by repulsewarrior » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:29 am are quite correct. And your details, the historical facts, make my crude attempts more easily understood. Exactly, Erdogan got on "that train", (and at his stop his intention is (still) to get off of it at his choosing).
Without having paid the cost for Freedom personally, enjoying its fruits instead, with it, the emergence of such indulgences, a "New Turkey", a "new Constitution", a "Religion", Erdogan's his future, his destiny, he chooses. And yet, on the other hand, Providence, the unknown hand of chance guides him like us, that in the desasperation of things, things change and causes new thinking, new thoughts and what may be old thinking but ignored for (dogma) other reasons become apparent, too; then, it is (will be) a matter of choice. It is for Erdogan to choose, perhaps, but the choices are the same: his "glory" (what was, is) or a greater self as a Human being (a willingness to embrace what is an unknown future by learning). After he has gorged himself on amassing a wealth, he will turn toward his (read: this) legacy; i believe that we have arrived at this point, where he will use these forces for his total control (of his own fate), one way, or the other. It is still possible for him to be the Messiah he wants to be, of the Golden Rule, (but not only to his brand of the Muslim world). Thus, to the Turkish People, a respect and recognition of, and for, their diversity. To Cypriots the recognition that they exist without the need for further discrimination or distinction, as in Turkey, a Unity that goes beyond Nations, where there is the desire of Citizens to defend each other as Citizens because there exists a State where within there may exist self representation, as Persons, as well. A change, in the form of a BBF "they" (his Constituents) will accept that is a truly worthy political enterprise for the rest of the world (especially where there are similar divides) to emulate and to hold in high esteem, he can provide. A Hero to the Occidental World, shifting it, and the Middle East, with Grace, is possible, not just the crude (and cruel) intentions of the "Turks" who have put him in a position where they can be heard, he can be; something which demonstrates a change we can all make within ourselves, by changing himself and themselves, he can commit to: but this would take Erdogan to be the better man, that i would want him to be...
...the Eastern Med is crap, turning to another kind of shit. Always the optimist i look for its qualities as a fertilizer, once what is its corruption burns itself, out; more blah blah i guess, i can't even be bothered to read this post again.