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Get Ready for major conflict

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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:06 pm

Dream on chaps.

The American dream is a lot more alive than the European Dream and they just increased interest rates - the first country to do so in a long time which indicates a lot of confidence and a lively economy.

What does that have to do with the American Dream? Millions of Americans are surviving on Food Stamps and just like the UK and Australia a very large percentage of families are just one pay check from poverty! Of course you wouldn’t know that because you don’t mix in those sort of circles!

In addition, America is the least totalitarian state on the planet. Freedom of religion and the right to bear arms under the 5 amendment and I don't think Syria has a Bill of Rights!

Syria is (or maybe was .... but will be again) a democracy, has freedom of religion as it is a secular Society and you have to be in the Army/Police to carry a gun, which sounds sensible. But they have free medical care to a high standard and free education up to PhD level, they have subsidised housing and interest free mortgages. The Government also provides interest free loans for people to start businesses. Does The Land of the Free have any of that?

In fact, it is more accurate to say that the UK is a lot more totalitarian (and it isn't totalitarian) than the USA due to the PC Brigade that run your lives, and that includes the EU as well.

There seems to be little difference, what the US does the UK does and vice versa. There are more controls on daily life in both Nations than there are in Russia. The EU is rapidly becoming the 4th Reich!

The Electoral College will not overturn the will of the people. The College will vote in accordance to the Constitution. There is no way to overturn it without causing Constitutional mayhem and riots on the streets.

What about this ‘Deep State’ (NWO?) you keep throwing up :roll: ..... you really think they will sit back and watch Trump dismantle them and take away all they have worked so hard for? I have already said that a vote that blocks his presidency will cause problems, but Americans are not too bright and will think the people are too stupid to see what is happening. Why do you think there is all this demonization of Putin and all the stupid accusations about hacking. At one time you could give the American population a ‘just’ cause and they would just follow the Pied Piper! Today, more and more are deserting the MSM and the Governments propaganda machine and getting their news from more reliable sources, they are getting smarter and the Elite are worried.
All you have is a bunch of snotty self entitled Hollywood bozos creating some shit for their own publicity. But the political system won't even dare touch it or play that game.

Hillary called in the big stars, mainly to boost attendance at her rallies and that didn’t work, as they have no influence.

You claim to mix with the top echelons of the political elite and you think they will not do what is required to keep their privileged lifestyles and their jobs? That means ‘They’ will do what ‘The Establishment’ tells them to do.

Trump is president. That is the verdict. To cast doubt about it means that you bozos are either waiting for a major Constitutional Chaos due to your own hatred of USA or are just plainly dumb.

Not true! Trump is not President until after his inauguration. He may not get that far !!!!!

Us ‘bozos’ have a far wider view of what is going on than you do. We don’t restrict ourselves to reading MSM headlines and then making stupid pronouncements. The writing is on the wall ..... the US is beginning to crumble, that is clearly evident and IMO we will soon see The People (with their 5th Amendment weapons) taking on the Elite and the establishment Barons. The US police is now a military converted from serving the people to serving the Establishment. In any uprising, if the muscle deserts the Elite ..... the revolution is won.

The US has treated its veterans very badly and they have the capacity and training to turn the police from defending The Establishment to supporting the people. The same thing will happen with their National Guard! You should try reading some of their web sites ..... that will open your eyes! But be quick .... the Elite are shutting down any sites that question them.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:Dream on chaps.

The American dream is a lot more alive than the European Dream and they just increased interest rates - the first country to do so in a long time which indicates a lot of confidence and a lively economy.

In addition, America is the least totalitarian state on the planet. Freedom of religion and the right to bear arms under the 5 amendment and I don't think Syria has a Bill of Rights! :lol: :lol: :lol:

In fact, it is more accurate to say that the UK is a lot more totalitarian (and it isn't totalitarian) than the USA due to the PC Brigade that run your lives, and that includes the EU as well.

The Electoral College will not overturn the will of the people. The College will vote in accordance to the Constitution. There is no way to overturn it without causing Constitutional mayhem and riots on the streets.

All you have is a bunch of snotty self entitled Hollywood bozos creating some shit for their own publicity. But the political system won't even dare touch it or play that game.

Trump is president. That is the verdict. To cast doubt about it means that you bozos are either waiting for a major Constitutional Chaos due to your own hatred of USA or are just plainly dumb. :?

We 'bozos' can at least rely on the backing of influential and well informed Americans who can see what is building.

What I would call well informed opinion ........ backed with knowledge of how the system works. :roll:

A CIA-led Coup Against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes — Paul Craig Roberts

This article by Moon of Alabama is not conspiracy theory: Read it carefully. Check out the links.

What you have to remember is that the CIA has had nearly 70 years of practice in influencing elections, installing US dictators, initiating coups and organising regime change in countries all over the World. The CIA are basically the guardians and the 'hit-men' of the Deep State if not the actual Deep State itself. This should be a walk in the park for them! :roll: :x
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:39 am

Milti, you have no clue.

A conflict of some sort is virtually guaranteed between Israel and Iranian Interests.

Tehran has direct supply lines now from Tehran to Damascus to Beirut. Israel will not stand for this under ANY circumstances, so get ready for a major war within the next 2 years. They have already conducted Air Strikes against Damascus so we see how that plays out.

The Israelis are going to strike whilst the iron is not.

In the meantime, the Civil war in Syria will continue.

Oh and Russia can't afford a war with Israel. it is on the verge of bankruptcy as we speak hence the reason for the Aleppo Carpet bombing Grozny Style. They can't afford to keep their current military tempo. They can't even afford to service their ships hence the Oil burning barge their planes keep crashing on.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:35 am

Oh dear .... more long term predictions and detailed analysis ....... :roll:

Milti, you have no clue.

He has far more credibility than anything you say. Milti reasons .... you spout!

A conflict of some sort is virtually guaranteed between Israel and Iranian Interests.

It will be Israel that starts it. Israel has attacked every one of its neighbours at some time or another over the years. Iran has attacked no one for 300 years. Israel has nuclear weapons ..... Iran does not, but in a conventional war the Iranians would overwhelm the Israeli’s. The only thing that would save Israel would be US intervention ..... which would lead to Russian intervention .... which would lead to WWIII. :roll:

Tehran has direct supply lines now from Tehran to Damascus to Beirut. Israel will not stand for this under ANY circumstances, so get ready for a major war within the next 2 years. They have already conducted Air Strikes against Damascus so we see how that plays out.

Israel has been conducting air strikes against Syria for years. Every time they use the excuse they are stopping Hezbollah receiving armaments. One day some one is going to shoot down an Israeli jet ..... and the US will declare it as an act of war ..... even if the jet was in some one else’s sky!

The Israelis are going to strike whilst the iron is not.

The US will not allow the Israeli’s to go it alone as that will draw the US into a conflict they do not want and they will not do it for them. The status quo will remain, until maybe one of the countries decides to throw the Israeli’s off stolen land .... Syria (Golan). The last time IDF came up against Hezbollah .... they lost! Israel can only fight a war with any guarantee of winning if it has Big-Brother watching its back. No US backing ..... no Israeli wars. :o

In the meantime, the Civil war in Syria will continue.

Syria is not a civil war, it is a foreign backed insurgency ...... and we know who the backers are, don’t we? :wink:

Oh and Russia can't afford a war with Israel. it is on the verge of bankruptcy as we speak hence the reason for the Aleppo Carpet bombing Grozny Style. They can't afford to keep their current military tempo. They can't even afford to service their ships hence the Oil burning barge their planes keep crashing on.

Where do you get such information? Russia is far from being bankrupt .... its currency is backed by gold and it has enormous un tapped natural resources. Assad and the Russians did not ‘carpet bomb’ Aleppo ........ look at pictures of Dresden ..... THAT is carpet bombing. Now .... if you look at Mosul THERE you will more than likely see evidence of carpet bombing by USAF B-52’s, but there is a news blackout.

What happened in Aleppo is happening in Mosul but on a much larger scale but it is not reported. The financial impact on Russia has been manageable, even Putin has said that.

BTW: Did you know that four of the US Carriers are older than Kusnetsov and that Kusnetsov was designed for a completely different roll to US Carriers? No, I don’t suppose you do! :roll:

The reason the engines smokes is historic and stems from the fact it was Russias first carrier and the engines were not available to power it at that time ........ so they compromised with what they had. But it still works after all these years. The Russians realised that the answer was NOT huge carriers but a means of neutralising their threat ........ Iskander even Satan etc. and of course electronic counter measures and even the US admits they have fallen behind the Russians on that front.
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Re: Get Ready for major conflict

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:37 am

Hezbollah denies reports that it vowed not to respond to Israeli attacks in Syria ... rael-25239

Is Israel Preparing for War Against Hezbollah? ... 29902.html

IDF can put Lebanon back 300 years if Hezbollah attacks, officer tells Saudi paper ... per-447212

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