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Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby B25 » Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:56 pm

Paphiti, in all your smugness about the Russians, I believe to seriously under estimate them and you may be in for a big surprise.

You know what happens to the bully (USA) when the supposed victim turns round and lands one on his nose.

Just because they don't go round boasting like the Yanks do, these are the ones you need to be more afraid of. Only God can help us if anything kicks off.
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:22 pm

B25 wrote:Paphiti, in all your smugness about the Russians, I believe to seriously under estimate them and you may be in for a big surprise.

You know what happens to the bully (USA) when the supposed victim turns round and lands one on his nose.

Just because they don't go round boasting like the Yanks do, these are the ones you need to be more afraid of. Only God can help us if anything kicks off.

The Aircraft carrier is just for show - the more important ship in that group is the battle-cruiser "Peter the Great".
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:27 pm

The French meantime have decided to extend the vacation of the airport near Paris in Cyprus.... not so far for Cobalt to fly?

So we have at least two carrier groups in our neighborhood.
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:26 pm

A sensible assessment of Russia's deployment of the Russian Naval Task Force to the Eastern Med, from someone who is very credible and knows what he is talking about ....... he is an ex US military analyst with a lot of experience to call on.

Making Sense of the Russian Naval Task Force Off the Coast of Syria - By The Saker

Should things go very wrong, this task force could not only seriously threaten any USN/NATO surface ship withing 500km of Syria, but also every single city or military base in this range. I am rather surprised that the western fear-mongers missed this one because it ought to scare NATO pretty badly.

Unless the Americans take down the Russian air defenses, which they could only if they want to start WWIII, US aircraft will have to stay outside the Syrian skies. And that means that the Russians have basically made their own no-fly zone over Syria and that a US no-fly zone is now impossible to achieve.


This deployment is highly uncharacteristic of what the Russians have been training for. They have basically found a way to reinforce the Russian contingent in Syria, especially against Hillary’s “no fly zone” nightmare. However, this is also case of making virtue out of necessity: the operation in Syria was always too far from the Russian border and the Russian force in Syria always too small for its task. Furthermore, this deployment is not sustainable in the long term, and the Russians know it. They have successfully imposed a “Yankee no fly zone” over Syria long enough for the Syrian to take Aleppo and for the Americans to vote for their next President. After that, the situation will either get dramatically better (Trump) or dramatically worse (Hillary). Either way, the new situation will require a completely different Russian strategy.

Kuznetsov – maybe not the old rust bucket we took it to be? :wink:
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:04 pm

At every level of military experiences (personally) was always reminded that the FIRST rule of engagement under any circumstance was to view the adversary with a degree of 'Respect'.

A wise policy since the adversary might win.

A good attitude to adopt when faced with action in the forthcoming battle is (Arabic Philosophy) "Though your opponent be an 'Ant' imagine it to be an 'Eleph..Ant".

Comes down to the same principal as first illustrated. :wink:
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:46 pm

Schnauzer wrote:At every level of military experiences (personally) was always reminded that the FIRST rule of engagement under any circumstance was to view the adversary with a degree of 'Respect'.

A wise policy since the adversary might win.

A good attitude to adopt when faced with action in the forthcoming battle is (Arabic Philosophy) "Though your opponent be an 'Ant' imagine it to be an 'Eleph..Ant".

Comes down to the same principal as first illustrated. :wink:

How very true! But you won't convince Paphitis of that ..... it requires common sense! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:59 am

B25 wrote:Paphiti, in all your smugness about the Russians, I believe to seriously under estimate them and you may be in for a big surprise.

You know what happens to the bully (USA) when the supposed victim turns round and lands one on his nose.

Just because they don't go round boasting like the Yanks do, these are the ones you need to be more afraid of. Only God can help us if anything kicks off.

You're wrong B25. the smugness is coming from pootin.

he is the one doing all the military posturing.

When was the last time you heard the Americans use their 6th Fleet to posture? They don't have to do things like that. pootin however feels as though he does, and even sends ships through the English channel in a "shoe of Strength".

Well, there is nothing there that is overly concerning. And right now, there is a LOT of speculation at NATO and within the pentagon about the Kusnetsov's effectiveness with all kinds of speculation that their Aircraft carrier isn't even flight ready, to engine problems.

I'm sorry, but if this was one of our NATO or Australian ships, we would have it docked and checked out thoroughly. We wouldn't be using it when the plume reduces its stealth properties.

At Australian Air force bases, even our car parks are under ground and Nuclear proof, because of satellites overhead. Foreign Governments would not be able to tell anything about or readiness or lack off just by taking photos of the car park.

With all that posturing, it is only natural we will mock him. The Coalition won't, but they are gonna be putting him to the test. He is asking for it too.
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:05 am

Schnauzer wrote:At every level of military experiences (personally) was always reminded that the FIRST rule of engagement under any circumstance was to view the adversary with a degree of 'Respect'.

A wise policy since the adversary might win.

A good attitude to adopt when faced with action in the forthcoming battle is (Arabic Philosophy) "Though your opponent be an 'Ant' imagine it to be an 'Eleph..Ant".

Comes down to the same principal as first illustrated. :wink:

Pretty damn difficult when there are media reports about Pilots not being trained to operate off a deck.

Unless the Coalition know anything else (and I am sure they have loads of intelligence), you can expect them to put this to the test in the very near future. And if they smell a weakness, pootin might have to withdraw its aircraft carrier to avoid major embarrassment.
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:08 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:At every level of military experiences (personally) was always reminded that the FIRST rule of engagement under any circumstance was to view the adversary with a degree of 'Respect'.

A wise policy since the adversary might win.

A good attitude to adopt when faced with action in the forthcoming battle is (Arabic Philosophy) "Though your opponent be an 'Ant' imagine it to be an 'Eleph..Ant".

Comes down to the same principal as first illustrated. :wink:

How very true! But you won't convince Paphitis of that ..... it requires common sense! :lol: :lol:

What common sense?

Did Pootin show respect when he shot down an Airliner? In fact, it's not the shooting down of an Airliner that matters. We know that mistakes like this in an intense environment like Ukraine, can occur at any time. The USA has shot down 2 Airliners in past history. That's not the issue really. What is the issue is his persistent denial of it. This shows disrespect towards us and towards the families of the victims, and to the entire travelling public around the world. Once a country like Russia accepts responsibility, criticism is deflated because everyone just get's on with the investigation, compensation of the victim's families, and some level of cooperation is actually achieved in coming up with ways whereby Russia and America can avoid mistakes like this. Some actual good eventually comes out of it.

Did he show Australia diplomatic respect when he was on Australian soil with 19 other world leaders including Obama, while he was playing war games with The Royal Australian Navy? no he didn't. If he wanted to show respect, he could have come to Australia and had a respectable chin wag with tony abbott, but the way he was behaving, there wasn't a single country that even spoke to him the entire time - not even China which was siding with Australia at the time. That's because even pacifist China couldn't believe his behavior and decided to look after their trade interests.

Now let me ask, what would have happened if an officer of the Russian or Australian navy got a quick blood rush to the head and started firing missiles? These things are extremely intense and the Australian's would be very nervous just from the US presidential and China visits alone, let alone all the other G20 mob. Very dangerous, and just to point out how serious this was, the US 5th Fleet was enroute as well.

NATO show him military respect just by existing. As for everything else, there is a thing called Psychological warfare which the Coalition is winning. It must be for him to posture in this fashion. It means we have him by the balls.

It's Pootin making all the provocations. And a lesser leader from our side (Goerge W) would have accepted his war mongering challenge already.

this just goes to show, that America can't afford to be having "leaders" like Obama. Looking forward to seeing the back of Obama at the end of this year. What a friggin disaster.
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Re: Russia Doesn't even have pilots on its Aircraft carrier

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:45 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:At every level of military experiences (personally) was always reminded that the FIRST rule of engagement under any circumstance was to view the adversary with a degree of 'Respect'.

A wise policy since the adversary might win.

A good attitude to adopt when faced with action in the forthcoming battle is (Arabic Philosophy) "Though your opponent be an 'Ant' imagine it to be an 'Eleph..Ant".

Comes down to the same principal as first illustrated. :wink:

How very true! But you won't convince Paphitis of that ..... it requires common sense! :lol: :lol:

What common sense?

You wouldn't know what that is ..... because it is a concept that is alien to you!

Did Pootin show respect when he shot down an Airliner? In fact, it's not the shooting down of an Airliner that matters. We know that mistakes like this in an intense environment like Ukraine, can occur at any time. The USA has shot down 2 Airliners in past history. That's not the issue really. What is the issue is his persistent denial of it. This shows disrespect towards us and towards the families of the victims, and to the entire travelling public around the world. Once a country like Russia accepts responsibility, criticism is deflated because everyone just get's on with the investigation, compensation of the victim's families, and some level of cooperation is actually achieved in coming up with ways whereby Russia and America can avoid mistakes like this. Some actual good eventually comes out of it.

Did he shoot down an airliner? If so where is the Ukraine and US 'irrefutable evidence' to prove it? FFS they have relied on an hypothesis by Bellingcat ! I asked you .... if Russia wanted a BUK to shoot down an aircraft from inside Ukraine ..... why would they take a circuitous route, through heavily built up areas that was many times longer than the direct route ........ with photo-opportunities at every step along the way ? You may be stupid but the Russians are not !

Did he show Australia diplomatic respect when he was on Australian soil with 19 other world leaders including Obama, while he was playing war games with The Royal Australian Navy? no he didn't. If he wanted to show respect, he could have come to Australia and had a respectable chin wag with tony abbott, but the way he was behaving, there wasn't a single country that even spoke to him the entire time - not even China which was siding with Australia at the time. That's because even pacifist China couldn't believe his behavior and decided to look after their trade interests.

Whatever .... I am not conversant with the details but were they not in international waters ? Could this not be a case of playing to the gallery for the Aussies. Like the recent transit through the English Channel by 5-6 Russian warships? To read the MSM you got the impression that it was an act of aggression and a complete surprise. The EU/UK were informed in July '16 of this transit and of the fact they would carry out night and day air manoeuvres in the North Sea (International Waters)and exactly where !

Now let me ask, what would have happened if an officer of the Russian or Australian navy got a quick blood rush to the head and started firing missiles? These things are extremely intense and the Australian's would be very nervous just from the US presidential and China visits alone, let alone all the other G20 mob. Very dangerous, and just to point out how serious this was, the US 5th Fleet was enroute as well.

It would indeed be a grave mistake to have fired upon any Russian vessel(s) in International waters ..... I think it would be classified as an act of war. The US is always en-route to somewhere .... it's called 'posturing'. The Russians would be far too well disciplined to accidentally loose off a missile ..... but an Aussie ..... I'm not so sure? If you represent the average Aussie then a very likely scenario.

NATO show him military respect just by existing. As for everything else, there is a thing called Psychological warfare which the Coalition is winning. It must be for him to posture in this fashion. It means we have him by the balls.

Well .... according to you, you think they are winning the psychological war! I haven't seen Putin 'posturing' in fact just the opposite. He exhibits a far better grasp of diplomacy than anyone the west can put up.

Look at this idiot in the UK. Fallon .... what a prize idiot, he is sending tanks, APC's and 800 UK troops to Estonia, to protect them against Russian aggression. Really, when did Russia last threaten Estonia (or Latvia/Lithuania)? I believe they are hosting not only NATO troops but US missiles right on the border with Russia. Don't you think Russia has the right to self defence ..... don't you think it is NATO again that is posturing and displaying potential for aggression. As I said .... it is double standards! There is no Russian threat ...... it is ALL posturing by NATO.

You should read the 'Comments in the Daily Mail .... I would say 95% of the comments oppose this action and realise it is an aggressive move that could result in tears. Don't prod the Bear, it will bite if disturbed ....and most sensible people know that. As you have pointed out, it takes just one Estonian with an anti-Putin chip on his shoulder .... who could make that single move and kick off WWIII.

It's Pootin making all the provocations. And a lesser leader from our side (Goerge W) would have accepted his war mongering challenge already.

Where do you get this rubbish from? I see NATO as the provocateur and it has been an ever more provocative action year after year since the end of the cold-war. The Russians have protested ..... to no avail, so they take steps to protect themselves from NATO's obvious threatening actions.

this just goes to show, that America can't afford to be having "leaders" like Obama. Looking forward to seeing the back of Obama at the end of this year. What a friggin disaster.

If it all goes as 'they' seem to believe and you get Killer Hillary ..... your wish could come true. She has a lot of apologising to do to Putin, although it will never be forthcoming. So bad relations will continue and many pundits believe WWIII is an inevitability. I just hope they are wrong and I see Putin as being the one that will take every step he can to avoid that final confrontation. Hillary just wants her name in the history book ...... pity there won't be any if she gets in and no body shoots her before she does anything stupid !

In all a load of the usual Paphitis self opinionated rubbish! Do you really believe all this bull sh*t you post? You always seem to be out of step with everyone else ...... or have I got that wrong? :roll: Maybe, it is YOU that is in step and everyone else that isn't! :roll: and you then accuse the Cypriots on here of having the 'stupid' gene and presumably any of those that question or disagree with your views have also got the 'stupid' gene. !!!

Never mind ....... you do at least provide some hilarious entertainment! :lol: :lol:
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