Piratis wrote:This is the price list I would make if I was them:
Triple play with 300K Internet: 10 pounds
Triple play - 1Mbit: 18 pounds
Triple play - 1.5Mbit: 24 pounds
Hmm.. Why do you think that they should give such prices? According to Primetel press release they will offer all services from one provider:
Noteworthy is the fact that all services will be offered by only one telecommunication company, PrimeTel, resulting in the payment of just one bill with important monthly savings by consumers. What makes PrimeTel to differ from other alternative telecommunication companies in Cyprus is the fact that subscribers will not have to subscribe to more than one telecommunication provider to be able to receive all three services. This fact makes PrimeTel, the only true alternative choice in the Telecommunications sector of Cyprus.
Let's calculate how much 1Mbit ADSL costs now
Cytanet netrunnerfast (1Mbit) subscription: 12CYP
Telephone line subscription: 7CYP
I-choice1000 subscription: 15CYP
Total: 34CYP+VAT
Why do you think that Primetel will give 1Mbit triple play for 18CYP?