This bit I agree with .... as for the rest of your opinionated post ......
The situation in the world is dire because we have an ineffective UN. War crimes occur because the International Community as a whole have no means to hold countries to account. It only takes one veto to allow War Crimes to occur with impunity. So the UN needs to be reformed because it is unfair for everyone to be looking at the USA to enforce humanitarian law even if it is in situations that suits their interests.
That is why the UN has become ineffective, it has become simply an extension of US hegemony. The US has used its veto more times in the last 25 years than all the other members combined, most of them protecting Israel against any UN attempts to ‘...
hold them responsible for their crimes.’ Nobody, as far as I know has ever asked the US to enforce humanitarian law on their behalf ..... they just took up that mantra themselves! As you say ‘...
when it suits their interests.’
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with you, the UN does need to be reformed, as it is unfair because just five countries are effectively operating it, each with their own interests in mind.
The UNGA is ineffective because it has no powers of enforcement. As an example, every year for the last twenty years there has been an almost unanimous vote to lift sanctions on Cuba. Every year two countries Israel and the US, are the only ones that are oppose the motion. If the GA had teeth, then sanctions would have been lifted over twenty years ago.
The UN Security Council needs to remove the veto rights of its members. It will ensure that regimes will think twice before they engage in acts against humanity, invasions and war crimes.
But do you include regimes such as those in the US/UK/NATO countries in that consideration ? They are guilty of more ‘.....
acts against humanity, invasions and war crimes.’, than the rest of the World added together !
There should also be a Rapid Reaction Force with troops provided by all UN members.
Again, I agree with you. But I will go farther! Apart from limited in size and weaponry, local militias required to keep the peace between countries or between factions within countries, ...... the UN and only the UN should have the right to use oppressive and overwhelming military force. In other words, all the aircraft carries, war ships, military aircraft, tanks even WMD should come under a professional multinational military management under the direction of the UN and thus under the direct control of all countries that form that body.
Also, any sanctions, against any country, should come under the auspices of the UN after a democratic vote in the GA. The SC should be just a team of diplomats that apply and enforce the decisions resulting from democratic decisions of the GA.
The War Crimes in Aleppo and the world's failure to act, has left everyone all the poorer for it. We have lost part of our humanity by turning the other cheek and that is shameful.
But it is only the US coalition members that are accusing Assad/Putin of these war crimes. What most of those that have lived in Aleppo throughout the conflict and have now been liberated by SAA forces, relate to is completely the reverse of your MSM inspired accusations.
YOU have had
ONLY reports from terrorist sources, because throughout the occupation of Eastern Aleppo there have been no independent reporters. Journalist were kidnapped and even beheaded on video by
YOUR terrorists. That would deter even the most ardent journalist from even attempting to enter Eastern Aleppo. But without a shred of evidence the MSM and the UN relied upon these sources to form an opinion.
Since the liberation have you seen any of these White Helmets? Those dedicated volunteers that rushed to the rescue of the victims of Assad/Putin’s bombing! Most of the residents of Eastern Aleppo have never heard of them and those that have do not support the MSM narrative and regard them as thieves who stole all the drugs and stripped bodies of any gold.
It was
YOU that turned
YOUR backs on the people of Aleppo because it was
YOU that was supporting these terrorists and thus were just as culpable as they are for the crimes they committed. It has been Assad and the Russians that have provided all the aid and medical facilities to those escaping from
YOUR terrorists. The US coalition countries and the EU have contributed NOTHING in the way of aid!
America also knows that ALL middle eastern countries a basket cases. All except for Israel that is. Israel has a western outlook with western values and ideals, similar to what you will find in the USA and the EU. It is the only country in the region which does so and as such the USA and allies view Israel as a stable friendly entity which they can rely on. They too are clever in how they engage with the USA.
Until US/NATO intervention in Libya, they had the highest standard of living in Africa, the same applied to Iraq, and then
YOU decided to turn
YOUR attention to Syria. Again a secular, relatively peaceful and fairly prosperous society. Both Libya and Syria had free health care to a high standard and free education for all. Libya in particular had massive social projects, every newly wed couple were given a house and businesses and individuals could get interest free loans. So ..... ‘
basket case’ is not a realistic description. Were they hard regimes .... no doubt about it? But you are now seeing in Europe why this is what these countries need to keep the sectarian and criminal violence down, but ordinary people were far better off than they are now .... by a long chalk.
I obviously disagree completely with your deluded opinion of Israel. It is an oppressive, racist, genocidal, rogue State that has disregarded any form of compliance with International Law or conventions, since it came into being in 1948. Their treatment of the people of Gaza and the West Bank is not far short of the way the Nazi’s treated the Jews and others, during WWII.
But then I have always regarded Tel-Aviv as the capital city of the USA!