Paphitis wrote:Over hear, they can have real freedom of speech. A concept these British Pensioners wouldn't even know.
I resemble that remake!

Perhaps somebody should poll how many have either left in disgust or been banned.

Paphitis wrote:Over hear, they can have real freedom of speech. A concept these British Pensioners wouldn't even know.
Paphitis wrote:it's also extremely irresponsible of you to be spreading anti American propaganda on a cypriot forum. cyprus is a country that can't afford to have any animosity whatsoever with the USA.
It is EXTREMELY important for Cyprus to expand its diplomatic, cultural, institutional and military relations with the USA and its allies. It is only they who have the influence and power to help the Cypriot government out of its dilemma.
Russia was egging cyprus on and before you knew it, Cyprus was attacked by a poisonous Funnel Webb spider that just came out of the ground and injected its venom.
Cyprus isn't a geopolitical power. it's a country similar to Malta if you like. Tiny as all hell and in need of strong friends for its own security and survival.
For the first time in its history, cyprus is in as far as the USA is concerned. the USA trusts cyprus, likes Cyprus and will work with Cyprus. Cyprus has surprised everyone with its friendship with Israel. The Americans are only too happy to support Cyprus to enter the PfP and then NATO after a comprehensive settlement, and that would be the wisest thing for Cyprus to do especially in its bad neighborhood. I don't want to see cyprus invaded or attacked again.
fact of the matter is this. Russia is not an option for cyprus because NATO/USA will not allow very deep friendships between cyprus and Russia because cyprus is in its backyard. It's close to israel and they have more than enough to deal with in the Middle east.
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:So you go right ahead and start yet another personal poll. just don't expect me to participate and the last one you held most forumers refused to participate, which actually means they don't agree with your poll. And good on them for that.
If you want to be fair, you would conduct such a poll on Cyprus Expat.
I've never started or participated in a poll on this Forum or, as far as I can remember, any other forum and I have never been a member of Cyprus Ex-Pat Forum. So, like most of your posts you manage to get the facts wrong .... yet again!
Paphitis wrote:And no matter what you think of Israel, it has become a real friend of cyprus not just in rhetoric.
Every year, the Israelis participate in joint exercises with cyprus and Greece. Israel offers all its arms to the cyprus national Guard and has even proposed to sell Israeli made Corvettes.
It helps cyprus when there are bush-fires (along with Greece) and Cyprus has helped Israel just recently.
These are very important geopolitical developments for cyprus which the USA has observed and noted no doubt.
On the other hand, Turkey continues to disappoint and there is an increasing mistrust about their agenda. It could also be that turkey is not completely in line with Coalition interests in Syria.
Cyprus is best advised to sit tight for a little while and it should invite the USA to Geneva as well, because they could very well be very surprised.
It is completely irresponsible to not be testing the waters.
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis wrote:And no matter what you think of Israel, it has become a real friend of cyprus not just in rhetoric.
Every year, the Israelis participate in joint exercises with cyprus and Greece. Israel offers all its arms to the cyprus national Guard and has even proposed to sell Israeli made Corvettes.
It helps cyprus when there are bush-fires (along with Greece) and Cyprus has helped Israel just recently.
These are very important geopolitical developments for cyprus which the USA has observed and noted no doubt.
On the other hand, Turkey continues to disappoint and there is an increasing mistrust about their agenda. It could also be that turkey is not completely in line with Coalition interests in Syria.
Cyprus is best advised to sit tight for a little while and it should invite the USA to Geneva as well, because they could very well be very surprised.
It is completely irresponsible to not be testing the waters.
As I said ........
Maybe, instead of wasting your talents as a politician, diplomat, military advisor and general all-round philosopher .... on a small Forum like this, you should '... and soar like a Bald Headed Eagle' and start advising Trump and Putin about the way you see things. I am sure your input would be a great help to them ..... or maybe they would just send in the men-in-white-coats' ?![]()
You know very well what forum I am referring to.
There are 3 of your "friends" on this forum btw who are also from that forum. I even tracked your user name down and posted it on this forum but can't be arsed finding it. Because it isn't that important.
But stop pretending your views are the accepted dejure views on Syria. they aren't! nor are your views accepted as mainstream in any way
Robin Hood wrote:I’ll let you into a secret ..... one of them even followed me here as things went quiet in the ‘Debating Section’ when I left ..... maybe he was following a friend or maybe he found it lonely without ProVox? Who knows?![]()
I "followed" quite a while before that date, in the sense of curiosity to see what somebody is going to do (or rather say) next
Since then I have made a sterling effort not to tread on your toes, although of course I recognise and (surprise, surprise) am at odds with much of what you post.
.As far as CL is concerned. After all this time I find myself feeling sorry for Jim. He wanted to run a simple information and social outlet with no hassle. In a sense he was quite successful in that respect. Life isn't that simple of course and I believe he felt overwhelmed and threatened when somebody with a bit of savvy expressed views diametrically opposed to his. Then he routinely over reacted. It was OK to criticise Thatcher but not to praise her - sort of thing. Put simply he was unsuited temprementally to run a modern, diverse Chat Forum, I hope he isn't bitter and enjoys his retirement
Robin Hood wrote:Since then I have made a sterling effort not to tread on your toes, although of course I recognise and (surprise, surprise) am at odds with much of what you post.
So let’s leave it on that basis and we should have no problems.![]()
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