However, since I have the capacity to view events from the 'Other side' of horrendous events and consider the reasons for them, I am better placed to determine the source of the unrest we witness on a daily basis.
Furthermore, since my occupation compels me to negotiate with various 'Cultures' and my vocation is to help and supply them with their needs in order that they may sustain themselves, I am in the fortunate position of being able to understand THEIR grievances without trying to impose MY views upon them.
At least 25% of my life (currently) is spent 'Out of Touch' (necessary for my own well being) and I travel and work and live among those who suffer the consequences of being a little 'Different' in their beliefs from those who seek to impose THEIR alleged 'Culture' upon them.
Hence, I am able to 'Understand' their problems (and responses) without having to condemn their every action simply because they refuse to be 'Bullied' by stronger forces.
THAT is why I can appreciate 'Courage' (in ANY form) and cannot criticise 'Retaliatory Methods' since they do (at the end of the day) culminate in precisely the same fashion as those 'Methods' arrayed and forcibly imposed upon them, the death and destruction of innocent civilians.....,. there is NO difference and 'I' live among it.
According to YOUR views, MINE must be an indication that I am either 'One of Them' or else in 'Agreement' with their actions which (as stated on several occasions) is NOT the case BUT, since YOU are unable to read and digest that which you have read, you draw the wrong conclusions which proves your stupidity.
As to myself, I quite like your 'Colourful Language' it confirms the fact that you are a 'Vulgar Fool' and also illustrates that you rely upon the 'Gutter Press' for information and, that the suspicions that surround your past activities are very likely 'ON THE BUTTON' (imho) as always.