Somebody had to die for the crime, who better than a young fellow, wanted by the police for failing to turn up for a trial in Italy (for whatever crime), known to be violent, already under surveillance for suspected links to 'Terrorism' (not absolutely substantiated) and perfectly suitable for the purpose of convincing the public that the forces of law are 'On the Ball'.

"Yeah", so this dangerous 'Terrorist', leaves his 'I.D. in the cab of the lorry (along with his D.N.A.) and actually advertises the fact that he would be heading back to Italy since he apparently is no longer welcome in the country where he was supposed to be deported from.
Short words..... The young chap NEVER left Milano, he was known to the police and an 'Ideal Scapegoat' which surely will convince the said 'Gullibles' that all's well that ends well.
Oh, and by the way, there will be MORE security cameras throughout those areas where ordinary folk may gather, there are already thousands where the more 'Well heeled' are apt to spend their leisure time and make their preparations for the joyous 'Season of Good Will', such a shame that, once again, it has been tarnished by the death of yet another 'Scapegoat' (and there have been many before him) who actually had the time to scream out the nerve shattering (to the gullibles) immortal words "Allahu Akbar" before the poor little sod was riddled with bullets.

I do not think we will EVER learn of the depths of depravity our leaders are prepared to plumb in order to cover up their inability to solve the problems THEY create in OUR names.
You couldn't make it up and, as stated before, if it didn't make you laugh, it would make you cry !.