Londonrake wrote:You have constructed and are promoting a conspiracy theory, bespoked to fit your particular views and prejudices. None of which will alter an iota based upon anything gleaned from known facts or rational deduction, posted on this forum, or any other.
Au Contraire (feeling a bit 'Snobbish' this morning)

My point IS (in this particular case) that the evidence presented is so blatantly tailored to fit 'Anis Amri' after the embarrassment of the authorities (subsequent to arresting the wrong man) it is LAUGHABLE.
Already under surveillance, suspected of involvement with terrorists, wanted for failure to appear in court, a habitual criminal who had previously 'High-jacked a vehicle' for monetary gain (among other crimes), known to be resident in Italy (whereabouts also known but ignored in order to gain more information), the absolutely PERFECT 'Scapegoat' and a 'Godsend' to the authorities who had been caught with 'Trousers Down'.
NOW (after the event) the security cameras will be everywhere and the public will sigh with relief that all is well in the marketplace PLUS, it bodes well for the next elections.
Meanwhile, the REAL culprit is long gone and it doesn't really matter, after all, in spite of all the crocodile tears shed by the politicians as they mouth their usual insincerities, it's only a few dead people.