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The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:11 pm

MrH wrote:Also, don't make me start on how oppressed we have been living in Greece by not being allowed to refer to ourselves as "Turkish" but rather "Muslim Greeks". Only when it suits! the truth is, the Greeks and Turks work PERFECTLY State by state, side by side and NOT as a Married couple with a chauvinistic Greek smelly uncircumcised pig for a husband!

You can only blame your idiotic murderous Ottoman forefathers who instead of staying put in their own territory and getting on with life, they saw fit to invade and violate other people’s territories and then years later when they retreated they left a handful of trouble-making idiots behind… and that’s how you came to be!

You were an utterly useless liability back then and you're a useless liability today. Not much has changed amigos...
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:33 pm

by Get Real! » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:11 pm

MrH wrote:
Also, don't make me start on how oppressed we have been living in Greece by not being allowed to refer to ourselves as "Turkish" but rather "Muslim Greeks". Only when it suits! the truth is, the Greeks and Turks work PERFECTLY State by state, side by side and NOT as a Married couple with a chauvinistic Greek smelly uncircumcised pig for a husband!

You can only blame your idiotic murderous Ottoman forefathers who instead of staying put in their own territory and getting on with life, they saw fit to invade and violate other people’s territories and then years later when they retreated they left a handful of trouble-making idiots behind… and that’s how you came to be!

You were an utterly useless liability back then and you're a useless liability today. Not much has changed amigos...

Hmmmmm......I wonder what answer the BRITISH, IRISH, FRENCH, SPANISH and PORTUGUESE would say to the the "Native" Americans and "Native" Australians, and even the "Native" Africans?

Stop BITCHING about Past Bullshit and Wake up to the Real world of Today!

Seriously GR, I thought you had a better, more modern line of thinking than say what you said above - "Ottomans".....are you Serious man! :D :D :D

Cyprus Today, Cyprus has TWO States
Yugoslavia the Former Yugoslavia has been split into FIVE Republic States
EUROPE - Count how many new states have emerged from the actions of old and modern empires and political decisions
China - Look at Tibet, Taiwan!
Australia - OMG, Are you now going to call the British brutal Murderers too!
Russia - Look at how the original country Split into Federated states from the early 1990s!.......let's also not forget about America!

WAKE UP MAN! Jesus Christ.....that same old record has expired almost 100 years ago!


Here are a few more new Federal based states which have emerged from conflict wars...they don't bitch as much as you GR:

States in which the federal government shares power with semi-independent regional governments. The central government may or may not be (in theory) a creation of the regional governments; prime examples are Switzerland and the United States.

Argentina (23 provinces and one autonomous city: Buenos Aires)
Australia (six states and two territories)
Austria (nine states)
Belgium (three regions and three linguistic communities)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (two entities and one district)
Brazil (26 states and the Federal District)
Canada (ten provinces and three territories)
Comoros (Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mohéli)
Ethiopia (nine regions and two chartered cities)
Germany (16 states)
India (29 states and seven union territories)
Iraq (18 governorates and one region: Kurdistan)
Malaysia (13 states and three federal territories)

HOW OLD ARE YOU GR - Are you sure you are not Archbishop Chysostomos?
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:21 am

No comments?
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:19 am

MrH wrote:No comments?

The only honorable, practical, and just solution to the Cyprus problem is a population transfer of all Ottoman remnants back to Anatolia where they belong.

Turkey can then tend to their needs in accordance with Turkish laws, customs, and traditions as they see fit.

It’s pretty obvious that Cypriots and Turks don’t mix because Christians and Muslims don’t mix and not to mention that your people are not worthy of anything here on Cyprus because…

* They have no ancestral connections with this land.

* They have never paid taxes to Cyprus.

* They have never served its armed forces

And overall they have never contributed to anything positive here… correct me if I’m wrong!

Your people are nothing short of Turkish agents forever serving Ankara and thus incompatible with the native Cypriot.

You’re not fooling anyone on this side of the roadblock amigos…
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:15 pm

oh dear you still harbour a bit of ethnic cleansing and in the festive season too. shame really we are back to 1963 again

dont worry gr not long left now, it will be resolved one way or another in january. either we live together or go our own seperate ways. it really is not that hard to work it out.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby B25 » Sat Dec 31, 2016 3:47 pm

Bye bye and do shut the door on your way out, atta boy!
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:30 pm

time is a coming boy
you takes your choices

and it will indeed be bye bye to 37.5% of cyprus. naturally that will be in the first phase. in the second phase you will lose the rest.

now you have a fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine new year you hear boy
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:47 pm

Not much left to say that has not been said. Turkey warned you that they would send their troops if you did not stop persecuting us and you ignored the warnings and with your arrogance continued blindly and what happened turkey done exactly what they said they would do. They said they would bring water to north Cyprus where it is evident on this forum how arrogant and ignorance you gc showed but again the water came. Turkey is now saying this is it and if there is no deal turkey will make the north greater than you will ever imagine and you know what they have already started. Go and check out the new harbour built up north and other industrial set ups. They know you will reject any proposal because you are very predictable . A leopard does not change its spots in your case a pig will never fly so fuck off and die.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:58 am

Mustiejodu wrote:Not much left to say that has not been said. Turkey warned you that they would send their troops if you did not stop persecuting us and you ignored the warnings and with your arrogance continued blindly and what happened turkey done exactly what they said they would do. They said they would bring water to north Cyprus where it is evident on this forum how arrogant and ignorance you gc showed but again the water came. Turkey is now saying this is it and if there is no deal turkey will make the north greater than you will ever imagine and you know what they have already started. Go and check out the new harbour built up north and other industrial set ups. They know you will reject any proposal because you are very predictable . A leopard does not change its spots in your case a pig will never fly so fuck off and die.

You seem oblivious to the fact that in the greater regional scheme of things your piss-pot community is utterly irrelevant.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:50 am

I am still counting on Erdogan leaving Geneva saying, "One Cyprus, One Turkey". It makes sense, more sense now, than ever before, in Turkey.
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