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Excellent news from Turkey

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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:01 pm

Maximus wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
B25 wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Get Real! wrote:By agreeing to things the masses will never accept Nicos, has managed to render yet another round of talks useless.

You see the key to getting a signature from the RoC is to satisfy the native Cypriot masses but that can only come at a great cost and sacrifice to you so it’s a catch 22.

The catch 22 makes it obvious that the Cyprus problem cannot be solved through talk but only through international law and/or military action.

The UN knows that it cannot force a decision on Cyprus because it can never pass a majority through the UNGA/UNSC due to China and Russia blocking any such attempts.

If Archbishop Hrisostomos ll is in favour of a deal then it's a deal, if he opposes it then its no deal.

The Archbishop is not the man to decide. The people will. We have gone past that stage unlike your lot in Turkey that have to obey Erdocunts demands.

Enough B25. I have said it a hundred times and you still don't get it. I will now hammer into your stubborn head. I AM A CYPRIOT, A TURKISH SPEAKING CYPRIOT. ERDOGAN IS A DISGRACE TO MANKIND AND SHOULD BE IN A STRAITJACKET.

Now back to the Archbishop. I bet my bottom dollar he says DEAL and it's a deal. He says NO DEAL and it's not a deal. Kid yourself as much as you like, he calls the shots :wink:

I would not put much paper behind the Archbishop. He will only say DEAL if it satisfies his interests, like everyone else.

Why is Erdogan a disgrae to Mankind Mr-NG?

OK, lets assume the deal does indeed satisfy his interests. What then? Wouldn't we have an overwhelming yes vote in the referendum? I'm of the belief GC's are very much influenced by the church, am I wrong?
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:10 pm

Assuming it does satisfy his interests.

If he says DEAL it means that it satisfies his interests. It does not mean that it satisfies the majorities interests. However you can construe it that if it does satisfy his interests it will probably satisfy the interests of the majority too. Not that he has much influence on the decision but rather because interests are more aligned as a whole as is.

If you are looking to him as the infliuencer of the decision instead, I would think your assessment of Cypriot society is slightly off kilter. This is not to say that he might have some influence on a small number of people, because he has. It is the DEAL that is the infuencer and not the Archbishop.
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:17 pm

Maximus wrote:I am sure I do know better than you do too but I am interested in your answer. I think you have been very careful to not mention anything which might be in conflict with your views and wishes for Cyprus.

My views are well documented on this forum. I want a just, meaningful and peaceful settlement. Both communities respecting one another and living in peace. All easy to say, how we achieve this (if ever) remains to be seen.
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby kurupetos » Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:23 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Maximus wrote:I am sure I do know better than you do too but I am interested in your answer. I think you have been very careful to not mention anything which might be in conflict with your views and wishes for Cyprus.

My views are well documented on this forum. I want a just, meaningful and peaceful settlement. Both communities respecting one another and living in peace. All easy to say, how we achieve this (if ever) remains to be seen.

Without Turkey? :mrgreen:
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:15 pm

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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:52 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:If Archbishop Hrisostomos ll is in favour of a deal then it's a deal, if he opposes it then its no deal.

CM readers are often bombarded with misconceptions like the alleged influence of the archbishop, but it’s all bullshit.

In fact he is probably the least popular archbishop ever because he cheated his way in and not to mention the ever-increasing number of atheists in Cyprus who don’t care about the Church and its opinion.

Anyway, IMHO the CyProb will only be solved through geopolitical change at some stage in the future.
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:54 pm

Lordo wrote:are you really as stupid as you sound.

terggy went from 30 tl to 3 million tl to the pound after 1974 and terggy did not collapse. what did they do, just removed 6 zeros and started all over again.

and you think it went from 2.5 to 4.2 and the terggish economy will collapse and you will take the whole cyprus.

you boys been takin the stupid pills again

the excellent news is from zurich. they are so close to the agrement anastasiades wanted to check before he agrees. can you believe it after 53 years we are about to have an agreement.

It was truncated, $1 still bought the same amount in value of goods in Turkey than it did when it was in the millions.

The one thing you should be concerned about is that it might end up costing you 10 TL to buy a packet of gum in Europe or the United States.
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Lordo » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:40 pm

actually the un is being very kind to you allowing another vote. but it will be the last one. if either one says no that will be that. the two parliaments will decide.

just look at what happened to colombia when they refused a peace agreement. that will happen to cyprus in 2017 one way or another.
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:46 pm

i dont know about columbia but I do know that the Turkish occupation of cyprus will not be recognised as a seperate state. You are just regurgitating lies and propoganda fed to you by your demagogeus and the ludicrous settlers or some other pleb from the Cyprus mail with an axe to grind.
Last edited by Maximus on Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Excellent news from Turkey

Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:23 pm

Lordo wrote:actually the un is being very kind to you allowing another vote. but it will be the last one. if either one says no that will be that. the two parliaments will decide.

just look at what happened to colombia when they refused a peace agreement. that will happen to cyprus in 2017 one way or another.

The UN is present in Cyprus at the invitation of the RoC and not because it can impose itself.

Had the UN been able to impose itself on member nations, it would’ve split Turkey up a long time ago to save the poor Kurds from the Turkish slaughter. Ever worry about them?

And before anyone brings up Kosovo again I remind that Kosovo belonged to Yugoslavia not Serbia. Upon the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Kosovo was left dangling so the UN was able to impose itself but not so with UN member nations that are already locked-in.
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