may i take this opporotunity to wish all you boys and gerl a very merry christmas and hope that your father christmas delivers all your toys tonight.
may it also be the last christmas we are celebrating in a divided cyprus.
Schnauzer wrote:Season's greetings to ALL from myself also, although I would not count on the Island being united just yet.
I had a conversation with a young 'Australian Kid' this morning (he lives in London) and the subject of 'Santa's Fantastic Journey' came up as he was viewing an 'App' on his phone which actually plotted the exact location where 'Santa' would be at any given time.
According to his phone, at about 2 pm (GMT) 'Santa' was in the region of Australia and he came up with a very funny observation which I would like to share with you all.
He remarked that, whenever he walked his dog, he was obliged to pick up and place in a plastic bag any mess that his dog made as it was against the 'Law' to leave it where it lay, he asked if the same 'Rule of Law' would apply to 'Santa's Reindeers' and, since there are nine of them and they are on the go for twenty four hours, 'Santa' must have a job on his hands cleaning up after them, after all, he could hardly leave all that shite floating about in the sky and therefore must have sack-loads of shite on his sleigh, along with all the toys he delivers as he journeys on.
He wondered if it would be possible to place another 'App' on his phone which might warn any of the 'Kids' that 'Santa' might make a mistake and leave them a sack of 'Reindeer Shite' instead of the toys they asked for.
Quite seriously, I assured him that if anything like that happened, the 'Local Authorities' would certainly see to it that the mistake was put right immediately....... I don't think he really believed me and I advised him to sleep with one eye opened just in case it happened to him.![]()
Lordo wrote:may i take this opporotunity to wish all you boys and gerl a very merry christmas and hope that your father christmas delivers all your toys tonight.
may it also be the last christmas we are celebrating in a divided cyprus.
Lordo wrote:may i take this opporotunity to wish all you boys and gerl a very merry christmas and hope that your father christmas delivers all your toys tonight.
may it also be the last christmas we are celebrating in a divided cyprus.
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