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The Strength of IS.

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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:19 pm

Such a pity that WE (who are so cacooned in lies and deceptions courtesy of our leaderships) are actually powerless to draw any realistic conclusions as to that which is really going on under our very noses BUT:-

It seems like everyone is having a great time putting in their 'Two Penn'orth' , so it can't be all bad. :wink:

Best Wishes to ALL members for 2017.................the year which might herald a bit of 'Peace' (with the corner up eh?) :lol:
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:04 pm

Many people say that our politicians are pulling the wool over our eyes.

That's not true. Let's take the USA as an example. The same can be applied to all countries.

The USA is a Geopolitical Power. The biggest power in the planet. It is as a matter of fact an Empire. The largest the globe has ever seen in terms of Geopolitical Influence, economic and military power. It however is the also the first Empire to not be occupying other nations in conquest when compared to previous powers from Rome, to Alexander The Great, and the British Empire. That is an evolution no one can deny. Progress. Another power will result in regression to the bad old days of conquest.

As a Geopolitical Empire, it has interests as do all countries big and small. It is not a humanitarian power. It uses Humanitarian Language to further its own interests. When it suits their interests, they will use humanitarian language, but when it doesn't suit their interests they will remain silent and overlook things. Many examples such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

It has something however that most of the world do not and they share these values with few nations like all those of the EU and others. They are a democratic society with universally expressed and protected Human Rights to its citizens and protected under their Constitution and Bill of Rights. America is one of the best countries in the world to live in. It has its issues like all other countries of the OECD do.

People should not make the mistake to think the USA or its allies are Humanitarian Powers. That is just in words. Fact of the matter is, there is not a country on the planet that would do any different to the USA if they had their military might. There is not a country on the planet that will place their interests behind humanitarian principles.

But it does provide an interesting dilemma. People need to ask themselves who they want as the leading power. Would the world be better off with the USA or someone else? Someone else like let's say Iran, Russia, or China?

Most people will prefer the USA no doubt, because the bottom line is that they have been a pretty good power and done a lot of great things rather than just go subjugate nations and conquer them. They try to cooperate and work with most countries that share the same ideals as them and they even try and cooperate with countries many people will disagree with like Saudi Arabia and Israel. There are other countries that the USA will never cooperate with - Iran, North Korea and possible Pootin's Russia.

At the end of the day, the world would be a shit hole without the USA. We would all be in a lot of trouble if it were not for the security and influence of the USA.

And they are popular as a country. It counts on dozens of countries as their very close friends and allies. It is a conglomerate or union of Nations that generally pulls for the greater good but will only do so of course if it suits their combined interests.

All I can say to my Cypriot friends is that the USA is a country which is important for them to further much stronger bilateral ties and even gain entry into the PfP as a pre-cursor to NATO. America has been quite selfless when it comes to its allies. So much so, that America has basically subsidized the Defence of so many countries to the tune of more than a Trillion Dollars.

People need to be realistic. America is not your Cop on the beat. It's a country. It's a superpower. It's an Empire. It has interests like all other countries and as such will walk the walk when it suits their interests and turn the other way when it doesn't.

The situation in the world is dire because we have an ineffective UN. War crimes occur because the International Community as a whole have no means to hold countries to account. It only takes one veto to allow War Crimes to occur with impunity. So the UN needs to be reformed because it is unfair for everyone to be looking at the USA to enforce humanitarian law even if it is in situations that suits their interests.

The UN Security Council needs to remove the veto rights of its members. It will ensure that regimes will think twice before they engage in acts against humanity, invasions and war crimes.

There should also be a Rapid Reaction Force with troops provided by all UN members.
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:25 pm

And humanitarian law doesn't necessarily mean interfering into a country because they are a dictatorship, don't have freedom of the press, or are Islamic Regimes which execute people in public under Sharia law.

It is up to the people in that country to rise up if they are unhappy with the situation. If they do, then sure, help them.

The War Crimes in Aleppo and the world's failure to act, has left everyone all the poorer for it. We have lost part of our humanity by turning the other cheek and that is shameful.
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:00 pm

People need to look at politics with a bit more objectivity.

So many people ask why the USA and its allies is friendly to countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Well if you analyze it, these are questions that should be easy to answer.

Saudi Arabia has Oil. A lot of it. American is an industrial powerhouse and needs oil to grow its economy. The Saudis are also very rich and invest in US companies and in Wall Street. They also engage the USA politically and they do it well.

America also knows that ALL middle eastern countries a basket cases. All except for Israel that is. Israel has a western outlook with western values and ideals, similar to what you will find in the USA and the EU. It is the only country in the region which does so and as such the USA and allies view Israel as a stable friendly entity which they can rely on. They too are clever in how they engage with the USA.

There are a few other little beacons in the Middle East as well - Qatar and UAE are fantastic little pocket rocket countries.
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:39 pm

This bit I agree with .... as for the rest of your opinionated post ...... :roll:


The situation in the world is dire because we have an ineffective UN. War crimes occur because the International Community as a whole have no means to hold countries to account. It only takes one veto to allow War Crimes to occur with impunity. So the UN needs to be reformed because it is unfair for everyone to be looking at the USA to enforce humanitarian law even if it is in situations that suits their interests.

That is why the UN has become ineffective, it has become simply an extension of US hegemony. The US has used its veto more times in the last 25 years than all the other members combined, most of them protecting Israel against any UN attempts to ‘... hold them responsible for their crimes.’ Nobody, as far as I know has ever asked the US to enforce humanitarian law on their behalf ..... they just took up that mantra themselves! As you say ‘... when it suits their interests.’

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with you, the UN does need to be reformed, as it is unfair because just five countries are effectively operating it, each with their own interests in mind.

The UNGA is ineffective because it has no powers of enforcement. As an example, every year for the last twenty years there has been an almost unanimous vote to lift sanctions on Cuba. Every year two countries Israel and the US, are the only ones that are oppose the motion. If the GA had teeth, then sanctions would have been lifted over twenty years ago.

The UN Security Council needs to remove the veto rights of its members. It will ensure that regimes will think twice before they engage in acts against humanity, invasions and war crimes.

But do you include regimes such as those in the US/UK/NATO countries in that consideration ? They are guilty of more ‘.....acts against humanity, invasions and war crimes.’, than the rest of the World added together !

There should also be a Rapid Reaction Force with troops provided by all UN members.

Again, I agree with you. But I will go farther! Apart from limited in size and weaponry, local militias required to keep the peace between countries or between factions within countries, ...... the UN and only the UN should have the right to use oppressive and overwhelming military force. In other words, all the aircraft carries, war ships, military aircraft, tanks even WMD should come under a professional multinational military management under the direction of the UN and thus under the direct control of all countries that form that body.

Also, any sanctions, against any country, should come under the auspices of the UN after a democratic vote in the GA. The SC should be just a team of diplomats that apply and enforce the decisions resulting from democratic decisions of the GA.

The War Crimes in Aleppo and the world's failure to act, has left everyone all the poorer for it. We have lost part of our humanity by turning the other cheek and that is shameful.

But it is only the US coalition members that are accusing Assad/Putin of these war crimes. What most of those that have lived in Aleppo throughout the conflict and have now been liberated by SAA forces, relate to is completely the reverse of your MSM inspired accusations. YOU have had ONLY reports from terrorist sources, because throughout the occupation of Eastern Aleppo there have been no independent reporters. Journalist were kidnapped and even beheaded on video by YOUR terrorists. That would deter even the most ardent journalist from even attempting to enter Eastern Aleppo. But without a shred of evidence the MSM and the UN relied upon these sources to form an opinion.

Since the liberation have you seen any of these White Helmets? Those dedicated volunteers that rushed to the rescue of the victims of Assad/Putin’s bombing! Most of the residents of Eastern Aleppo have never heard of them and those that have do not support the MSM narrative and regard them as thieves who stole all the drugs and stripped bodies of any gold.

It was YOU that turned YOUR backs on the people of Aleppo because it was YOU that was supporting these terrorists and thus were just as culpable as they are for the crimes they committed. It has been Assad and the Russians that have provided all the aid and medical facilities to those escaping from YOUR terrorists. The US coalition countries and the EU have contributed NOTHING in the way of aid!

America also knows that ALL middle eastern countries a basket cases. All except for Israel that is. Israel has a western outlook with western values and ideals, similar to what you will find in the USA and the EU. It is the only country in the region which does so and as such the USA and allies view Israel as a stable friendly entity which they can rely on. They too are clever in how they engage with the USA.

Until US/NATO intervention in Libya, they had the highest standard of living in Africa, the same applied to Iraq, and then YOU decided to turn YOUR attention to Syria. Again a secular, relatively peaceful and fairly prosperous society. Both Libya and Syria had free health care to a high standard and free education for all. Libya in particular had massive social projects, every newly wed couple were given a house and businesses and individuals could get interest free loans. So ..... ‘basket case’ is not a realistic description. Were they hard regimes .... no doubt about it? But you are now seeing in Europe why this is what these countries need to keep the sectarian and criminal violence down, but ordinary people were far better off than they are now .... by a long chalk.

I obviously disagree completely with your deluded opinion of Israel. It is an oppressive, racist, genocidal, rogue State that has disregarded any form of compliance with International Law or conventions, since it came into being in 1948. Their treatment of the people of Gaza and the West Bank is not far short of the way the Nazi’s treated the Jews and others, during WWII.

But then I have always regarded Tel-Aviv as the capital city of the USA! :roll:
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Paphitis » Sat Dec 24, 2016 1:37 am

Israel isn't genocidal or racist.

It is just a Western Country with the misfortune of being surrounded by idiotic countries like Syria.

If Israel was in fact Australia in the region, it would still be the same. In that case it would be Australia trying to survive against all the Islamist movements like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Israel has already made it very clear. Anyone who threatens their security or their State, will pay a heavy price in having to deal with the American backed Israeli Defence Forces. Good luck with that one because the UDF along with Australia's ADF are the best equipped and trained militaries in the world. Both these countries get better arms than the Americans themselves.
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 24, 2016 8:41 am

Paphitis wrote:Israel isn't genocidal or racist..

Israel is most certainly a racist country! It is referred to as The Jewish State of Israel. Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs are treated very differently by the Government. Arabs are second class citizens, therefore Apartheid exists in Israel that is every bit as racist as it was in South Africa.

Israel Is a Racist Country. Take It From Me, an Ethiopian Israeli

Israel commits racist crimes. A prominent example is the police violence during the demonstrations by young Ethiopian men and women a year ago. (Police violence, incidentally, isn’t limited to young Ethiopians; many young Arabs encounter it as well.) Another example is the investigation that revealed the pressure on Ethiopian women to receive shots of the birth control hormone Depo-Provera before immigrating.

Genocide of the Palestinians by Israel since 1948 ....... you say there is no genocide in regard to Israel ......... :roll:

PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE: 5,100,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948

This site is a compendium of the authoritative views of outstanding anti-racist humanitarians bearing witness to the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust that is a Palestine Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. Indeed this website provides an alphabetical listing of the documented views of numerous people and organizations referring to the Palestinian Genocide or to related terms such as Palestinian holocaust, Palestinian ethnic cleaning, Palestinian liquidation.

What did I just say to you about the disregard for International Law by Israel and the US ? Just like the US, Israel considers it is above International Law. :roll:

READ: The Full Text of the UNSC Resolution on Israeli Settlements

UN Security Council adopts anti-settlement resolution; all but one member (US) of the 15-member council votes in favour of the resolution.

.... and what was Israel’s response? Very predictable .......... :roll:

'Israel rejects the anti-settlement resolution at the United Nations'

"Israel rejects the anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office said in a statement Friday night, calling the UN vote "shameful" and stating that Israel would not abide by it.

Will we now see theUN or the US impose sanctions on Israel for failing to comply with this UNSC resolution? :lol:
Yes of course we will. :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Dec 24, 2016 8:56 am

It is just a Western Country with the misfortune of being surrounded by idiotic countries like Syria.

It occupies Syrian land; it occupies Lebanese land; it occupies Palestinian land! The idiotic paranoid country appears to be Israel in their continuous aggressive response to their perceived threats from all their neighbours ..... every one of which Israel has attacked at some time or another since its formation.

If Israel was in fact Australia in the region, it would still be the same. In that case it would be Australia trying to survive against all the Islamist movements like Hamas and Hezbollah.

HAMAS is effectively a resistance movement akin to the resistance in Europe during WWII, that has a political branch that runs Gaza and Hezbollah is a defence force created in response to Israeli aggression. :roll:

Israel has already made it very clear. Anyone who threatens their security or their State, will pay a heavy price in having to deal with the American backed Israeli Defence Forces. Good luck with that one because the UDF along with Australia's ADF are the best equipped and trained militaries in the world. Both these countries get better arms than the Americans themselves.

It's not what you have got that is important, it's what you can do with it! :roll:

On the occasions IDF has faced up to an effective enemy, it has not fared too well. The IDF is better at dealing with unarmed and defenceless Palestinian men, women and children, than they are dealing with a determined enemy, as their last incursion into Lebanon demonstrated. :x
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:39 am

No there will be no sanctions against Israel. None at all. So many countries just won't do that.

If sanctions were to be applied to countries in violation of any UN directive, then 130 out of 200 countries will have sanctions.

Australia is another county which by all rights, and under international law, will have sanctions against it.

The UN has no authority or credibility. No one cares because it is toothless and it is incapable of dealing with war crimes in Syria.

Whether sanctions are applied against Israel or not, the USA and Australia will still trade with them. Therefore, it is up to the Palestinians and Israelis to butt out a solution acceptable to both parties. But it won't be easy. Israel will not agree to anything unless it guarantees their security 110%

Fact of the matter is this. Sanctions against Israel are irrelevant when most countries will never enforce it.

There are dozens of countries that should have sanctions more than Israel.
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Re: The Strength of IS.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:42 am

And another inconvenient fact for all plebs. None of Israel's allies support the settlements.

New Zealand was a sponsor of the UN Resolution. This resolution was supported by Australia, EU and the rest of the world. Even the USA abstained which basically is telling Israel "hey, what you are doing is illegal and we won't support that".

But they won't enforce sanctions. If there were going to be sanctions, then the Resolution would be vetoed.
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