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merry christmas

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merry christmas

Postby Lordo » Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:08 pm

may i take this opporotunity to wish all you boys and gerl a very merry christmas and hope that your father christmas delivers all your toys tonight.

may it also be the last christmas we are celebrating in a divided cyprus.
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Re: merry christmas

Postby Cap » Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:12 pm

Amen to that. (holding thumbs)

Merry Christmas.
Best wishes to all.
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Re: merry christmas

Postby Zenon33 » Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:48 pm

Merry Christmas to all of you!!.
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Re: merry christmas

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:53 pm

Season's greetings to ALL from myself also, although I would not count on the Island being united just yet.

I had a conversation with a young 'Australian Kid' this morning (he lives in London) and the subject of 'Santa's Fantastic Journey' came up as he was viewing an 'App' on his phone which actually plotted the exact location where 'Santa' would be at any given time.

According to his phone, at about 2 pm (GMT) 'Santa' was in the region of Australia and he came up with a very funny observation which I would like to share with you all.

He remarked that, whenever he walked his dog, he was obliged to pick up and place in a plastic bag any mess that his dog made as it was against the 'Law' to leave it where it lay, he asked if the same 'Rule of Law' would apply to 'Santa's Reindeers' and, since there are nine of them and they are on the go for twenty four hours, 'Santa' must have a job on his hands cleaning up after them, after all, he could hardly leave all that shite floating about in the sky and therefore must have sack-loads of shite on his sleigh, along with all the toys he delivers as he journeys on.

He wondered if it would be possible to place another 'App' on his phone which might warn any of the 'Kids' that 'Santa' might make a mistake and leave them a sack of 'Reindeer Shite' instead of the toys they asked for.

Quite seriously, I assured him that if anything like that happened, the 'Local Authorities' would certainly see to it that the mistake was put right immediately....... I don't think he really believed me and I advised him to sleep with one eye opened just in case it happened to him. :wink:

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Re: merry christmas

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:08 am

Schnauzer wrote:Season's greetings to ALL from myself also, although I would not count on the Island being united just yet.

I had a conversation with a young 'Australian Kid' this morning (he lives in London) and the subject of 'Santa's Fantastic Journey' came up as he was viewing an 'App' on his phone which actually plotted the exact location where 'Santa' would be at any given time.

According to his phone, at about 2 pm (GMT) 'Santa' was in the region of Australia and he came up with a very funny observation which I would like to share with you all.

He remarked that, whenever he walked his dog, he was obliged to pick up and place in a plastic bag any mess that his dog made as it was against the 'Law' to leave it where it lay, he asked if the same 'Rule of Law' would apply to 'Santa's Reindeers' and, since there are nine of them and they are on the go for twenty four hours, 'Santa' must have a job on his hands cleaning up after them, after all, he could hardly leave all that shite floating about in the sky and therefore must have sack-loads of shite on his sleigh, along with all the toys he delivers as he journeys on.

He wondered if it would be possible to place another 'App' on his phone which might warn any of the 'Kids' that 'Santa' might make a mistake and leave them a sack of 'Reindeer Shite' instead of the toys they asked for.

Quite seriously, I assured him that if anything like that happened, the 'Local Authorities' would certainly see to it that the mistake was put right immediately....... I don't think he really believed me and I advised him to sleep with one eye opened just in case it happened to him. :wink:


I know what you mean brother. Certainly know how Santa must be feeling.

A few years ago, an Australian Surveillance Aircraft patrolling the Sea Lanes outside of the Great Barrier Reef detected a Cyprus Flagged Tanker releasing some poo in the waters not far from the protected Marine Park in International Waters.

When the ship docked in Sydney, Federal Poluce were waiting to issue the Captain with fines, violations and Federal Court papers and made it known to the Captain that his company will need to attend or the trial will proceed in absentia and level fines and possible embargoes against the Cyprus Flag unless there was full compliance with Australian Law. They reminded the Captain that Australia could ban any Cypriot Flagged shop from entering Australia and will do so if necessary as it has already banned a number of Flags from Australia.

The court proceeded with Officials of the ship's owners and diplomats of the Republic of Cyprus in attendance.

The fine was a few million, with about 30 days to pay and non-compliance would see an embargo against the Cyprus Flag.

Needless to say, the fine was paid in full to the Australian Government and Cypriot Ships were allowed in Australian Waters but were under very strict surveillance by Australian Military aircraft, Drones and Customs as well as The Federal Police.

So the moral of the story is this. Santa will need to scoop all the poo from his reindeers and Rudolph, or he will need to attend court with the authorities possible cancelling Christmas because they won't let Santa in Australian airspace again.

So with that in mind, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. It might be the last before Christmas is cancelled! :o
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Re: merry christmas

Postby RichardB » Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:39 am

Merry Christmas to all wishing you peace and prosperity throughout the year.
May your God be with you.
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Re: merry christmas

Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 25, 2016 6:37 am

Lordo wrote:may i take this opporotunity to wish all you boys and gerl a very merry christmas and hope that your father christmas delivers all your toys tonight.

may it also be the last christmas we are celebrating in a divided cyprus.

I echo your sentiments unequivably.
Let us hope that our island is once again a united one where all Cypriots embrace our TRUE motherland ,the island of Cyprus.
Merry Christmas to all .
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Re: merry christmas

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:22 am

Merry Christmas to one and all, and here to I hope the Cyprus Problem is resolved to the benefit of all Cypriots, what ever first language they may speak.

We will have a quite Christmas, partly for the reason that we have shipped the kids to UK, mainly because of the reason we shipped the kids to the UK, because of the death of my son, which last week took me to China to perform the last rites, a bitter-sweet trip, made bearable by the people I met, including the British Consul, the Staff of my son's employers, one in particular, Three Tibetan gentlemen, who spoke as much English as I speak any Tibetan or Chinese languages, but who shared an enjoyment of beer, the Chinese Police, the lady from the Entry and Exit Bureau, and also last but by no means least, by my son's girlfriend, a most charming lady, generous in spirit, who had things turned out differently I would have been most proud to have called daughter in law.

I thank everyone here who sent kind messages of sympathy. Until it happens to you, one does not realise how much even the simple gesture of kind words means.

Merry Christmas.
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Re: merry christmas

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:58 am

I feel for you 'Stud', as one who knows sorrow and inner pain where words can never quite reach the depths necessary to give relief to your grief.

God Bless you and may the memories of those 'Good Times that you shared with your Son, provide you with some comfort at this very sad time.

Best wishes Always...may the years ahead be good for you. :(
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Re: merry christmas

Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Dec 25, 2016 12:10 pm

Lordo wrote:may i take this opporotunity to wish all you boys and gerl a very merry christmas and hope that your father christmas delivers all your toys tonight.

may it also be the last christmas we are celebrating in a divided cyprus.

A hearty 'mukabele' from one who is currently at the computer doing a bit of (voluntary) work, although plans to stop early!
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