Zenon33 wrote:Cyprus is cypriot, not greek or turk.
We want to live in a free country.
Nailed it Zenon.
Enough of the the 3rd world Banana Brothers.
Zenon33 wrote:Cyprus is cypriot, not greek or turk.
We want to live in a free country.
What ever happened to the option: Cyprus is Cypriot!!!!!
The Brits should have kept all of Cyprus!
Sotos wrote:There should have been a referendum to let the Cypriot people democratically decide what they want for their own island. It is clear that if that was done the overwhelming majority would have voted for union with Greece while any alternatives were not a result of the will of Cypriots but a result of force and blackmail by the Turks and the British who wanted pieces of Cyprus for their own interests.
Sotos wrote:What ever happened to the option: Cyprus is Cypriot!!!!!The Brits should have kept all of Cyprus!
You contradict yourself. Cyprus is Cypriot which is exactly why it is the Cypriots who should decide where their own island should belong and not the British. It is the same with Scotland, which is Scottish, and it is up to the Scottish to decide if they will be part of the UK or not. A referendum would clearly be the most democratic and peaceful thing to do... those who are against this are clearly against democracy and against the principle that Cyprus is Cypriot.
Sotos wrote:There should have been a referendum to let the Cypriot people democratically decide what they want for their own island. It is clear that if that was done the overwhelming majority would have voted for union with Greece while any alternatives were not a result of the will of Cypriots but a result of force and blackmail by the Turks and the British who wanted pieces of Cyprus for their own interests.
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