Why? because I am giving you my analysis which you don't agree with. You might not like it, but it is on the money.
It is most definitely
NOT an analysis. It is unsubstantiated opinion ...... your opinion! I don’t agree with you because I do analyse and seek various sources, not just those that mirror my opinion. Then I express an opinion based on various sources.
You need a shrink because they world needs to choose between Hezbollah and DAESH. Who gets blown to bits and who gets to benefit from this action?
The World does not need to do anything! Hezbollah are working with Assad, Russia and Iran by invitation. Although the US regards them as a terrorist organisation, they are in fact the equivalent of the IDF. Check out the history of their formation.
DAESH, on the other hand is covertly supported by coalition member Dictator States in the ME who are armed by the US and have always wanted Assad out because he opposes their form of extreme Wahabi Islamic government. Syrians had freedom ..... live in Saudi and you do not.
Coalition can't support either, or help one gain an advantage over the other when we know we will be fighting a future war against the other. it's like helping your future battle enemy. That is the most STUPID thing of all.
The US coalition has been supporting terrorists since 2012 or even earlier. The support and provisioning of terrorists and regime change are both crimes against humanity and even war crimes! Therefore the US is guilty of war crimes. There are two conflicts going on; everyone vs DAESH and ....... Assad and his allies vs foreign insurgents supported by a foreign Government(s) ...... which is illegal . I am also sorry to have to inform you that to ‘
annex’ Northern Syria without at least a referendum by the Syrians living there, would be illegal.
As for Israel ..... they have always been redy for war since their illegal occupation of Palestine, The list of war crimes cast against them is extensive. But they fall into the same ‘
exceptional and indispensable’ arrogance as the US.