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John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:58 am

There is no scorched earth policy. That is Russia's policy not America's or the Coalitions.

That is not what the rest of the World is seeing at the moment! What an embarrassing exhibition of Presidential petulance? It wouldn't surprise me .... if Obama ordered the tyres on Air Force One to be deflated! :oops:

US president Obama has just told Russian Diplomats they have 72 hours to get out of the USA because they hacked into the US Elections and stold data as well.

Assuming you mean ‘solid’ ? As GIG’s has said .... so far they have produced no evidence at all, its like your stream of accusations ..... all without foundation ..... that is except the usual..... it is being withheld in the interests of the US’s National security.

The Americans have also publicly outed 6 Russian Spies working within the Embassy.

Every Embassy has spies in it ..... now we will wait and see if Putin throws all the US spies out of the US Embassy in Russia? I suppose that will depend on Trumps reaction?

Trump has indicated that he will look at all the Intelligence Briefings meaning that these allegations will be taken very seriously.

That should be a very short meeting! Intelligence seems to be in short supply within US Administration. :roll:

I for one congratulate the USA for this step against the illegal meddling into US Elections.

Who takes any notice of what you say?

I am hoping the Russian Embassy is given its marching orders from Canberra as well. No point in having them in Australia.

True ..... Australia is just the hired help. Why go for the oily rag’s opinion when you need that of the mechanic.

Quite happy for the Australian Embassy to shut down in Moscow as well as there is no point for its presence there.

I think there are a few hundred, maybe even a thousand Australians in Moscow/Russia that might just disagree with your rather childish opinion.

Paphitis ..... this sort of response and your other numerous, bombastic and boastful comments, demonstrates why YOU have lost in Syria and will now lose influence in the Middle East. YOU are amateurs that act like spoilt brats when things don’t go the way YOU plan them. Take YOUR guidance from Putin and Lavrof ....... YOU could learn a lot from them about how to be a respected and successful Diplomat. At the moment what is going on in the US is embarrassing for the American People! :oops: :lol:
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:56 am

What do you mean that is not what the rest of the world is seeing.

Virtually the entire world is united in its hatred and mistrust of pootin.

its the USA with all the allies and friends in this world.

Israel is a client. hence why it is supported. Anyone who gets any strange ideas will pay a big price.
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Dec 30, 2016 2:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:What do you mean that is not what the rest of the world is seeing.

Virtually the entire world is united in its hatred and mistrust of pootin.

its the USA with all the allies and friends in this world.

Israel is a client. hence why it is supported. Anyone who gets any strange ideas will pay a big price.

Boy .... you are so far up your own rectum .... it is becoming embarrassing!

Another problem you have ..... you only ever consider your vision of events. YOU distrust Putin because he has made you look fools, after all the snide comments from the coalition and its allies. Even the Western MSM is all over their successes in achieving a cease-fire in Syria and recognising that the US has been side-lined.

Israel is supported by The US and according to you apparently also Australia .......... every other member nation of the UN opposes what they are doing in Palestine, as the UNGA vote demonstrated and the subsequent UNSC resolution ...... no doubt had Australia been a member of the SC you would have voted against it? Israel, is a rogue state ........ that refuses to disclose its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to the UN Inspectors, among its other breaches of International Law. :roll:
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:04 pm

Robin Hood wrote: What an embarrassing exhibition of Presidential petulance? It wouldn't surprise me .... if Obama ordered the tyres on Air Force One to be deflated! :oops:

:lol: or the tyres removed and the plane left on a pile of bricks! :P

(Is this casual racism? :? )
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Zenon33 » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:27 pm

Another idiot from the Obama administration.
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:35 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:What do you mean that is not what the rest of the world is seeing.

Virtually the entire world is united in its hatred and mistrust of pootin.

its the USA with all the allies and friends in this world.

Israel is a client. hence why it is supported. Anyone who gets any strange ideas will pay a big price.

Boy .... you are so far up your own rectum .... it is becoming embarrassing!

Another problem you have ..... you only ever consider your vision of events. YOU distrust Putin because he has made you look fools, after all the snide comments from the coalition and its allies. Even the Western MSM is all over their successes in achieving a cease-fire in Syria and recognising that the US has been side-lined.

Israel is supported by The US and according to you apparently also Australia .......... every other member nation of the UN opposes what they are doing in Palestine, as the UNGA vote demonstrated and the subsequent UNSC resolution ...... no doubt had Australia been a member of the SC you would have voted against it? Israel, is a rogue state ........ that refuses to disclose its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to the UN Inspectors, among its other breaches of International Law. :roll:

Theresa may has just followed Australia and also broken ranks.

yep, you better believe it! Israel is supported by the USA but there is a rift until trump gets into office who will also support Israel.

Australia and the UK have just criticized the USA for its stance on the Settlements saying that the Israeli issue is a lot more complicated than the settlements.

They also indicated that they will oppose any more Israeli inspired resolutions in the UN.

There won't be a vote in the UNGA because with Britain on side it won't even get that far. 8)

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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:48 pm

Paphitis wrote:Australia and the UK have just criticized the USA for its stance on the Settlements ...

Oh dear, is there a *split* in your great coalition?
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:23 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Australia and the UK have just criticized the USA for its stance on the Settlements ...

Oh dear, is there a *split* in your great coalition?

No split in OUR (you are a Brit) coalition. Sorry don't worry too much.

We are Western Countries in OUR coalition. Democratic and free nations. All of our Nations don't agree with the settlements even though Israel is an ally.

The Americans just abstained. In light of that, Australia and UK have criticized the USA. We are all free nations here.

What is odd, is how Theresa may criticized the USA but actually supported the resolution itself. that is pretty damn strange behavior.

But its politics.

What you are seeing here is a number of countries becoming more hardliner over Israel because it really isn't about the settlements or Israel anymore.

The world will learn the hard way and it's not going to be very nice.

All roads lead to Hezbollah. You can't have any peace through force of arms in Syria. Without a peace settlement, the world is in dire trouble.
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:49 am

All roads lead to Hezbollah.

What a stupid claim; you are saying your mighty 64 nation coalition with all its military might .................. regards Hezbollah as a threat to them? :lol: Hezbollah is a defence force for Lebanon against Israeli aggression! :roll:
You can't have any peace through force of arms in Syria. Without a peace settlement, the world is in dire trouble.

Cobblers! You have it ass-about-face! If you actually believe the rubbish you spout, why are YOU bombing Mosul into a rubbish pile and killing large numbers of civilians in the process ? Surely YOU could just go in under a white flag and ask them nicely to be good terrorists and agree to a peace settlement? :roll:

You need force of arms to create the conditions for the negotiation of a peace settlement. Thank goodness that this has been Assad’s/Putin’s target from the start and they have never wavered from that view. Having destroyed YOUR terrorists in Aleppo and moved the remainder to Idlib, as you can see, the conditions are now in place for a Russian/Turkish proposal for a settlement between the Syrian Government and the opposition. Of course non-US affiliated terrorists are excluded from the arrangement ...... they will either, surrender, run for it or die! A UN vote yesterday welcomed the Russian/Turkish terms for the implementation of such a settlement.

The World is a lot better off now that Russia is obviously throwing spanners in the works for the US’s plans for World domination, through conquest and regime change. There is a growing alternative ‘coalition’ that will include many of the states that comprise YOUR coalition as well as countries like China, Iran, Philipines, India and most South American States.

I will make some of my own predictions .........

• This year we will see a general cessation of hostilities in Syria and maybe Iraq.
• We will however see ‘IS’, by whatever name, spread their evil across the Globe.
• We will see most sanctions lifted on Syria.
• We will see the US back away from imposing more sanctions on Iran or any idea of tearing up their negotiated Agreement.
• We will see most US imposed sanctions lifted on Russia and the EU will follow suit.
• We will see Crimea recognised as part of the Russian Federation.
• We could see a UN peace keeping force go into Donbas and Luhansk in Ukraine.
• We will see increasing civil unrest in the US.
• We will see the US running down many foreign bases.
• We will see the beginning of the end of the Euro and a significant collapse of the World’s financial and banking system. (It’s already started in India!)

• ........ and the Australians will vote a gay kangaroo into the position of Prime Minster. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Happy New Year to you Paphitis, and to all other members of the Forum. :D :D
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Re: John Kerrys speech on Israeli Settlements.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:36 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Australia and the UK have just criticized the USA for its stance on the Settlements ...

Oh dear, is there a *split* in your great coalition?

Western Countries never have a split as you know.

Differences of opinion yes, but certainly no split.

Robin Hood,

please refrain from answering my posts. I don't read them.

We do not agree with each other on ANYTHING, and there is no point in you having any conversation or debate with me, or I with you.

So just save your time as I intend to and leave it. I won't be giving you what you crave.

Just stay away from me and post what you like - I don't agree or subscribe to any of your unhinged opinions or propaganda, so let's just agree to disagree and keep away from one and another. OK?
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