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Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:58 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
I actually started off in the Navy and went through Officer school for the Super Seasprite at HMAS Creswell but then was transferred off HMAS Success onto HMAS Kanimbla with another 7 guys and taken to RAAF Williamstown and then to RAAF Point Cook when the Seasprite program got shit-canned with a Royal Parliamentary Commission to boot. It was 2 weeks from pass-out parade. Had to do it all over again. It wasn't fun, and if you were an arse, you paid a very heavy price. One thing I will never forget is when the gates opened at HMAS Creswell and our buses lined up adjacent the parade grounds. Fuck that was an experience in total humiliation, bastardry and bullying. Everyone was shitting themselves as they were sifting through personal belongings in everyone's suitcases, throwing around underwear (even women's g-strings and stuff) and everything. And the screaming and yelling was deafening. That was just the beginning. It was constant fucking with us both mentally and physically too. Some people were even physically assaulted in those days,

And they make a point of getting everyone into trouble at least once. They bloody crushed everyone's spirit, but what they wanted is for the strong to support the weak like a team. That was their bottom line and that's how they bought everyone closer together. But even that had its drawbacks. Whilst they wanted everyone to stick together and support each other, the bloody smart arses would then punish the whole team rather than just one person. There was never a win win with them.

It is called brain washing ..... it is how the military work. Remove all vestiges of having an individual opinion ..... then replace it with what they need you to believe/understand. :?

This explains a lot .......... with you I think they machine washed your brain at 90C, put the machine on ‘FAST’ spin and then tumble dried it. The result was ...... it shrunk! So what they uploaded was enough to fill your brain but they had to leave out common sense, humility and pragmatism! :roll:

You don’t need to see a shrink now, I’ve diagnosed the problem to the point that I don’t think there is any treatment that will be of benefit to you ..... your condition is too serious! We could try a frontal lobotomy ..... by my eyes aren’t good enough for micro-surgery! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Look, believe what you want. Believe the Kuznetsov can wipe the floor with a USS Nimitz Class no problem if that is what you want.

We don't need to be measuring our dicks against a pretender. It's too embarrassing for us and we don't have ego or penus size issues.

Bottom line, even with your superior Navy (cough), we are in controll and Pootin is a long way from dictating anything to the Coalition.

Pootin's mistake is that he miscalculated. We gave him an inch and he pushed for a mile. He played a game of bluff poker and got caught with his pants down.

The Coalition however never under estimated Pootin's military capability or his resolve like he did with us. That's where it all went pear shaped. To be a super power, you also need to have the level headed leaders and in that arena, your boy is lacking fortunately for the Coalition.

But you see, we are many countries. We are many heads and many experts in the NATO and Pentagon machine. We don't have one person making decisions but an entire throng of world leaders and military minds from many countries. We thought this out and the pieces are falling into place.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:04 pm

The USS Nimitz isn't that vulnerable considering it's surrounded by an Amarda.

SATAN 2 ...... would take out the whole battle group! It comes down almost vertically from above. By the time you see it, it’s too late ..... your toast!

So what you're saying is that the Kuznetsov isn't really an Aircraft Carrier!

Exactly. If you read about it the Russians do not refer to it as one.

Oh ok! No problem. The Coalition is shit fucking scared now.

Kuznetsov has a sting but it is the hornet’s nest above that will get you! YOU should be scared . :? .... the US spent too long thinking about attack to consider defence!

We surrender. Lord have mercy!

Well ..... I don’t think Putin needs you to surrender ...... just keep out of his way and don’t make any silly moves. :wink:

Nothing Russian can ever get within 200 miles of a Nimitz Aircraft Carrier.

SATAN 2 is ballistic (i.e. it leaves the atmosphere) it travels at 4.7 miles a second (17,000 mph) it can have up to 15 individual war heads (nuclear or conventional), each of which is individually programmed onto its target and each is accurate to within a 10m diameter of the target. You will be annihilated before you could KYAGB!

But the British followed the Kuznetsov all the way.

I'm surprised they had enough ships.... they had to bring their Channel escorts down from Scotland I believe and their latest war ships keep breaking down in the warm waters of the Gulf Area. Of course, it could have been because they had a Aussie navigator ........ and you know how unreliable they can be? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:08 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
The USS Nimitz isn't that vulnerable considering it's surrounded by an Amarda.

SATAN 2 ...... would take out the whole battle group! It comes down almost vertically from above. By the time you see it, it’s too late ..... your toast!

So what you're saying is that the Kuznetsov isn't really an Aircraft Carrier!

Exactly. If you read about it the Russians do not refer to it as one.

Oh ok! No problem. The Coalition is shit fucking scared now.

Kuznetsov has a sting but it is the hornet’s nest above that will get you! YOU should be scared . :? .... the US spent too long thinking about attack to consider defence!

We surrender. Lord have mercy!

Well ..... I don’t think Putin needs you to surrender ...... just keep out of his way and don’t make any silly moves. :wink:

Nothing Russian can ever get within 200 miles of a Nimitz Aircraft Carrier.

SATAN 2 is ballistic (i.e. it leaves the atmosphere) it travels at 4.7 miles a second (17,000 mph) it can have up to 15 individual war heads (nuclear or conventional), each of which is individually programmed onto its target and each is accurate to within a 10m diameter of the target. You will be annihilated before you could KYAGB!

But the British followed the Kuznetsov all the way.

I'm surprised they had enough ships.... they had to bring their Channel escorts down from Scotland I believe and their latest war ships keep breaking down in the warm waters of the Gulf Area. Of course, it could have been because they had a Aussie navigator ........ and you know how unreliable they can be? :lol: :lol:

Sure not a problem. Met those SATAN 2s rip old sport. Let them rip.

Not a problem. Russia is all powerful. But on the ground, it's a different story.

You miscalculated. Don't make another miscalculation now because we have our ICBMs too. It's a miscalculation you don't want to make.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:09 pm

It for now old sport, we are in control in Syria and Iraq. Are those SATAN Missiles going to change that?

No I thought not!

And we did it despite the superior Russian Navy (cough). Must mean we are smarter.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:26 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
The USS Nimitz isn't that vulnerable considering it's surrounded by an Amarda.

SATAN 2 ...... would take out the whole battle group! It comes down almost vertically from above. By the time you see it, it’s too late ..... your toast!

So what you're saying is that the Kuznetsov isn't really an Aircraft Carrier!

Exactly. If you read about it the Russians do not refer to it as one.

Oh ok! No problem. The Coalition is shit fucking scared now.

Kuznetsov has a sting but it is the hornet’s nest above that will get you! YOU should be scared . :? .... the US spent too long thinking about attack to consider defence!

We surrender. Lord have mercy!

Well ..... I don’t think Putin needs you to surrender ...... just keep out of his way and don’t make any silly moves. :wink:

Nothing Russian can ever get within 200 miles of a Nimitz Aircraft Carrier.

SATAN 2 is ballistic (i.e. it leaves the atmosphere) it travels at 4.7 miles a second (17,000 mph) it can have up to 15 individual war heads (nuclear or conventional), each of which is individually programmed onto its target and each is accurate to within a 10m diameter of the target. You will be annihilated before you could KYAGB!

But the British followed the Kuznetsov all the way.

I'm surprised they had enough ships.... they had to bring their Channel escorts down from Scotland I believe and their latest war ships keep breaking down in the warm waters of the Gulf Area. Of course, it could have been because they had a Aussie navigator ........ and you know how unreliable they can be? :lol: :lol:

And before you start threatening the world with a Nuclear Holocaust with all that hate and venom of yours, just know that the Coalition does not play that game. We won't be stooping to those levels nor do we want to kill millions of Russians and others. I got to wonder about you when you accuse me of hate when you apparently take the Nuclear option so lightly.

That's not what we are about. We are not war monger a or wish the catastrophe to befall the globe.

Pootin miscalculated. Game over. His advantage at the peace table is non existent which means we can make our own demands.

So, Pootin should put all that to one side and head for the Syria Support Group and start negotiating for an outcome that is the best solution for Syria. Make demands to keep Syria. Everything is up for grabs. But the cost is Assad and a deal for transition. Then come and join the operations in Raqqa and the Rebels will down their arms under an Amnesty After it's all done and dusted in the city of Aleppo and the Coalition withdraws. Pootin wins too. We don't need to back him into a corner ok. We are just sending him a message to not fuck around with us.

It's up to him. I'm sure he knows he's in for a rough ride.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:56 pm

YOU, WE , Mate you are NOT involved, these fucking nonsense you keep posting as if in some way YOU were running the coalition. Wake up, stop playing childish war games. You have lost any credibility you may have had.
The coalitions does not take orders from YOU. The Russians too.
I suggest you take a break as you are boring everyone with your utter stupidity.
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:03 pm

miltiades wrote:YOU, WE , Mate you are NOT involved, these fucking nonsense you keep posting as if in some way YOU were running the coalition. Wake up, stop playing childish war games. You have lost any credibility you may have had.
The coalitions does not take orders from YOU. The Russians too.
I suggest you take a break as you are boring everyone with your utter stupidity.

Yeh we are! You are too and the UK is in the thick of it.

If this went any further, you would be staring at a major calamity, and your grand children the the UK will be in Her Majesties Services.

You have no clue.

You think America is going to roll over. Wrong! Pootin will have to roll them. Just because we actually take a pacifist approach should never be misinterpreted as weak leadership. We are not totalitarian States where one person decides on everyone's fate. That's the only advantage Pootin has over us.

It's a sad world when people like you are so accepting of mass murder and war crimes just so as to not disturb your super! It's a very sick world and the UN is obsolete and useless. The ideals are good, is about all.

Not so long ago we had Nuremburg trials for people like Assad.

And don't you forget it! It was Assad who killed most of his own people, not the rebels and not DAESH. Assad created these groups. They didn't just pop out like cabbage patch kids!

If this guy cared about the Syrian people, he would have stepped down a long time ago.

Will you ever see a Western Leader ever hold a grip onto power at the expense of 300,000 people? You might want to ask Cameron who resigned because of the referendum loss.

You have no idea what this was about! You just witnessed a proxy between USA and Russia. I've got a feeling the Syrian War is almost over hopefully.

In case you don't understand the dire consequences of that that means, a proxy is basically a war between 2 powers who know they can't afford to fight a real war and lucky for all of us we had Obama in office. I will never criticize him again. He deserves everyone's respect now.

This was a Proxy that was brewing since Ukraine.

Now tell me how Trump or Bush would have handled it?
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:28 pm

And let me ask you this! Why has Pootin taken so long to get round to Raqqa? He jumps into Aleppo like Rambo but Raqqa nothing. Why?

Is he really fighting DAESH or our moderate rebels who just want a loaf of bread?

Barrel Bombs and Chemical Warfare to boot. How would you like it?

You make accusations that the Coalition is supplying terrorists with weapons but it's the Coalition fighting terrorists not the Syrian People.

Pootin has been exposed for a fraudster!
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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:03 pm

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Re: Charles de Gaulle docks and say's HELLO

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:19 pm


Believe the Kuznetsov can wipe the floor with a USS Nimitz Class no problem if that is what you want.

Can’t you read? I did not say Kuznetsov could wipe the floor with the US Fleet ...... it could fight off an attack by missiles just as a Nimitz could but a SATAN 2 is a whole new ball game.

I have only what I can find out from various military web sites to form an opinion and both east and west say it IS a formidable weapon against which currently THERE IS NO DEFENCE! One thing I missed out of its assets is the fact that it has variable flight geometry. It can change direction during flight! This is a new technology and, as current defensive systems compute the trajectory in the early launch phase to calculates a ballistic missiles flight path, ....... they cannot track it. :o

Add that to its other capabilities and the experts appear to have a point. It could cripple a battle group with conventional weapons but it would exterminate the same if it was a nuclear payload. Just one of these things can wipe out an area the size of France.

So yes, you should be worried and not poke the bear to the point it really feels it has a need to protect itself before the other side exterminates it ...... and remember ‘first strike’ is still the US’s policy especially if Clinton becomes POTUS. Putting missiles pointed at the bear all along the bear’s border makes that scenario far more probable. This is a very dangerous situation not just in relation to the Syrian conflict but for the world.

Pootin's mistake is that he miscalculated. We gave him an inch and he pushed for a mile. He played a game of bluff poker and got caught with his pants down.

Explain? :?: What did he/has he miscalculated? So far he has rid the populated areas of terrorists and acted against IS when it fitted in with that plan. He attacks IS as a second priority. The coalition has followed the reverse track ...... they concentrated on regime change (i.e. Make it difficult for Assad, which they did by arming terrorist) then Russia joined the conflict and supported Assad and the situation changed quite dramatically.

What is this inch you gave Putin? I don’t understand your logic as it all seems to be based on being anti Putin/Assad/Russia!

But you see, we are many countries. We are many heads and many experts in the NATO and Pentagon machine. We don't have one person making decisions but an entire throng of world leaders and military minds from many countries. We thought this out and the pieces are falling into place.

You really are stupid if you think Putin sits behind a desk issuing orders as if he were a one-man-band! He has advisors and from what I have seen, he is the sort that will listen to advice and ask the right questions. He would not take any bullsh*t (so you wouldn’t last 5 minutes). I have had a couple of site/project managers (both Americans!) who were just like Putin ..... hard but fair, did not suffer fools and approachable if you have a good argument. This is a quality you do not find with British Managers and the Indians and Pakistanis are even worse. The US guys tolerated a mistake .... but never the same mistake twice.

Look back in the US’s military history and they make the same mistakes over and over again! Every venture ends up as the same screw up of absolute chaos, death, destruction and total failure ..... then they walk away claiming ‘Mission accomplished!’ ......... and then on to the next clusterf**k. Look at what they are doing at this very minute:

• They have trained the Iraqi’s and equipped them. (just like they did the Mujahadeen)

• There are already reports that these trained troops are assaulting civilians and torturing them.

• The Iraqi’s, Turks and their enemy, the Kurds are on the same battlefield.

• You have Sunnis who hate Shia’s and Shia’s that hate Sunni’s, also on the same battlefield.

• Now the Kurds have started to move toward Raqqa, which is a prize Turkey will not permit the Kurds.

• You have allowed Turks and Kurds to occupy parts of Syria, in fact encouraged it.

• You are supporting and arming foreign and domestic terrorists against Assad and Russia.

• Both of whom are also fighting the common enemy IS.

Sorry, but to me that is a disaster waiting to happen ..... and it will. Putin has had but a single objective ...... to assist Assad in getting rid of what is mainly an incursion of foreign terrorists into the Sovereign State of Syria. They have joined with so called ‘moderate’ terrorists, the problem there being, no-one can tell the difference. They are both savages!

Putin has not changed his strategic aims one little bit since the day Russia flew into Syria at the invitation/request of the elected government. I cannot see where the US coalition have actually had a strategy at all, until now, and that seems to be a bit airy-fairy, ill thought out and based (as always) on regime change and fraught with danger! :x

Contrary to what you believe Aleppo is very near being taken back by Assad, not that you see much about it on BBC or SKY but RT do cover it regularly and from on the ground in Western Aleppo, where you get to see the results of the terrorists endless shelling and rocket attacks and the results of poison gas attacks on the civilians.
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