

Forget about archenemy Russia, why the mighty uncle Sam did not intervene to stop two NATO members from doing so? Any such confrontation would have undermined the warring capabilities of NATO.

All NATO headmaster was supposed to ,was to release a strong fart for both parties to smell and off would go two boys back home.

You are sure the last summer wave of fires all over the land of Oz did not melt down your own brain ? :lol:

Don't worry about the Aussie Summer. We are use to high temperatures.

But despite all the cold, you seem to be very lucid and capable of such spectacular insight into Russia's motives.

Let me guess. You're Russian!

Keep them coming champ. You are so smart. Potentially the second most smartest forumer here. :lol:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:30 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:There you go folks. This is the smartest post I have seen on this forum ever!

It looks like you're both proficient in pigeon English... :lol:

I hope you are taking notes!

You can't be delusional and a whore all your life!

You just witnessed 2 of the best posts on CF history. Quite contrarian to the delusions you would be use to but nonetheless as accurate as the ocean tides!

Maybe you should also ask OUR President as to why he doesn't trust Russia or its motives. Probably the smartest President in Cypriot History who has a good grasp of reality!
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:44 pm

Now that we have arrived to this extravaganza of common sense, I have some questions!

What the fuck gave some of you bozos who supported Makarios the right to sell Cyprus to a pack of sociopathic wolves who have no problem whatsoever in destroying our bueatiful island?

You all have a lot of explaining to do, not just to me, but all younger Cypriots who will inherit the fruits of your utter stupidity!

Was something in the water? Did you party through the 60s smoking weed for a decade and fried all your brain cells?

What gives? :shock:
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Re: Freedom Fighter, terrorist or "put-up job"?

Postby tsukoui » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:53 pm

When owing to my desperation not to be a Shaolin monk my whole life, I begged Sheikh Nazim for a Jewish girlfriend, telling him if I didn't get one it was over, he kicked the bucket. Having Christ within me, I promised his son that he would walk again and I would meet him personally in a liberated Cyprus. In fact the threat of nuclear annihilation was my neighbour Joe's idea, a great Labour councillor for Haringey aligned with Momentum :arrow:

As a mathematician I know fully well how to deal with "signs", as my Muslim brother's call them, I tend to watch my words and put everything in order, then I must submit to the dream state and face my paranoia, it was the English women who first tormented me with threats of cannibalism, yet still I love them, it was the Afro-Cuban ladies who first tormented me with threats of nuclear annihilation, yet still I love them, it was the Sufi brotherhood that first called me to help, yet still I attacked, it was my teacher who taught me to collect cacti as a kid, yet still he chose to die, I lost my ability to play dreams in my head many years ago, I am only marginally aware :roll:

My brother works for the largest trade union in the country, his ex-wife is Brazilian, his son named after Maduro. My father turned down running the South African Supercomputer centre because they refused to agree to his terms of releasing Mandela, he turned down running the Cypriot one because he didn't think they were serious and he was tired, I am not a maths prodigy, just a child who had to take on too much :cry:

We are not a spiritual family, we are atheists, have mercy on us! That's why I wrote to Russia 8)
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