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Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

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Should the citizens of the World be given a vote in the USA Elections?

Yes and I would vote Trump
Yes and I would vote Clinton
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Total votes : 7

Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:10 am

and for balance another article

the facts are that superpowers do attempt to exert influence, if not exercise a measure of control, over other countries in one way or another, to keep them "friendly..."
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:24 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:and for balance another article

the facts are that superpowers do attempt to exert influence, if not exercise a measure of control, over other countries in one way or another, to keep them "friendly..."


I would be more interested on your Russian wife's views on Pootin?

Does she like him or not? And why?

How do Russians really feel about pootin if they are free to speak out because they are no longer in Russia?
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:44 pm

My wife thinks he is very nasty dangerous person, a tyrant. She grew up in the USSR and saw what it was like - her family was a part of the Nomenklature - her father was senior academic who was deputy minister under both Gorbachev and Yeltsin - appointed for technical skills to assist with modernisation rather than for his politics - the Minister was the political man - so she saw what it was like and the changes - not all good, in particular the crime and corruption - but she sees things slipping back in to repressive times

here FYI is a study on Poll responses in Russia
then see
In the absence of competing sources of information, most Russians obtain their news through state television. On the surface, therefore, "public opinion" monitored in polls largely reflects the dominant Kremlin narrative.

But a closer look at poll results also shows respondents often give conflicting answers, a state of cognitive dissonance Gudkov labels "doublethink" — in reference to George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984" where people simultaneously hold two contrary beliefs.

Russians will, for example, simultaneously express large distrust of government officials — suspecting them of corruption and pursuing their own goals — or denounce specific policy decisions, such as the destruction of food banned for import in retaliation of Western sanctions, while continuing to pledge their support for the same government.

That demonstration of loyalty combined with high levels of distrust is a survival strategy reminiscent of Soviet times, says Gudkov: "We're recording a relapse to a Soviet-style totalitarian consciousness."

Teflon Putin?
Polls show that reports of widespread corruption in Putin's inner circles have cemented widespread distrust of the government. Yet scandals such as those surrounding Russia's General Prosecutor Yury Chaika — incriminating his sons in a range of shady business deals — seem to be water off a duck's back for Putin's popularity ratings famously referred to in Russia as "the 86 percent."

In fact, though instability reigns in all other sectors of Russian life — economic crisis, terrorist threats, political standoffs, wars — Putin's ratings since Russia's annexation of Crimea have been a beacon of stability.

But it would be a mistake to conclude Russians ardently support the leader, says Gudkov, since a large segment of the population neither love Putin nor hate him: "As much as 65 percent say they have nothing bad to say about him, or say they only 'mostly' support him."

The dominant mood in Russia is cynical apathy. Respondents say neither Yes or No, but OK to most politically-themed questions, including those on their president.
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:00 am

Very interesting STUD.

I value the assessment of people who have lived and experienced the transition from the Soviet era to what we have today in Pootin.

it's food for thought, especially to all those who blindly follow this dangerous man for the sake of it.
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:47 am

Another item for Putin's Putanas to think about

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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:52 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Another item for Putin's Putanas to think about

Stud, luckily you can borrow some of my common sense; which I have in abundance, to differentiate a propaganda junk site from a genuine HR house. :)

There’s only ONE easy criteria anyway…

If the United States; being the world’s worse violator of HR both within America and worldwide, is NOT at the very top of a site’s list of violators then it’s a junk propaganda site!

Easy ain’t it? :wink:
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:51 pm

Get Real! wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Another item for Putin's Putanas to think about

Stud, luckily you can borrow some of my common sense; which I have in abundance, to differentiate a propaganda junk site from a genuine HR house. :)

There’s only ONE easy criteria anyway…

If the United States; being the world’s worse violator of HR both within America and worldwide, is NOT at the very top of a site’s list of violators then it’s a junk propaganda site!

Easy ain’t it? :wink:

What has happened in and to the media in Russia is a matter of fact not your alleged and above-all self-proclaimed common sense, and it stands independent of what ever the US has or has not done. You should in fact have seen an item I posted earlier in this thread an opinion piece by RF Kennedy, son of the late RF Kennedy, which was openly critical of US Policy in the Middle East, and that is one of the differences between the US and Russia, that there is scope to be openly critical of the Government and Leaders, in the Media.
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:43 pm

...if there was a like button stud, i would have selected it; cheers.

While the problem of 'mono-editing' has been always a concern...
... where (most, if not almost all) news publishers choose to follow a National line... America, the market dictates their choices essentially (although they, the ownership of mass media, are becoming fewer still), in Russia like in Turkey it is the State.
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:51 am

Any reasonable person would want to take shared responsibility when so much is at stake from so few. I would accept that vote and cherish it.

If the person heading the World Superpower can't even email securely or deems pay-and-play part of the daily routine, surely the rest of us should get a say as to who is least likely to carelessly press that button?

- I'm coming round to thinking Trump loves Life too much and Clinton loves Power too much and if that is the case ...
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Re: Should the World have a vote in the USA elections?

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:29 am

Casting a vote in THIS election (if not an American citizen). would be of great detriment to the intelligence of the voter, let them silly bastards get on with their 'Circus Acts' whilst WE sit back and enjoy the spectacle of the 'Yanks' once again exhibiting themselves as (collectively) a mindless (but unfortunately dangerous) 'Bunch of Bollocks'. :lol:
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