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Get Ready for major conflict

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Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:54 am

The entire region will now descend further into war for the next decade or 2 and it will involve proxies in Syria and Yemen.

Get use to it people.

There is never a solution to this by use of force. Iran and Russia have just unleashed the gateway to sectarian hell for millions.

You will all learn the hard way now.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:57 am

Not to mention the fact that terrorism will be everywhere - Europe, Russia, North America, Asia and Australia.

It is a war that will never be won by anyone, especially now.

The world missed out on a great opportunity to deal with terrorism at the source. but if millions of Sunnis are suppressed like they are in Syria, then there is no chance of beating Al Qaeda or DAESH.

The only positive is that these terrorist groups will consider Western Countries a much lower priority compared to Russia.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby miltiades » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:02 am

Paphitis wrote:Not to mention the fact that terrorism will be everywhere - Europe, Russia, North America, Asia and Australia.

It is a war that will never be won by anyone, especially now.

The world missed out on a great opportunity to deal with terrorism at the source. but if millions of Sunnis are suppressed like they are in Syria, then there is no chance of beating Al Qaeda or DAESH.

The only positive is that these terrorist groups will consider Western Countries a much lower priority compared to Russia.

Says who mate ?

Here is my prediction. The war in Syria will END in 6 months. Assad will regain control of all of Syria. The coalition will cease to exist and Trump will join forces with Putin to defeat conclusively ISIS.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:07 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Not to mention the fact that terrorism will be everywhere - Europe, Russia, North America, Asia and Australia.

It is a war that will never be won by anyone, especially now.

The world missed out on a great opportunity to deal with terrorism at the source. but if millions of Sunnis are suppressed like they are in Syria, then there is no chance of beating Al Qaeda or DAESH.

The only positive is that these terrorist groups will consider Western Countries a much lower priority compared to Russia.

Says who mate ?

Here is my prediction. The war in Syria will END in 6 months. Assad will regain control of all of Syria. The coalition will cease to exist and Trump will join forces with Putin to defeat conclusively ISIS.

Say's all the people that have a brain and know how to use it!

You are dreaming if you think there will be peace in 6 months. have you heard of DAESH? ... y_in_Yemen ... n_in_Yemen
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:16 am

DAESH are going to get very strong too!

And they have expanded globally, and are even in South East Asia now. They will be global.

And the sad thing is, they are a jugernaught that can NEVER be stopped because we will NEVER be able to stem the flow of their recruiting or the spread of radical Islam.

Coalition will beat them in Iraq.

But what about Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Africa?

Get use to those black flags.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby miltiades » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:23 am

My prediction related to Syria, as far as other parts are concerned the killings will continue for as long as these people are driven by the potent force of islam.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:27 am

miltiades wrote:My prediction related to Syria, as far as other parts are concerned the killings will continue for as long as these people are driven by the potent force of islam.

Your prediction with regard to Syria is way off the mark. The war will just transform into a Guerrilla Style Insurgency.

And, swapping out Syria for conflict elsewhere is just very stupid if you actually care about lives of people which it appears that you do not.

But the fall of Aleppo will not mean an end to the war, military and political analysts say.

Instead it is likely to give way to a long-term Sunni guerrilla insurgency in which the remaining moderate rebel groups, backed by the West and the West's regional allies, are driven into the arms of militant jihadis.

In a war with so many global and regional actors backing local clients, Assad will survive as leader of a shrunken, broken and fragmented country enduring the world's worst refugee crisis since World War Two.

"The Russians are doing in Aleppo and Syria what they did in Grozny -- it is the same", said Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Syria in 2011-14, referring to the fierce bombardment that all but destroyed the capital of Russia's Chechnya region during Moscow's 1999-2000 war against Islamist separatists there.

The opposition to Assad, he told Reuters, will "go from holding territory ... to being an insurgency, a guerrilla war, and that will continue a long time." ... SKCN12513W

Russia has made this war ten times worse and will find it very difficult to extract itself from a war that will go on for many years.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:34 am

miltiades wrote:My prediction related to Syria, as far as other parts are concerned the killings will continue for as long as these people are driven by the potent force of islam.

the biggest winner here is DAESH!

In fact, I now believe the Coalition has LOST the war against DAESH in Syria. Sure, the Coalition might be able to remove DAESH from Raqqa in the future, but the Coalition has lost the war.

Because this war is now unwinnable! We have other priorities and plans that will concern the Regime and that involves taking as much land as we can get.

As far as taking care of DAESH in Syria, I do not believe that Coalition involvement is tenable in that type of warfare as we would in fact be helping a criminal regime, Hezbollah, and Al Quds. So that gig is up too.

The only interest Coalition has is as follows:
1) destabilizing and subverting the criminal regime and Russian/Iranian Interests,
2) assisting the Kurds and provide Sunnis with safe havens in the Idlib province which the Coalition will eventually annex.
3) oil and Gas.
4) The green light to Israel and Saudi Arabia to do what they want in order to achieve objectives and undermine Iranian influence.

this may include a future war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and this conflict might also involve Israel. Initially, via proxies in Yemen, but the fear should be that eventually it will exscalate to direct conflict when one side once again obliterates the other.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:57 am

Paphitis, :lol: :lol: :lol:

You talk a load of absolute rubbish! But it does give an insight on how your mind works! Unfortunately for you, I'm not sure there is a cure for what you have got! :roll:

Get over it ...... so YOU lost Aleppo and YOU will soon lose YOUR influence in the rest of Syria as well. YOUR adventure in Iraq will keep you busy for a long while yet but, YOUR influence in the ME especially, is in rapid decline. :D

Syria will be firmly back in the hands of the elected government within the next twelve months. I am afraid YOU won't have a say in it, because nobody is listening to YOU, they listen to the Russians now, even the Japanese! :lol:

I will tell you where a major conflict is growing .... The United States of America ..... because they are very close to becoming the Dis-United States of America. If the 'Establishment Elite' overturn the will of the people and force the Electoral College to vote Trump out and leave it open for The Clinton's and Wall Street ...............The USA will burn !!!! :o You will have civil unrest across the country. :roll:
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:59 am

It remains to be seen if I am talking rubbish or not.

What is complete and utter rubbish is the notion that the fall of Aleppo means peace and stability in Syria. it won't.

And the Coalition has plenty to do in Syria and will continue to do it. Syria is fragmented, and destroyed. It is a country up for grabs, and we will do our best to grab as much as possible in the resource rich northern provinces.

In the meantime, Coalition will only fight DAESH from Raqqa. whatever happens from there is not our business and quite pointless when DAESH are expanding their global reach.

Raqqa is important to us because it belongs to the Kurds and there are Oil Fields in the area which are very important for the viability of Kurdistan. We will also take Idlib to ensure it remains a safe haven for Sunnis.
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