It seems like everyone is having a great time putting in their 'Two Penn'orth' , so it can't be all bad.

Best Wishes to ALL members for 2017.................the year which might herald a bit of 'Peace' (with the corner up eh?)

The situation in the world is dire because we have an ineffective UN. War crimes occur because the International Community as a whole have no means to hold countries to account. It only takes one veto to allow War Crimes to occur with impunity. So the UN needs to be reformed because it is unfair for everyone to be looking at the USA to enforce humanitarian law even if it is in situations that suits their interests.
The UN Security Council needs to remove the veto rights of its members. It will ensure that regimes will think twice before they engage in acts against humanity, invasions and war crimes.
There should also be a Rapid Reaction Force with troops provided by all UN members.
The War Crimes in Aleppo and the world's failure to act, has left everyone all the poorer for it. We have lost part of our humanity by turning the other cheek and that is shameful.
America also knows that ALL middle eastern countries a basket cases. All except for Israel that is. Israel has a western outlook with western values and ideals, similar to what you will find in the USA and the EU. It is the only country in the region which does so and as such the USA and allies view Israel as a stable friendly entity which they can rely on. They too are clever in how they engage with the USA.
Paphitis wrote:Israel isn't genocidal or racist..
Israel Is a Racist Country. Take It From Me, an Ethiopian Israeli
Israel commits racist crimes. A prominent example is the police violence during the demonstrations by young Ethiopian men and women a year ago. (Police violence, incidentally, isn’t limited to young Ethiopians; many young Arabs encounter it as well.) Another example is the investigation that revealed the pressure on Ethiopian women to receive shots of the birth control hormone Depo-Provera before immigrating.
PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE: 5,100,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948
This site is a compendium of the authoritative views of outstanding anti-racist humanitarians bearing witness to the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust that is a Palestine Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. Indeed this website provides an alphabetical listing of the documented views of numerous people and organizations referring to the Palestinian Genocide or to related terms such as Palestinian holocaust, Palestinian ethnic cleaning, Palestinian liquidation.
READ: The Full Text of the UNSC Resolution on Israeli Settlements
UN Security Council adopts anti-settlement resolution; all but one member (US) of the 15-member council votes in favour of the resolution.
'Israel rejects the anti-settlement resolution at the United Nations'
"Israel rejects the anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office said in a statement Friday night, calling the UN vote "shameful" and stating that Israel would not abide by it.
It is just a Western Country with the misfortune of being surrounded by idiotic countries like Syria.
If Israel was in fact Australia in the region, it would still be the same. In that case it would be Australia trying to survive against all the Islamist movements like Hamas and Hezbollah.
Israel has already made it very clear. Anyone who threatens their security or their State, will pay a heavy price in having to deal with the American backed Israeli Defence Forces. Good luck with that one because the UDF along with Australia's ADF are the best equipped and trained militaries in the world. Both these countries get better arms than the Americans themselves.
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