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Cp279, GreekIslandGirl, kurupetos, miltiades, yialousa1971
Total votes : 6


Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:09 am

Yes there are many here who support my views because my views are far more mainstream than yours and are also the internationally accepted position of the Coalition Countries, the UN, Human Rights Groups, and a shit load more countries around the world who are not members of the Coalition.

We also control the Oil and Gas.

And we have no issue whatsoever with running off with the loot as things stand. It belongs to the Kurds now, to be totally truthful.
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:36 am

Paphitis wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:This is a bogus poll because a poll on Cyprus Forum does not actually reflect whether most people agree with my Comprehensive peace settlement approach compared to your sledgehammer approach which will as a matter of fact perpetuate perpetual sectarian conflict in Syria.

You know very well, that my view is universally accepted by the UN, The Coalition and a shitload many more nations on this planet, even Pootin, and that public opinion will concur with me than your sledgehammer approach on Sunnis, their hospitals and schools.

Use your head!

Your masters are not going to be happy with your progress on the forum! :mrgreen:

I don't have masters, unlike you who doesn't even have a brain.

So far, my views are validated by the calibre of those who vote against me. no loss of sleep let me tell you. :wink:

You're a very silly little boy!

Haven't you noticed yet Syria have won you fool. :lol:

no I haven't!

Then your sources of information are out of step with all other sources MSM, independent sites, BBC, CNN, RT ..... any one you chose, expresses views diametrically opposed to those you expound!

Only a fool will derive any kind of victory from this disaster. You all been salivating since last year about this impending victory, but I don't see a victory here under any circumstances just a major humanitarian catastrophe on an unprecedented scale never before seen since WW2.

It seems to be YOU that revels in a continuing war. Aleppo is a battle and it will be just one victory fro the Government and the people of Syria, against a foreign incursion supported by the US Coalition. BTW:".....just a major humanitarian catastrophe on an unprecedented scale never before seen since WW2." ... as usual your memory is 'convenient' ..... Fallujah .... just one example of YOUR humanitarian warfare ....... millions have died both during and after this atrocity.

You need to have a good and sincere look at your morals and prejudices.

I suggest you look in the mirror my friend ..... NO ONE has lower morals and more extreme prejudices than you. Almost every post they shine through!

As for me, I am very comfortable with my views on this subject. They are views which actually give peace and stability a chance in Syria for all its people. You are just after a political and military victory over millions of people who are suppressed with no hope in their own country. Yet, you have drawn yourself into an endless sectarian war that is unwinnable. Congratulations.

You are an idiot who believes his own fantasies!

well YiaLoser, the Coalition is still active and will go on with seized territories. and we will watch on as the regime chases its tale for many more years to come. Good Morning Vietnam!

The fact that these conquests and seizures by YOU and your proxies are ALL illegal, just seems to miss you completely. Aleppo will fall within days, then there will be other cities and towns to be rescued from Daesh and YOUR terrorists, until they are defeated as a military force and Syria returns to a form of relative peace.

There is no victory outside of a Comprehensive peace settlement and that will be understood the hard way if necessary.

That peace settlement will be when the terrorist ability to engage in open warfare against the legitimate forces of a recognised and elected government destroyed. Then there will be a peace settlement decided by the Syrian people. The only function YOU, Russia or the UN will have is to make sure the vote is a fair one and not subject to interference from foreigners with other agendas ......... mainly YOU. The 'hard way' will be if YOU decide to start WWIII and no body wins!
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:08 am

Paphitis wrote:Yes there are many here who support my views because my views are far more mainstream than yours and are also the internationally accepted position of the Coalition Countries, the UN, Human Rights Groups, and a shit load more countries around the world who are not members of the Coalition.

Paphitis .... face reality! Look at the posts in the Syria thread ..... simply take any page ( there are almost 200 to chose from) and clearly it would not be true to say that the majority do not support you. The fact is that NOBODY SUPPORTS YOUR VIEWS in all of those 200 pages of posts! Your posts are not only completely ill-logical and ill-founded, they are extreme by any standard and extreme right wing at that, in fact nothing less than fascist in content.

We also control the Oil and Gas.

You mean you have stolen it or intend to do so?

And we have no issue whatsoever with running off with the loot as things stand. It belongs to the Kurds now, to be totally truthful.

You mean you will steal anything you want and woe betide anyone that stands in your way, because you have POWER! Maybe Assad and Russia and THEIR coalition will not agree with you ..... then what?

Very smart trying to Create a Kurdish State in Northern Syria ........ that should keep the Turks engaged for a while? With the Kurds acting as a buffer zone between Turkey and Syria they can be left to deal with 'The Sultan'.

IMO: I can see Assad letting the Kurds have an autonomous Kurdish region along the border with Turkey. Makes sense, Assad lets them protect him whilst he rebuilds Syria and YOU support the Kurds against Turkey. Oh, hang on ...... the Kurds are one of your proxies but isn't Turkey part of the coalition and of NATO as well as a friend of Russia?
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:12 am

well the proof will be in the pudding.

no one is against my views, even Angelas Merkel got in on it. She has my views and the MSM don't express views, they just report, unless of course you are talking about click-bait opinion.

no it's the other way around. I am the only one between the 2 of us who wants to see a genuine end to the conflict and that can only be derived from a comprehensive peace settlement not subjugating entire peoples. the ramifications will be very widespread and for Europe as well.

I am happy with what I see in the mirror so thank you for your concern.

The fantasies are all yours. The only thing you can expect from me is common sense as held by the vast majority of decent people around the world.

our seizures have just been legitimized by the regime's behavior and there is nothing anyone can do about that and we will probably be less likely to be wanted to be negotiating for anything very soon.

A comprehensive settlement could have bought peace and stability to Syria, for all its people and there is nothing democratic about the regime, or the way it deals with Sunnis and others such as Assyrians and Kurds.

Be that as it may, there might not be anything left for us to negotiate which means the coalition just presses on with Raqqa and seizing more land.

And the regime engaged in perpetual conflict.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:16 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Yes there are many here who support my views because my views are far more mainstream than yours and are also the internationally accepted position of the Coalition Countries, the UN, Human Rights Groups, and a shit load more countries around the world who are not members of the Coalition.

Paphitis .... face reality! Look at the posts in the Syria thread ..... simply take any page ( there are almost 200 to chose from) and clearly it would not be true to say that the majority do not support you. The fact is that NOBODY SUPPORTS YOUR VIEWS in all of those 200 pages of posts! Your posts are not only completely ill-logical and ill-founded, they are extreme by any standard and extreme right wing at that, in fact nothing less than fascist in content.

We also control the Oil and Gas.

You mean you have stolen it or intend to do so?

And we have no issue whatsoever with running off with the loot as things stand. It belongs to the Kurds now, to be totally truthful.

You mean you will steal anything you want and woe betide anyone that stands in your way, because you have POWER! Maybe Assad and Russia and THEIR coalition will not agree with you ..... then what?

Very smart trying to Create a Kurdish State in Northern Syria ........ that should keep the Turks engaged for a while? With the Kurds acting as a buffer zone between Turkey and Syria they can be left to deal with 'The Sultan'.

IMO: I can see Assad letting the Kurds have an autonomous Kurdish region along the border with Turkey. Makes sense, Assad lets them protect him whilst he rebuilds Syria and YOU support the Kurds against Turkey. Oh, hang on ...... the Kurds are one of your proxies but isn't Turkey part of the coalition and of NATO as well as a friend of Russia?

You are on a Cypriot Forum.

And there are many people who don't post in that thread because they are a lot more closer to my views than the views expressed in that thread which are completely false, propaganda driven, biased and unrealistic as well as out of step with International sentiment.

but interrogate the views of the republic of Cyprus Government and you will find they agree with my views and the Coalition's stance. Why? because they are no idiots like you, or partake in fanciful hysteria all because of some anti-Americanism and quite frankly are also disgusted with the regime.

no decent law abiding international citizen could possibly reconcile this criminality and injustice, especially Cypriots who know what it is like.

You just worry about the regime and let the Coalition worry about its own corner and its objectives of permanently establishing its own foothold in Syria and seize the oil fields.

say bye bye to them in other words. All bets are off, and soon you will be welcoming another country to the fold on our say so! An Oil and Gas rich country too. ... ation.html
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Postby Londonrake » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:17 pm


Regardless of the merits of either side's contribution and heartfelt views on this tragic issue, I think the practice of targeting an individual in a poll is disgusting. IIRC this has been the second incidence against the same member on the same subject, by the same person.

Whether you like/hate or are indifferent to Mr Paphitist's contributions, it strikes me that this forum would be a considerably quieter place without his input and much more along the lines of a mutual admiration society. Is that what you're after? :?:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:48 pm

Londonrake wrote:FWIW.

Regardless of the merits of either side's contribution and heartfelt views on this tragic issue, I think the practice of targeting an individual in a poll is disgusting. IIRC this has been the second incidence against the same member on the same subject, by the same person.

Whether you like/hate or are indifferent to Mr Paphitist's contributions, it strikes me that this forum would be a considerably quieter place without his input and much more along the lines of a mutual admiration society. Is that what you're after? :?:

The target is NOT the man him self but the views he perpetually presents to the forum. I vehemently disagree with his views on the Syrian issue, he apparently is convinced that his views are widely shared. The purpose of this poll is to expose the fact that not one single member on this forum shares his views on Syria. This is by no means a vindictive poll.
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:05 pm

Regardless of the merits of either side's contribution and heartfelt views on this tragic issue, I think the practice of targeting an individual in a poll is disgusting. IIRC this has been the second incidence against the same member on the same subject, by the same person.

Disgusting’ is a bit strong but ‘un-called for’ I would agree with. I will not ‘vote’ because as I said, I hate these moronic ‘LIKES’ on social media and this is what a poll emulates. :evil:

Whether you like/hate or are indifferent to Mr Paphitist's contributions, it strikes me that this forum would be a considerably quieter place without his input and much more along the lines of a mutual admiration society. Is that what you're after?

So what you are saying is that the majority would merely be a ‘ ... mutual admiration society’ if he were to stop posting his views, because they mostly disagree with Paphitis more than they do with one another ? :wink:

The ‘War on Syria’ thread started on 19th Feb, 2012, almost five years ago. It has had almost 70,000 views and has had over 2000 replies. Paphitis has been a prolific contributor, without doubt. Yes, I agree, it would be rather dull if we all agreed but then, there are Forums that would like to have that sort interest in a debating forum, in total ......... let alone on a single thread. :roll: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:55 pm

The poll asks one simple question, that is DO YOU AGREE WITH PAPHITIS VIEWS ON SYRIA.
I do not see this as either an attack on his person or in any way derogatory, more so that if by any chance someone shares his warped views one can eaily vote Yes. I do not see what all the fuss is about.
I do not share his views, neither does anyone else interacting with Paphitis on the appropriate thread. What is the big issue.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:28 pm

Although Paphitis’ views suck big time, the irony is that it wasn’t too long ago when Miltiades was sucking America’s dick 24/7 on this forum making a total dick of himself, just like Paphitis is doing now!

So on the basis of the above and by the power vested in me as Chief Forum Arbitrator, my verdict is…

Lock them both up, throw the keys away and toss an onion in their cell once every 24 hours!

PS: My verdict is final! 8)
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