Regardless of the merits of either side's contribution and heartfelt views on this tragic issue, I think the practice of targeting an individual in a poll is disgusting. IIRC this has been the second incidence against the same member on the same subject, by the same person.
Disgusting’ is a bit strong but ‘
un-called for’ I would agree with. I will not ‘
vote’ because as I said, I hate these moronic ‘
LIKES’ on social media and this is what a poll emulates.
Whether you like/hate or are indifferent to Mr Paphitist's contributions, it strikes me that this forum would be a considerably quieter place without his input and much more along the lines of a mutual admiration society. Is that what you're after?
So what you are saying is that the majority would merely be a ‘ ...
mutual admiration society’ if he were to stop posting his views, because they mostly disagree with Paphitis more than they do with one another ?
The ‘
War on Syria’ thread started on 19th Feb, 2012, almost five years ago. It has had almost 70,000 views and has had over 2000 replies. Paphitis has been a prolific contributor, without doubt. Yes, I agree, it would be rather dull if we all agreed but then, there are Forums that would like to have that sort interest in a debating forum, in total ......... let alone on a single thread.