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Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:45 pm

Lordo wrote:only an idiot can claim that any side will get success from all this. the middle east is in turmoil over a million people killed ans over 10 million displaced and some idiot here claims it is going his way.

you are soem asshole man keep on taking medication.

eventually democracy will prevail and the shia majority in all middle east countires will get to run their country. it is just a matter of time

What SHIA majority?

We aren't interested in any SHIA vs Sunni nonsense. This was never our war. It was thrust upon us by Pootin.

And yet, we have an exit strategy. That leaves us with no pressure at all. Last thing we want is to be fighting a 14th century war.
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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:19 pm

We aren't interested in any SHIA vs Sunni nonsense. This was never our war. It was thrust upon us by Pootin.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I think you really should seek medical help ........ I would start with a Psychiatrist ........ an MRI brain scan would be a waste of resources ..... they wouldn't find one! :lol: :lol:

Putin only got involved 12 moths ago! What were you doing from 2012 onwards (or covertly even earlier) playing Tiddley Winks ? You may well have been because your aim of regime change fell apart when Putin called your bluff, when YOUR Ghouta claim on chemical weapons use by Assad was proved BY THE UN, to be untrue when they laid the blame on YOUR terrorists as being far more likely!

"Not our War .... it was thrust upon us by Putin" I've heard it all now! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:28 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
We aren't interested in any SHIA vs Sunni nonsense. This was never our war. It was thrust upon us by Pootin.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I think you really should seek medical help ........ I would start with a Psychiatrist ........ an MRI brain scan would be a waste of resources ..... they wouldn't find one! :lol: :lol:

Putin only got involved 12 moths ago! What were you doing from 2012 onwards (or covertly even earlier) playing Tiddley Winks ? You may well have been because your aim of regime change fell apart when Putin called your bluff, when YOUR Ghouta claim on chemical weapons use by Assad was proved BY THE UN, to be untrue when they laid the blame on YOUR terrorists as being far more likely!

"Not our War .... it was thrust upon us by Putin" I've heard it all now! :lol: :lol:

No I am fine thank you very much!

Our coalition is dictating the terms now, and Assad isn't going to capture Aleppo. Status Quo remains and that leaves us in a much better position than Assad. Time is on our side and we know our enemy. You don't! Plus, we have the most brilliant of exit strategies! You don't without losing so in effect Pootin is in a no win war!

Carry on! Put on your long white socks and sandals and go outside to watch the Israeli Air Show!
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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby Maximus » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:50 pm

Are you still trying to hash it out with him Robin?

Its obvious Paphitis hasnt a clue what is goin on and he is not open to reason or logic either. :lol:

If you was in charge of Paphitis, going by what you are saying, you should be in the hague for war crimes.
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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:28 am

Maximus wrote:Are you still trying to hash it out with him Robin?

Its obvious Paphitis hasnt a clue what is goin on and he is not open to reason or logic either. :lol:

If you was in charge of Paphitis, going by what you are saying, you should be in the hague for war crimes.

Once Trump is in the White House (hopefully) he will pull the plug and they WILL inevitably be charged with crimes against humanity, also war crimes and countless breaches of International Law. Let's hope he manages it before he ends up like Kennedy? :x

I know he is not quite 'all there' but it gives me something to do and occasionally others come along and make some intelligent contributions to the discussion. Paphitis problem is that he NEVER reads anything, all he does is scan the headlines of sites he approves of and takes it from there. Example: He recently made three posts in ten minutes ......and one he was attacking, would have taken him 10 minutes to read ...... without digesting a single word. I have been through ALL those he has posted ......... and not one supports what he is saying! He didn't read what they said he assumed he knew what they said .......... and they didn't. :roll: :lol:
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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:00 pm

...indeed. boring crap, mostly, but i have noticed as 'newsies', this forum is sometimes ahead of the curve (by days sometimes), especially on news from the Eastern Med; so, worth reading.

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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby Londonrake » Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:30 pm

In the West it's not unusual that what people say on the campaign trail doesn't actually come about when the reality of power is grasped. In many cases that's most unfortunate and regarded as something of a betrayal. Teaching Grannie to suck eggs in here, I'm sure though. :oops:
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Re: Was Kuznetsov saying 'HELLO' ?

Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:00 pm

Paphitis, please allow me voice my concern as regards to your displayed obsession with Putin and Russia and to also remind you that your views are your personal views and not necessarily those of the coalition. You have ARE NOT INVOLVED in the Syrian conflict, YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE COLATITION OR ITS PLANS.

As you already know from a poll sometime back on your views on Syria no one from this forum concurred . Are we all on this forum stupid, ignorant of events in Syria or anti West.?

Distance your self from these horrid events and try and be objective, such objectivity to be based on realities and not on personal feelings that you harbour for either Putin or Russia.
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