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The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:03 pm

Hi GR, I'll make this simple too.

You are right about Turkey and the TRNC's debt to it - well done Turkey as the TRNC's debt is now your debt too! Like I've always said, Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots are one and the same people, so that debt really is for your side to pay for after a BBF solution! LOL

As for the ROC, your choices truly are limited, and if it's another resounding "No" in this coming Referendum, then Turkey will "Assimilate" North Cyprus into its territory until you GCs do find it amongst yourselves in signing a future BBF deal! Assimilation and Annexation are very different approaches - read up about it!

As for the UN and its bogus FIVE permanent member states (which failed miserably in Syria and Iraq, and central Africa too), clearly your line of thinking is from the 1980s, where today's world is so much more Complicated; as the synergy between the New-Turkic Ex-Soviet countries and China are more in tune than your 10million puny Greek world can perceive.

Russia was disbanded into "FEDERAL" states because the new Turkic states had enough of pure communist rule, and then Detached even more so when those states decided to go it alone and become full Republic states.

As for the Full Recognition of the TRNC, we are NOT asking for the Recognition from ALL the FIVE member PERM UN states, but like with Taiwan, only to Acknowledge that the TRNC as a self-determined Federated State for the purpose of Direct Trade from its original "ROC" (Greek Cypriot lead) aggressor and bully nation!

If you are talking about upper politics, Turkey could easily Recognise Chechnya against Russian wishes, or even cause issues regarding South Ossetia ( As for China, if Turkey wanted to for immediate gains in Cyprus for recognise Taiwan and Tibet and even the 50 Million strong Uygurlar Turkler in western China ( against Chinese wishes! There are so many Examples I can give you GR that could diminish your so called solid UN FIVE Perm Member scenario that the list would go on for pages!

But UNLIKE the GREEK CYPRIOTS, Turkey knows that it can handle the Greek Cypriot's True, and, so aggressive and bias political intentions towards the Turkish Cypriots and (anything Turkish) world, which btw also reconfirms Turkey's reasons as to why it had to intervene in Cyprus in the first place and why it needs to stay.

Thank you GR, your explanation made perfect sense! Personally, if I were Greek Cypriot living in South Cyprus and had children, I would advise my children to leave the island and seek a better future away from the Turks in deeper Europe especially after the upcoming "OXI" vote! :D
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:29 pm

The reason I mentioned the 5 is because 1 veto out of the 5 is enough to kill any potential Turkish anti-RoC initiative… ... veto_power

…and the probability that Turkey will ever be able to gain favor of all 5 is zero!

Hence, I sleep well at night. :)
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby B25 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:38 pm

MrH, first give to the Kurds what you demand for the TCs and I will vote in favour of what you ask. Until then STFU, you have nothing but farting theories and BS.

Happy New Year to you.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:16 pm

you were fucked up by your own people in 1955, 1963 and then finally 1974. you learnt noting from any of it. you will get fucked one more time this time by the international community and i suspect you will earn even less than what you learnt previously.


happy new year to you too
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:27 pm

by B25 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:38 pm
MrH, first give to the Kurds what you demand for the TCs and I will vote in favour of what you ask. Until then STFU, you have nothing but farting theories and BS.

Happy New Year to you.



You DON'T KNOW JACK about the Kurdish issue in Turkey, where if you had an inch of a brain you would realise that IF the KURDS OF TURKEY wanted "Federal State" representation with over 16 Million "TURKISH" Kurds, they'd easily be given that promise, but in reality the Turkish Kurds are HAPPY living under the Republic of Turkey due to their Proud Turkish/Kurdish mixed race genetic makeup and prosper under the same flag.

You B25, you dummy are referring to the Terrorist Group the PKK, similarly to the EOKA A and B regime whom FORCED the British into relinquishing the island of Cyprus in 1959/1960 - and look at what mess that brought on!

Know your politics PROPERLY before making yourself look even more stupid!
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby B25 » Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:51 pm

MrH wrote:
by B25 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:38 pm
MrH, first give to the Kurds what you demand for the TCs and I will vote in favour of what you ask. Until then STFU, you have nothing but farting theories and BS.

Happy New Year to you.



You DON'T KNOW JACK about the Kurdish issue in Turkey, where if you had an inch of a brain you would realise that IF the KURDS OF TURKEY wanted "Federal State" representation with over 16 Million "TURKISH" Kurds, they'd easily be given that promise, but in reality the Turkish Kurds are HAPPY living under the Republic of Turkey due to their Proud Turkish/Kurdish mixed race genetic makeup and prosper under the same flag.

You B25, you dummy are referring to the Terrorist Group the PKK, similarly to the EOKA A and B regime whom FORCED the British into relinquishing the island of Cyprus in 1959/1960 - and look at what mess that brought on!

Know your politics PROPERLY before making yourself look even more stupid!

Total bollocks, it is you that needs to look at what your motherland is currently doing to the Kurds. Go to there villages and towns that Erdocunt has institutionally raised to the ground and they are living in tents, speak to the Kurdish MPs ha ha f ha, they are being arrested and imprisoned for being Kurdish. Ask the Kurds to speak in their own language without being arrested, and there much much more, so don't give me that BS about they are happy. They are not but cannot do much since Erdocunt controls all the military and police. So, dipshit, go peddle your propaganda to some Turkish sheep that just does as it's told.

Again I say, give the Kurds what you demand for the TCs in Cyprus and you'll get my yes vote, until then F U.
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:07 pm

MrH wrote:You DON'T KNOW JACK about the Kurdish issue in Turkey, where if you had an inch of a brain you would realise that IF the KURDS OF TURKEY wanted "Federal State" representation with over 16 Million "TURKISH" Kurds, they'd easily be given that promise, but in reality the Turkish Kurds are HAPPY living under the Republic of Turkey due to their Proud Turkish/Kurdish mixed race genetic makeup and prosper under the same flag.

You B25, you dummy are referring to the Terrorist Group the PKK, similarly to the EOKA A and B regime whom FORCED the British into relinquishing the island of Cyprus in 1959/1960 - and look at what mess that brought on!

Know your politics PROPERLY before making yourself look even more stupid!

Well of course! Anyone who wants independence from Turkey is a terrorist so they don’t count!

You hypocrite!
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:31 pm

Get Real,

What all this proves is how much you Greek Cypriots HATE about anything Turkish/or Turkish Cypriot, which in term proves how important the issue of Guarantees and the Turkish Military's existence for our TC protect against the children of the EOKA and Akritas Plan creators! We will never forget our fallen Civilians prior to the events of 1974. I am deeply shocked with how quickly the Greek Cypriots have forgiven the Greeks of Greece for starting all the mess and opportunity (for us) on that fateful morning when they invaded on the 15th July 1974 - I will never forget the words uttered by Denktas on that morning, how he pleaded for turkey to intervene five days later after he saw one of his best Greek friends get slaughtered in the street by the Greek EOKA B Terrorists.

Never again!
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:38 pm

by B25 » Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:51 pm

MrH wrote:

by B25 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:38 pm
MrH, first give to the Kurds what you demand for the TCs and I will vote in favour of what you ask. Until then STFU, you have nothing but farting theories and BS.

Happy New Year to you.



You DON'T KNOW JACK about the Kurdish issue in Turkey, where if you had an inch of a brain you would realise that IF the KURDS OF TURKEY wanted "Federal State" representation with over 16 Million "TURKISH" Kurds, they'd easily be given that promise, but in reality the Turkish Kurds are HAPPY living under the Republic of Turkey due to their Proud Turkish/Kurdish mixed race genetic makeup and prosper under the same flag.

You B25, you dummy are referring to the Terrorist Group the PKK, similarly to the EOKA A and B regime whom FORCED the British into relinquishing the island of Cyprus in 1959/1960 - and look at what mess that brought on!

Know your politics PROPERLY before making yourself look even more stupid!

Total bollocks, it is you that needs to look at what your motherland is currently doing to the Kurds. Go to there villages and towns that Erdocunt has institutionally raised to the ground and they are living in tents, speak to the Kurdish MPs ha ha f ha, they are being arrested and imprisoned for being Kurdish. Ask the Kurds to speak in their own language without being arrested, and there much much more, so don't give me that BS about they are happy. They are not but cannot do much since Erdocunt controls all the military and police. So, dipshit, go peddle your propaganda to some Turkish sheep that just does as it's told.

Again I say, give the Kurds what you demand for the TCs in Cyprus and you'll get my yes vote, until then F U.

I love it when the Truth Hurts the Ignorant and Blinded! Clearly anything Turkish is Wrong for you guys, hence why we need a Federation of TWO Federated States and Guarantees in case you mess up again and Turkey Kicks are Arse once and for all!
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Re: The "Turkish Cypriot Constituent State", and Turkey!

Postby MrH » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:43 pm

Also, don't make me start on how oppressed we have been living in Greece by not being allowed to refer to ourselves as "Turkish" but rather "Muslim Greeks". Only when it suits! the truth is, the Greeks and Turks work PERFECTLY State by state, side by side and NOT as a Married couple with a chauvinistic Greek smelly uncircumcised pig for a husband!
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