[\quote="miltiades=]As a rule I never disassociate my self from something that I have never been associated with, however since you stupidly brought this matter up on numerous occasions, and so that new members will comprehend how blatantly stupid you are, I shall forego my steadfast principles and deal with this crap that you keep posting.
Pervert, I was born in 1946 , at the start of the struggle against the British occupation on April 1st 1955 I was 8 years 11 months old.
I joined the youth movement of EOKA, called ANE on reaching the age of 12 in 1958, a year later the struggle came to an end. I was 13 years old.
Two years later at the age 15 I emigrated to the UK. A stupid fucking pervert such as you insinuates that I ....run for my life !!
You stupid bastard, fuck off !!
There you are, I have now given your perversion A BOOST.[/quote]
Ah !, but you forgot to mention the 'Sand-Bags' that you filled for the Brits in preparation for the 'Invasion' of Cyprus.
Not being 'Au Fait' with matters of 'Military Consequence' (how could you be ?) you probably do not know that the invasion of Cyprus was planned years in advance and (possibly) many of the 'Sand-Bags' are STILL in place where the pre-determined borders remain to this very day.
You also assisted in the construction of the 'Barracks' (by loading sand on to the 'British Army Lorries') before you 'Hot Footed' it out of Cyprus and made good your escape to the land of the 'Brits' before you were rumbled by the young men who were prepared to stand their ground against their enemies and would be rightly offended by your activities.
Don't forget the 'Kindly English Lady' (you mentioned) who used to ply you with sweets !, was she after information I wonder ?.
There is more yet (for the benefit of new members) you can 'Run' but you can't 'Hide' mate, there are still those who remember the snotty little turncoat who legged it to safety when the going looked like it was going to get a bit tough AND, conveniently set a course which would ensure that 'THIS ONE' would NEVER put his time in for a bit of 'Military Service'.
OH YES, you really are a fine example of a 'Patriotic Cypriot'
(My Arse)