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Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

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Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby MrH » Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:53 pm

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10 minutes ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by LGCnews.
The only threat I see here is if the Greek Cypriots say yes, as there are two certainties which I am extremely uneasy about. The first being that our Turkish Cypriots will vote "Yes" to any given plan, unfortunately, and that there will be a plan and a referendum. I just can't believe how we can wait unrecognised and Embargoed for so many years to eventually be threatened with a very strong Greek Cypriot overwhelming Federal Cyprus formula and Turkey being happy about it. Where countries like Italy, France and obviously the UK leaving and left the EU, respectively, our lot are actually considering being marginalised into the EU without Turkey being a member first. In fact, if Turkey were an EU member today, I would have been happy signing any Cyprus deal as the Freedom of Movement aspect would have sorted the Island's Turkish migratory policy perfectly. But, unfortunately Without Turkey as a full EU member first, the practice and threat will be the complete opposite. With respect to Akinci's Socialist mindset, I understand his ideology, but the Greek Cypriots are NOT British! The Greek Cypriots are very much into their Hellenic ideology where after a number of years we Turkish CypriotState will be a very small "Muslim Cypriot" minority, not even Turkish Cypriot, within a very heavily populated Greek Cypriot, Greek mainland and EU cosmopolitan society. The Turkish Cypriots must understand that our population is far to tiny to secure any Equality at a government and PARTNERSHIP state level with our low impact and small numbers in comparison to there's. The GCS have already pinned us to only 9.8% of the islands population ......think about it!
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:09 pm

MrH wrote:The Turkish Cypriots must understand that our population is far to tiny to secure any Equality at a government and PARTNERSHIP state level with our low impact and small numbers in comparison to there's. The GCS have already pinned us to only 9.8% of the islands population ......think about it!

Exactly, you are too small and insignificant but PERFECT for a population transfer back to Turkey.
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:45 pm

Turkey an EU member, bwahahahah, pull the other one, its get bells on it.

Any minute now the EU will be asking for a refund of its accession money, some 2 Billion euros and impose sanctions to this dictators shit hole.

OK, was a good laugh all the same, but worry not my MrH, a no vote from the GCs is a certainty. Anna-stasiades is pissing in the wind whilst your Akinci is jerking off with thought of grandeur.

:) :) :)
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby Maximus » Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:53 pm

You need to be reunited with your cousins in Anatolia MrH. You and the vast majority of your community need to be repatriated to Turkey. I say this with some respect and not out of malice but to provide a solution based on historical and legal correctness and financial feasability. Also, it is what is best for both communities. Its just none sense to try to unite the RoC with the occupied areas along the lines of what Turkey and the occupation regime wants.

Unfortunately, and as you know, your people were used by the greater powers to divide Cyprus and now to keep us in a state of conflict. That is all. There is nothing right about what you are trying to do in Cyprus. havent you worked that out yet after all this time?

Continue though and although your efforts are laced with sinister intentions, Gods hand is quitely working in mysterious ways. That 9.8% (already down from 18%) will be down to next to nothing in a ferw short years.
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby kurupetos » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:38 pm

Akinci is irrelevant...

The whole thread is f* useless. :roll:
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby Lordo » Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:29 am

you what? i think we have established who is irrelevant. the one who ru to greece to get his orderslike reh vromismene tsouro
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby kurupetos » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:04 pm

Lordo wrote:you what? i think we have established who is irrelevant. the one who ru to greece to get his orderslike reh vromismene tsouro

That's why you are an idiot. :lol:
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:04 pm don't have to get too complicated MrH, there is nothing to worry about. It seems pretty obvious by now that a brown envelope is involved; he is not working for his electorate, but he is working for you.

...despite that, Cyprus will be Free, because "this" is unnatural; maybe you do have something to worry about.
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:18 am

...they are "servant-slaves", "parasites", just like Erdogan says. I pity the Cypriots of Turkish origin in Cyprus, unheard and living under the threat of those who may deem them not "Turkish" enough. The rest are satisfied it seems to be the subject of occupation, having sacrificed their Freedom for the Security their "Turkishness" offers; now not even the water, nor the electrical power, are their own.

...what is Akinci to do, it seems; a brown envelope is better than nothing.
(I have not seen one photo where Mr. Akinci stands beside the Flag of Cyprus)
(I remember the angry phone call on his election night)
(Not invited to the wedding yet, as "President", he went, where/when Erdogan called)

Will he show backbone and represent the electorate who voted for him?

...I have no doubt that the men sitting at this negotiation table can strike the deal called "perfect", the Cyprus Problem needs. I suggest as Nation builders they turn their eyes to Turkey, who needs just such a template for themselves. I suggest that what is good for Turkey, in effect is good for Cyprus.

Cyprus needs Statesman, not "Greeks", not "Turks". Cypriots need Leadership committed to Universal Principals, above all committed to Humanity, as Cypriots; not "Turks", not "Greeks". Cypriots voted for these men, Mr. Anastasiades, and Mr. Akinci, not as a "Greek", not as a "Turk".

...a Cyprus, like, a Turkey, is not hard to imagine. Cyprus is not "Greek", Turkey is not "Turkish".

Where there may be Cypriot Constituencies, one may find among them extremes. Such diversity may express a vital, and democratic, environment that Cypriots nurture. A "Greek" place, or a "Turkish" place, a "Maronite", "Latin", or "Armenian" place, may exist as Cypriot Constituencies, but, if they do exist it is because as Cypriots, as Individuals, Cypriots choose to find within these distinct identities, an identity for themselves, as Persons, as well. (this is, Bicommunal, if geographic, territorially Bizonal) is not hard to understand the benefits of a BBF. Just look at Canada, or the USA, to consider two that are successful. Intentions count.

One Flag in Cyprus, One Flag in Turkey; is that hard to understand? ... -decision/

...for you MrH, i think you may find my comment a good read.
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Re: Akinci's Failing Socialist mindset

Postby DrCyprus » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:49 am

Anatolia? They need to be repatriated to effin Kazakhstan and leave us in peace.
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