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The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

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The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:28 pm

I am labeling this the LEGAL and INTERNATIONALLY Accepted "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey deliberately due to the following said by ex-, but still very prominent Turkish MP Feridun Sinirlioğlu.

We (the Turkish Cypriot Association in the UK) asked Mr Sinirlioğlu one Question, and that was, "Why hasn't Turkey annexed Northern Cyprus after so years of so many failed BBF deals, what's Turkey's plan and why has it dragged its heals in championing the possible recognition of the TRNC?".

HIS ANSWER: (word-for-word!)
"Isn't it funny how it's now the Greek Cypriots whom are being regarded as the "Settlers" in Northern Cyprus as part of the current UN based Negotiations between the two Cypriot leaders . I wrote an article back in 1974 when only 18 years of age while attending Ankara University describing what would happen if a conflict should occur in Cyprus. At the time I was reading for my first degree in International relations and adopted the Cyprus conflict as my subject of interest for my dissertation report. Over 40 years later, my predictions are right due to knowing exactly how Greek Cypriots think and how unrealistic their views are in believing that both Turkish and Turkish Cypriots could ever relinquish their inherited rights of Guarantees, Equality and Bi-zonality. As long as the Greek Cypriots continue believing that we (both Turkish and Turkish Cypriots) are so easily-lead as to not realise their so called "Unitary" Cyprus state ideology as the way forward, as if we Turks and Turkish Cypriots are so naive as to NOT KNOW why the Greek Cypriots would want such a Greek Majority rules constitutional change, there will never be a deal. The only deal therefore is either a BBF (Bi-Com,Bi-zonal Federation) of Two Equal Federated States with Turkish Guarantees, or nothing. Cyprus is NOT Greek nor TURKISH and for that matter Both Sides need to seriously think about the FUTURE for their Children. IF the FORMER YUGOSLAVIA can SPLIT into FIVE Republic States and get along perfectly fine as Neighbors then why can't such an important, strategic island/nation like Cyprus do the same? A Unitary Cyprus State? Never! Stop Dreaming and Talk sense please as this type of thinking will only lead to the eventual and Permanent integration of North Cyprus into the main organ of the Republic of Turkey, if it hasn't happened already; look at the hugely diminishing reduction in population of the Turkish Cypriot people over the decades (I am sorry to say) in contrast to Turkey's Complete control over Northern Cyprus. What you see on the Surface is only a glimpse to what decisions are made in Ankara, including it's implementation, The High Level Agreements signed back in 1979 had set in stone the road for a BB-Federal Formula and Turkey would never allow this to change.

However, on the flip side of the coin the Greek Cypriots should also realise that, If a BB-Federal Cyprus formula is signed, mark my words that Turkey will be seriously promoting the "Turkish Cypriot State" to heights of riches, business deals and integration (at a legal and International level) the new Federal Cyprus central government would not be able to control! The Greek Cypriot have themselves to blame for this as they have allowed time to pass for far too long.Therefore, the Greek Cypriot Constituent State would no doubt be left as the poorer and less affluent side! In other words, it's a Lose-Lose for the Greek Cypriots unless they grow a backbone and choose to Recognise Two Clearly Separate Republic states with only International based relations amongst one another".
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:59 pm

MrH, your people have been huffing and puffing for decades but it’s all for nothing because the native Cypriots have never grown fond of Turks or Turkishness.

For as long as you fail to tap into the native Cypriot’s psyche (that which makes them tick) you’ll always remain distant and undesirable in their eyes and be shunned by them.

Unfortunately for you, without their signature none of your dreams can ever be realized so it pays to study, understand, and befriend them.

Turkey will never have enough firepower to get you what you want by force without destroying themselves so that too is not an option.

And Turkey can never annex anything Cypriot simply because annexation also requires international acceptance and recognition but you’ll find that Cyprus is far more influential when it comes to UNGA and UNSC decisions than Turkey will ever admit.

It looks like you’re stuck… and I guarantee that you’ll still be stuck in January, February, and… the rest of the New Year, every year.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:04 pm

it has not stopped israel from annexing bits of west bank. looking at what trump is saying and the world will be a different place in the next 4 years.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:12 pm

Lordo wrote:it has not stopped israel from annexing bits of west bank. looking at what trump is saying and the world will be a different place in the next 4 years.

What do you people mean by "annexing"? Turkey already occupies the occupied territory so if you think that by throwing another party, having some speeches, and giving this territory a new name you will be saved, you must be nuts.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:27 pm

Unread postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:59 pm
MrH, your people have been huffing and puffing for decades but it’s all for nothing because the native Cypriots have never grown fond of Turks or Turkishness.

For as long as you fail to tap into the native Cypriot’s psyche (that which makes them tick) you’ll always remain distant and undesirable in their eyes and be shunned by them.

Unfortunately for you, without their signature none of your dreams can ever be realized so it pays to study, understand, and befriend them.

Turkey will never have enough firepower to get you what you want by force without destroying themselves so that too is not an option.

And Turkey can never annex anything Cypriot simply because annexation also requires international acceptance and recognition but you’ll find that Cyprus is far more influential when it comes to UNGA and UNSC decisions than Turkey will ever admit.

It looks like you’re stuck… and I guarantee that you’ll still be stuck in January, February, and… the rest of the New Year, every year.

Get Real,

Clearly you missed the point here with this prominent Turkish MP's explanation, where he says, the Greek Cypriots truly have no choice. It's either the status Quo with Turkey Eventually, and officially, annexing Northern Cyprus - which would seriously alter the state of play as the EU would then blame the Greek Cypriot s for saying "No" to both the Annan Plan and this new Ban-Ki-Moon plan, a BBF (which obviously won't happen as like you said your people will never put their "signatures" to such a deal), or a straight cut Two Republic deal, which will come after Turkey decides to officially Annex Northern Cyprus. Why do I say this? Because when Turkey finally decides that enough is enough and Actually uses the FAILED UN Plans as a Pretext to annexation - AND HERE'S WHERE YOU LOSE - Turkey will only be doing that to the END of reaching a BBF deal!

You see Mr Get Real, Turkey Wants a BBF Deal only and NOT Annexation otherwise it would have done so many years ago, particularly after the Annan Plan, using that as a precursor and excuse! Turkey is not stupid. However, seeing that Turkey decided not to annex Northern Cyprus after the failed Annan Plan and give it one more Political push via Akinci (how coincidental!), a no vote this time will be very detrimental for the Greek Cypriots as it will lead to Turkey finally taking bold steps, a very annoyed and frustrated Turkish Cypriot community angry at the Greek Cypriots for Saying "No" once again, and a new referendum in the TRNC accepting integration with Turkey as an OFFICIAL Turkish province (with limits) until the Greek Cypriots see the light! While, in the interim, the UN and EU will be very upset with the Greek Cypriots and will blame them for this political mess.

You see Get Real, if your side can Enjoy the freedoms of Recognition under the hijacked "Republic of Cyprus" (which is what it is as it has no effective control over Northern Cyprus and will always be compelled to sitting around the negotiating table in search of a an eventual BBF deal) while waiting forever for a BBF deal, then why can't the TRNC Integrate with Turkey until this infamous BBF deal is reached too?

The Difference here is that, and I am sure you will agree, an integrated TRNC/Turkey will make Northern Cyprus so much richer than your hijacked side, and even more damaging for the sake of so called "Cypriotness", once the Turkish Cypriots see "Ercan Airport", "Famagusta Port", and the New "Girne Ports" working at an international level with high trade and the luxury of international investments as a "Turkish" port, as the younger generation will not want to return to today's Uncertain scenario. That is when it will get dangerous for the Greek Cypriot administration as the warming, not only of ties between Turkey and the TRNC, but a complete change in demographic trend and midset due to the New Turkey of today, will surely convince the Turkish Cypriots to fully abandon the UN initiative and choose to become "Turkish" or "Turks" of Cyprus only. If it isn't now happening already judging by the latest opinion surveys.

Also, seeing that the UK is now out of the EU, and probably seeing Italy go soon, and a few others, the ideology that the EU was a financial safe haven is fast looking like a blessing in disguise for the TRNC to actually remain outside it's corrupt realm!
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:50 pm

MrH, I’m gonna keep it very simple and to the crux:

There are 5 permanent UNGA/UNSC members…

China, France, Russia, UK, and the US

Now, the trick is to convince ALL FIVE above to side with *you* and initiate a vote against the RoC so as to steal their territory.

How do you plan to achieve that?

Take it from there…
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:09 pm

Btw MrH, in case you didn’t know… even if Nick was stupid/drunk enough to sign a portion of his country away, even if the native Cypriot population were to all go absolutely bonkers and agree with Nick, you still have the UNGA and the UNSC (read Russia and China) that may not agree and can tell Nick to get stuffed! Without *their* approval nothing moves.

Do you realize how incredibly difficult it will be for the Ottoman remnants (<-- let’s start calling you by your real name because I know you appreciate honesty) to manage to overcome so many obstructions and steal Cypriot territory?

I’d say you’ve got a far greater chance wining Lotto so start filling out coupons… :)
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:34 pm

if your thinking is correct and it does no tmatter, why did pres nick retrun to the talks with his tail between his legs after having walked out gr. your choices are gone now. have you seen how erdogan and putin are getting along. they now guarantee the syrians they support.

russia will not block anything that the two leaders agree and why would china block it. or are they worried that the lands they have taken from tibbet will be returned. quite the reverse by agreeing they will be able annex tibbet too.

you is in a dead end road with nopossibility of reverse or u turn.

your goose is cooked gr which ever way you look at it.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:50 pm

Lordo wrote:if your thinking is correct and it does no tmatter, why did pres nick retrun to the talks with his tail between his legs after having walked out gr. your choices are gone now. have you seen how erdogan and putin are getting along. they now guarantee the syrians they support.

russia will not block anything that the two leaders agree and why would china block it. or are they worried that the lands they have taken from tibbet will be returned. quite the reverse by agreeing they will be able annex tibbet too.

you is in a dead end road with nopossibility of reverse or u turn.

your goose is cooked gr which ever way you look at it.

What makes you think that any of the permanent UNSC members want to see a greater Turkey or an officially extended Islam?

That’s what it’s all about to them because they know damn well what’s going to happen to this territory if the RoC was dumb enough to sign it away!

They’re not stupid… they know that 120k odd Ottoman remnants don’t stand a chance in the world surviving on their own without eternal subordination to Turkey and Turkey is already hinting that the occupied territory is in a huge financial debt (billions) to them!

Turkey is preparing the ground just in case the RoC turns out dumber than they thought… what Turkey is hinting is that if you owe them many billions then guess what? They own this joint because you can never pay the debt off anyway! :wink:

Legally: I have the right to cease your assets (both fixed and current) because you owe me and can never pay me off! :wink:
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 4:20 pm

Do you now realize that you don’t EVER stand a chance of having a state?

If the RoC is going to be dumb enough to sign their territory over then they might as well just sign the deed over to Turkey directly!

It may even save some bloodshed because Turkey won’t tolerate you trying to slip away from paying your debt!

In fact Turkey is making sure that this debt is always extending to astronomical levels to ensure you can NEVER pay it off.

The water and electricity connections were not conceived out of generosity towards your people but out of geopolitical strategy to lock your people into eternal debt and capitulation.
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