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false flag operations

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Re: false flag operations

Postby Lordo » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:56 pm

B25 wrote:Bwahahaha.

Here chew on this, according to this report your motherland Turkey is heading for bankruptcy.

Thousands laid off in the tourism business due to you love dovey Erdocunt. ... ismou.html

Its in greek, but hey you can translate it and this is Cyprus.

this is about false flags boy no go post this elsewhere
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Re: false flag operations

Postby Maximus » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:42 pm

Lordo wrote:we all know about the dengtash false flag operations on 1958 but how many of you swine are aware of yorgadjis's false flag operation of december 1963 when they put a bomb on drakos's satutue and also burnt down the school. these orders came directly from yorgadjis

fancy that.


What you have shown us here is that the Cyprus problem did not start in 1963.

What you have shown us is that Denktash started the intercommunal violance with false flag operations in 1958. Its as simple as that.

I did not read the article because I know what to expect from the author. Whatever the author says is convoluted historically incorrect rubbish.
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Re: false flag operations

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:50 am

oh dear another lost elambui. bruuuuuoooooooooooooooooooooo
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Re: false flag operations

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:02 pm

Everyone has their own spin on it. The way I see it is that from the day the ottomans took Cyprus you can't expect the gc or the Greeks from mainland to love Turks. The greeks on the mainland were ruled for over 500 years and the gc's around 345 yeas so the hatred is imbedded in their minds. It's not the same case for tc s only distrust after what the Greeks did to tc s pre 1974. Which Is why we should accept that gcs dont want a Cyprus solution that has us as part of it. If that was the case why are they in the eu and we are not and a solution was part of the agreement. The Cyprus solution for Greeks is enosis and that has never changed. I am not against your beliefs in fact I totally understand your desires and your anger. Where I stand I want the same for tc but not with you guys as part of it either. My opinion is self determination for tc with no connections to the gcs and close the borders because you can't be trusted
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Re: false flag operations

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:42 am

You can have your self determination in your own mother land Turkey. Go join your brothers the Kurds and get some of the treatment they are currently getting from Erdocunt. You would be much happier there. And I can guarantee you there won't be any GCs there to bother you so no fear of trust issues.
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Re: false flag operations

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:53 pm

B25 wrote:You can have your self determination in your own mother land Turkey. Go join your brothers the Kurds and get some of the treatment they are currently getting from Erdocunt. You would be much happier there. And I can guarantee you there won't be any GCs there to bother you so no fear of trust issues.

ah yes of course. and cyprus is a greak island right.

on your bike boy.

or are you the villaage bike or somefink.
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