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George Michael dead at 53

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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:41 am


Even if I found out my son was a drug user. I have my way of dealing with things and I would like my children to talk to me like I was their best friend and not a totalitarian patriarch. I think many more things can be achieved this way.

If your son/daughter one day told you that they had great respect for Putin as an excellent diplomat and world leader and also admired him for what he had achieved in Syria ...... would you 'understand' ........... or deal with it like the self opinionated 'totalitarian patriarch' you obviously are and 'convince' him/her that they were very wrong and lecture them with your own firmly held views on the subject? :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:20 am

Oceanside50 wrote:He was without morals, an embarrassment to Cypriots all over the world...

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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:11 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

Even if I found out my son was a drug user. I have my way of dealing with things and I would like my children to talk to me like I was their best friend and not a totalitarian patriarch. I think many more things can be achieved this way.

If your son/daughter one day told you that they had great respect for Putin as an excellent diplomat and world leader and also admired him for what he had achieved in Syria ...... would you 'understand' ........... or deal with it like the self opinionated 'totalitarian patriarch' you obviously are and 'convince' him/her that they were very wrong and lecture them with your own firmly held views on the subject? :roll: :lol: :lol:

Disowned immediately.

One thing being gay and quite another to respect criminals.

My son may be following in my footsteps so no chance there will be any respect for Pootin in any way shape or form in Australia. He will have everything laid out for him on a platter. He has already started.
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Paphitis » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:He was without morals, an embarrassment to Cypriots all over the world...


Both of you are an embarrassment for having such intolerant and hateful views.

Its views like that which put the younger ones we need to nurture into an early grave.
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:He was without morals, an embarrassment to Cypriots all over the world...


Both of you are an embarrassment for having such intolerant and hateful views.

Its views like that which put the younger ones we need to nurture into an early grave.

You mean being racist as well as intolerant like this is OK then ? :roll:

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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby miltiades » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:10 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:He was without morals, an embarrassment to Cypriots all over the world...


Both of you are an embarrassment for having such intolerant and hateful views.

Its views like that which put the younger ones we need to nurture into an early grave.

Who puts young ones into an early grave ?
George was not a " young one" , he went astray after becoming famous, Lost it mate. Give us one reason why any Cypriot should be ....proud of George.
getting your dick out in a public toilet for any other reason than to have a piss isn't exactly .....admirable. Cruising the streets at night whilst under the influence of influence of cocaine and picking up strangers for a fuck isn't again admirable. He was a great artist but also a great piss artist.
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:24 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:He was without morals, an embarrassment to Cypriots all over the world...


Both of you are an embarrassment for having such intolerant and hateful views.

Its views like that which put the younger ones we need to nurture into an early grave.

Tolerance is the opposite of morals and I have close to zero… I barely tolerate *you* let alone a homosexual junkie! :lol:

The problem with tolerance is that it doesn't ever stop anywhere and it can also accommodate pedophiles, bestiality, and a whole bunch of other indignities.

Being understanding of decadence is in direct confrontation to morals.
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:16 pm

The old prejudices come out. What does it matter if he was gay? It did not take away from but may well have contributed to his song writing and it certainly does not take away from the many private acts of generosity that he performed with no desire for profit from any publicity.

George had apparently told his parents in 1991 (some years before the LA "cottage" incident) that he was Gay. As for the "Lewd Behavior" arrest I would not be surprised if the Police had not used some sort of entrapment - I think the words used were "pretty policeman".

What cannot be blamed on the Police are the incidents where George was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, in one case into a shop. The Drug taking, which sadly seemed to be part and parcel of the entertainment world, the pop music world in particular, may well have done for him. Tragic.
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Dec 29, 2016 7:52 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I had an incident with this guy when I was a kid. His mother urged my mother to go visit them and play with him. They were rich and his bedroom was full of male toys, lead soldiers, "podosferaki" (how the hell is that called in English) guns, whathaveyou. I got thrilled from all those toys, but by the minute I touched them and disturbed the tidy order he had them, he got angry and started screaming like crazy.
I told myself what is this guy, he has so many toys and all he cares is just to have them tidy in his room?? Very strange! I never went to his house to play ever since. I had other more "normal" friends...

But you see, you think your normal is normal when that might not be the case.

What you describe above to me sounds pretty normal. I always say that cleanliness is next to Godliness. I am one of those guys who likes a very tidy and minimalist functional household. Everything has its place and I hate mess with a passion. I do that to make my life easy. When I want something I know where it is and everything is structured to make my life easy.

There is nothing unusual about it.

You didn't understand.I described that, as one of the earliest indications of what that boy was. I was just a Kid then, I paid no attention to it neither did I draw any conclusions.That came yeeears later after I grew up and I understood the world. I think I was about 30 when I saw him again after so many years within a group of gays at Taktakala square. I am sure his parents were recipients of 100s such indications and were doing all they could in pushing him into becoming a normal boy. They were buying him the most expensive and attractive toys they were inviting other boys to play with him etc etc. The boy was simply unresponsive. We grew up in the same little town we then went to nearby schools. I could see him growing up, and I collected more indications, for one he was always playing with girls, and I heard from other guys they were knitting and playing with dolls lol.
For me this boy was of that specific category of gay people who are born like that and I have nothing against them.
But I am totally against people who become gays for reaching new heights in sex. It's the same thing like using cocaine to reach new heights in mood.George Michael was clearly of this category.
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Re: George Michael dead at 53

Postby tsukoui » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:04 pm

If you can decipher the "academic" language and get to the heart of the "practitioner's" points, these articles are interesting:

Each group has its own gates to keep. The phrase, “Gatekeepers”, is one used by Africa's Dogon priests of Mali, to describe, in particular, their. Gay and Lesbian ...

The Dagara not only embrace gay and lesbian diversity, he noted, but honor such individuals as “gatekeepers” between the physical world and the divine.

In my opinion George Michael tried to live up to his calling. RIP
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