Paphitis wrote:A criminal Russian diplomat was shot dead.
No big deal compared to the thousands of innocent civilians murdered in Aleppo.
Donald supports Russia's plan in Syria.
By the way, Erdogan is the true criminal.
Paphitis wrote:A criminal Russian diplomat was shot dead.
No big deal compared to the thousands of innocent civilians murdered in Aleppo.
Zenon33 wrote:Paphitis wrote:A criminal Russian diplomat was shot dead.
No big deal compared to the thousands of innocent civilians murdered in Aleppo.
Donald supports Russia's plan in Syria.
By the way, Erdogan is the true criminal.
I'll tell you what.
Let's see Trump try and explain that one to his allies and Israel!
There is no way Trump will support Russia's plans.
That's why he is saying NOTHING. He is waiting to be sworn in, so that he can tell the public that he has had a rethink about the entire situation and basically continue with US Foreign policy as per the Deep state.
Also, we think Syria has WMD. We also believe that Syria and Iran are supplying Hezbollah with WMD. We will need to have some weapon inspectors ASAP.
Our Security Agencies can't be wrong.
Paphitis wrote:A criminal Russian diplomat was shot dead.
No big deal compared to the thousands of innocent civilians murdered in Aleppo.
Lordo wrote:it is so interesting that when a muslin kills a christian it is plastered all over everywhere but when christian kill muslins there is silence. it must be the christians civilising effect of the muslins right.
not just allepo or the syrians but it seems ruslan's killing by putin hitman and a few others who have been shot by the pesky russians have been avenged. there will be many more.
russians and the yanks and the rest of the bastards be it from iran or lebonan get out of syria. leave them be
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