Zenon33 wrote:Commie dictator.
Bye bye.
michaeldk wrote:My ex wife being from Cuba, I can't quite understand the positive attitude about him (never speak ill of the dead of course. Living under his rule was hell for cuban people, also why it's one of of the top countries in the world where locals are trying to escape from (Cuban population in Florida is huge, many descendants live in Spain too). Basically it's extreme poverty, hunger and a standard of life for the common people that barely exceeds that of some of the poorest African countries.
Castro was an infinitely more cruel leader than Honecker for example, yet the latter has been held far more responsible for the poverty, torture and loss of life in his country than the first. Either way, it's a very good thing Castro passed away - I hope the country can finally start to move towards a brighter future now.
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