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Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:27 pm

Once again ..... did you read and understand what you linked to? No of course you didn’t, you do not have the mental capacity to understand how they came to the conclusions.

I repeat ...... THERE IS CURRENTLY NO TECHNOLOGY THAT CAN PROVIDE ANY EFFECTIVE DEFENCE AGAIST A SATAN MISSILE’ ! Just as this article YOU posted explains. The Russians are even now designing and testing even more advanced versions and integrated defense systems. They are years ahead of the US in this field.

Can We Stop a Nuke?

From the impossible dream of a space-based shield, missile defence has come down to Earth. But will it work?

Just a few snippets from all 6 pages of the article ........ I read it! :roll:

Some (Anti-missile missiles) are meant to thwart missiles as they rise from the pad (the pre-boost phase), while others are designed to destroy them as they descend toward the target (the terminal phase). The flight time between the two phases is called the “midcourse.” Midcourse defences are the only ones currently fielded against long-range threats, like ICBMs.

The lack of midcourse interceptions in the MDA program also suggested that that the technology was not mature enough to handle the task.

He (Philip Coyle, 72, a former nuclear weapons designer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) points to the lack of tests against countermeasures,........., and the small number of test successes as evidence that the system being developed could not handle a real-world threat.

Sending solitary target missiles into the air as targets and successfully intercepting them gives the American public and policymakers a dangerously false confidence in the system, , he adds.

Consider China, he says: “If they believe, like we hope North Korea would believe, that we have a missile defence that works, they’re likely to do what Russia did many years ago, which is build hundreds or thousands of warheads and ICBMs so they can overwhelm the most futuristic missile defence system we can imagine.”

SO, CAN THE U.S. STOP A NUKE? The answer, because of limitations on testing, seems to be that no one will know until the threat is inbound.

Missile defence proponents and developers cheered September’s success—a single 23-minute test. But U.S. weapons evaluators typically demand hundreds of hours of operation before a tool of war is placed in the hands of soldiers, pilots, or sailors. The missile tests have shown that the smallest detail gone wrong can derail even a well-planned launch.

Testing may be an intractable problem. That leaves the military in the position of not knowing how the system will work until it is called on to perform. Only if nuclear warheads streak toward the United States will the question finally be answered, with millions of lives in the balance.

This is just a couple of Rusian developments that the above would be up against ....... :roll:

Now a bit of common sense analysis ........ Think like Putin, who is under threat from the mighty US weapons arsenal parked within walking distance of his extensive border with eastern Europe and is an integral part of the US’s stated first strike ICBM system? He is a leader and is therefore forced to protect his country ..... I am sure he would rather spend the costs on something more beneficial to the Russian people like infrastructure improvements. :roll:

Launch and pre-boost phase - Vulnerable ..... the SATAN is relatively heavy and slow to accelerate, thus a perfect target for Aegis. Solution – 1) make it mobile 2) Attack Aegis before the launch or the other scenario, an Aegis launch automatically initiates a retaliatory response on NATO (Europe?) and the US. At the same time s-300, s-400’s and s-500’s attempt to destroy the Aegis launched missiles and the ground stations.

WWIII has just started ...... unfortunately for all of us it will be over before you could boil a kettle and make that last cup of tea! :x :( :cry:

Mid course – the data gathering phase for the enemies defensive missile system. They plot the trajectory and calculate he target. Solution ....... change directory throughout all three phases of flight.

Terminal Phase – could be intercepted by defensive missiles Solution – Multiple war heads each with independent pre programmed target information ..... each war head automatically seeks its target.

Reading the article you linked ..... the US still relies on fixed locations (i.e. Silos). Russia knows where they all are .... but they will not necessarily be the targets because Russia will recognise Armageddon and know that the US/NATO missiles are already on the way.

Same with the ground based Aegis system installed in Rumania and Poland(?) right on Russia's border and creates a real problem Lavrof has explained it! They are so close to Russia that one single mistake by any Aegis unit will not allow time for verification. Thus a WWIII scenario becomes an instant retaliatory response. Russia could not afford to wait ..... it would have to launch immediately to take out Aegis and to retaliate against incoming US/NATO (assumed) nuclear missiles.

Although Aegis has been declared ‘defensive’ by the US/NATO, that is not true. It is a part of the US first strike scenario to prevent a Russian response to a US first strike attack. It is (apparently) also quite a simple process to swap missile types. A very aggressive posture by US/NATO .... it cannot be considered any other way. :x

Solution ..... remove the missile defence systems in Europe and locate them in the US. Europe is not under threat from Russia .... only war mongers believe that, they need a bogey-man to keep all their toys and play war games ! Obviously ..... not a good idea. :roll:
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:46 pm


You asked ‘ Any news from the front?’ I assume you meant how things were going in Aleppo/Syria ? As planned by all accounts. There is something going on in the background but exactly what is unknown. Putin doesn’t tell the world what he is going to do ......... he just does it.

NOTAMs, (Notices To Air Men), about imminent operations on Syria's west-coast have been released. The declared areas and times of operation correspond to a campaign, not a single strike. :wink:

Not going that well in Mosul though? Apart from the ever growing list of civilian deaths ....... sadly, now US personnel are going home in body bags, on crutches and stretchers. :(

Syria - Waiting For The Next Moves

After some 12 days of fighting, the second large al-Qaeda campaign to break the siege on east-Aleppo by attacking the south western side of west-Aleppo completely failed. While the first round nearly achieved a break through but was then contained the second attack was only a alibi attempt which never made any progress towards its claimed aim.

The Syrian army has recaptured the housing project 1070 and will soon have cleaned all other areas that were shortly in the hands of the Jihadis. The loss in material and men for the Jihadis were immense. The Syrian army has finally learned how to defend against suicide vehicle bombs: have adequate weapons ready in the front line to kill them on their approaches. Of nearly 20 such bomb runs only 3 or 4 reached their targets and losses from those were less severe than from earlier bombs.

The Jihadis and their "western" media and "expert" proxies seem to have given up on east-Aleppo. There is no sign that another break through attempt will be launched.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:51 am

yes your news from the front is funny. just from the first sentence you mentioned Al Qaeda.

However, the campaign was spearheaded by The Free Syrian Army and they are not affiliated to Al Qaeda, They have been joined by reformed Al Nusra fighters which the Coalition tried to weed out, but The Free Syrian Army will not do it because they see that as suicide. for the time being, we are HAPPY with that arrangement because we have far greater issues than Al Qaeda at the moment.

So stick it up your pipe and smoke it. You fucked around with the Coalition and now the Coalition is fucking around with you.

I said it to you 100 times already. we don't care about Al Qaeda. we are not going to turn a billion Sunnis into our enemy. The Rebels in Aleppo enjoy mass support, and we are in no position to argue with them. Will leave that to pootin who is now the aggressor, not us. Hence, you have lost!

you think because they flew 3 jets into building we are going to be chasing them all over the world? No! The Coalition made its point already when they got Osama, time to move on. They are no threat to our Security. We spend 800 billion on a Missile Shield which should give you a clue as to who is a threat to us, and it isn't any terrorists. This terrorism is just the window dressing fed to the masses.

Deal with it!
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:42 am

Paphitis wrote:yes your news from the front is funny. just from the first sentence you mentioned Al Qaeda.

However, the campaign was spearheaded by The Free Syrian Army and they are not affiliated to Al Qaeda, They have been joined by reformed Al Nusra fighters which the Coalition tried to weed out, but The Free Syrian Army will not do it because they see that as suicide. for the time being, we are HAPPY with that arrangement because we have far greater issues than Al Qaeda at the moment.

So stick it up your pipe and smoke it. You fucked around with the Coalition and now the Coalition is fucking around with you.

I said it to you 100 times already. we don't care about Al Qaeda. we are not going to turn a billion Sunnis into our enemy. The Rebels in Aleppo enjoy mass support, and we are in no position to argue with them. Will leave that to pootin who is now the aggressor, not us. Hence, you have lost!

you think because they flew 3 jets into building we are going to be chasing them all over the world? No! The Coalition made its point already when they got Osama, time to move on. They are no threat to our Security. We spend 800 billion on a Missile Shield which should give you a clue as to who is a threat to us, and it isn't any terrorists. This terrorism is just the window dressing fed to the masses.

Deal with it!

You poor deluded old fool!

"The Rebels in Aleppo enjoy mass support, and we are in no position to argue with them." REALLY ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That is not what those that have managed to escape say! They hate the the 'moderates' .... the FSA ..... Al-Nusra ....... and all the other terrorist groups they know the US has supported and armed .......those who have been murdering, raping the women and torturing the population. Once Assad/Putin have wiped them out .... the US will start to face war crimes charges. I suggest you change the sources you use for information! :roll:
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:12 am

Yes mass support.

How many left Aleppo. come on, a mere 1000 Rebels can't be everywhere at once.

look it doesn't really matter. now that the Republicans have done a clean sweep, Pootin better watch it.

coalition has Syria under its control and Russia is in a quagmire.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:27 am

Paphitis wrote:Yes mass support.

How many left Aleppo. come on, a mere 1000 Rebels can't be everywhere at once.

look it doesn't really matter. now that the Republicans have done a clean sweep, Pootin better watch it.

coalition has Syria under its control and Russia is in a quagmire.

The only support these savages have is from people like YOU, YOUfeed them people, YOU feed them money and YOU feed them arms. Had YOU not interfered this civil uprising, which YOU then turned into a foreign insurgency it would have lasted a few months at most. Instead with YOUR help YOU have managed to string it out for ... what ....almost six years ? In the process YOU created millions of refugees and displaced people and have killed 100's of thousands.

Trump will now back off from helping these savages..... Russia will be able to reduce its involvement in Syria and let Assad, Hezbollah and Iran deal with this problem, as the supply of arms dries up, and start going after IS in a partnership with the US. Forget NATO, they will be significantly down graded and all the members will have to defend themselves.

But first, they will have to ask themselves exactly who it is they have to defend them selves against. Then they will work out that the bogey-man doesn't exist, .... it was all a fairy story (propaganda) from people like Stollenberg - ex NATO chief(?) and simple minded people who believe all this 'threat' rubbish. :roll: :lol: :lol:

Since Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize ...... he has started eight wars by attacking other countries, interfering in their domestic politics and/or funding and supporting terrorism! Russia has not started any! I know who I would be afraid of!

Dream on my friend .... dream on! :roll: :wink:
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:32 am

Of course we feed these people. We send them food, blankets, survival gear, medicine, baby milk and many other things. Absolutely!

The Coalition does not commit war crimes.

And we supply the Free syrian Army with weapons. if some of them get to Al Nusra, well as you know we are only too willing to close our eyes for as long as they serve our interests.

Where have you been? Are you really that naive? it's all about survival. Survival of the civilians, and survival of the rebellion.

Al Nusra are no threat. And we don't want a Billion enemies like Russia has now.

Now, there are big reasons why we would do that. It has to do with the negotiations table as you know, and Russia isn't going to be getting any militarily acquired advantages.

coalition is also in control of the situation around Raqqa and Mosul.

Too bad sport.

We gave you an inch, you pushed for a mile, tried to test the waters and got your fingers burnt!

And Trump is not allowed to build walls, change US Foreign policy or renege on the TPP. It doesn't work that way.

There are much bigger fish to fry and as soon he gets his briefing and handover at the Pentagon, whilst they hand him the Nuclear launch Codes, he will know and be firmly entrenched within NATO, ANZUS and singing to the establishments tunes and be in step with the rest of the alliance. The only thing that will happen is mandatory minimum levels of Arms Expenditure. The only country to get away Scott free, is probably Greece.

Geez, you guys are very naive. Something in the water over there for sure.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:20 pm

Paphitis wrote:Of course we feed these people. We send them food, blankets, survival gear, medicine, baby milk and many other things. Absolutely!

The Coalition does not commit war crimes.

And we supply the Free syrian Army with weapons. if some of them get to Al Nusra, well as you know we are only too willing to close our eyes for as long as they serve our interests.

Where have you been? Are you really that naive? it's all about survival. Survival of the civilians, and survival of the rebellion.

Al Nusra are no threat. And we don't want a Billion enemies like Russia has now.

Now, there are big reasons why we would do that. It has to do with the negotiations table as you know, and Russia isn't going to be getting any militarily acquired advantages.

coalition is also in control of the situation around Raqqa and Mosul.

Too bad sport.

We gave you an inch, you pushed for a mile, tried to test the waters and got your fingers burnt!

And Trump is not allowed to build walls, change US Foreign policy or renege on the TPP. It doesn't work that way.

There are much bigger fish to fry and as soon he gets his briefing and handover at the Pentagon, whilst they hand him the Nuclear launch Codes, he will know and be firmly entrenched within NATO, ANZUS and singing to the establishments tunes and be in step with the rest of the alliance. The only thing that will happen is mandatory minimum levels of Arms Expenditure. The only country to get away Scott free, is probably Greece.

Geez, you guys are very naive. Something in the water over there for sure.

So much illusionary rubbish it really is not worth a reply! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:57 am

no one is gonna like it when the USA starts making demands on every NATO country to put up 2.5% of their GDP or else.

But no one is gonna argue with the Donald! that's because everyone wants the bases, the US troops, Patriots and Missile Shields. Well gonna have to pay up.

Sucked in! I am 100% agree.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:21 am

Paphitis wrote:no one is gonna like it when the USA starts making demands on every NATO country to put up 2.5% of their GDP or else.

He won't threaten .... he will negotiate!

But no one is gonna argue with the Donald! that's because everyone wants the bases, the US troops, Patriots and Missile Shields. Well gonna have to pay up.

Exactly ..... all the 'hangers-on' will now have to supply their own protection or buy it off the US (or maybe EU, Russia, China ?) Then the people are going to ask 'What threat? !

Sucked in! I am 100% agree.

You would. :roll:

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