Lordo wrote:either way the end is in this year. there will no need for negotiations after the vote.
And don't come back!

Lordo wrote:either way the end is in this year. there will no need for negotiations after the vote.
repulsewarrior wrote:...NATO needs Cyprus, the UN needs Cyprus more.
...it will not surprise me to see UN Operations for the Eastern Mediterranean, in Cyprus soon.
...i like the way Guterres said, in Geneva, ''for the Republic of Cyprus, and for the Communities" , "for Cyprus, for the People of Cyprus"; this bodes well.
repulsewarrior wrote:...you can have NATO, in Cyprus, you can have the Russians, you can have the UN, in Cyprus, Turkey too, with Cyprus; intentions count, against the enemy that is common to all.
repulsewarrior wrote:Cyprus needs no one. The world needs Cyprus.
Few places offer the opportunities that exist in Cyprus. Cyprus has a role to play as a gateway, an honest broker, a place where people meet, where they exchange information, on their way, and coming from, somewhere.
NATO, Russia, may join forces, why not? They have a common enemy; Cyprus may supply both. The UN you call toothless, i say, along with the Republic of Cyprus and the communities of Cyprus, will break this curse called the Cyprus Problem. With it, Freedom will have no compromise, the world will learn a bit more about itself with the possibilities, Peace, in Cyprus, may bring. Indeed, no where else could the possibility exist for such adversaries paths to cross, in Goodwill, because of the Cyprus Problem, because of political-geography. United for the Universal Principals, one Cyprus represents, united they may continue to stand, in Cyprus, because without the possibility of this dialog between them looms failure in not having tried.
And what about Turkey, if not our enemy; an ally, (with Greece perhaps, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria), why not? Cyprus is small, but in its short life, proven to be equal as an adversary to Turkey's might. Cyprus, certainly has demonstrated it has the capacity to act as a facilitator of exchange already. Cyprus as the fulcrum, instead of one part of a stick or the other, makes for a powerful dynamic, against an enemy, like Ignorance (or Hunger, or Disease, e.g.), on the other side of it. You cannot exclude Turkey, as a member of the Family of Man. Erdogan represents a "but one". The pieces fall together when, as i've said, he is prepared to say, "One Cyprus, One Turkey".
repulsewarrior wrote:...at this point, you should be laughing.
...or do you take, Lordo, or better still MrH more seriously? Is Paphitis word gospel?
...like, what about it, do we need NATO, does NATO need us?
repulsewarrior wrote:...in effect "you", a "Greek", kurupetos, must think like a "Turk", for your Liberty, because Freedom and Liberty are not the same.
...think, One Cyprus, then think, One Turkey. And if you are a Turk living in Turkey, not "Turk" that is to say, their Freedom should be your concern, and their Liberty.
Find the solution for them, something a "Turk" could live with, and you find the solution to the Cyprus Problem.
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