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Theresa May's declaration.

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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:03 pm

B25 wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:It’s all very well if you have no UK assets and you wait until Sterling hits the bottom to move in and buy up at bargain-basement prices, but what about people in the UK now whose assets are getting trashed?

Could you define getting trashed and to what asset classes are you referring to.

I don't see house prices falling, food prices falling life goes on. Sure there is bound to be a bumpy road ahead until it all gets sorted, but you guys are foaming at the mouth, seems to me it is because what you stand to lose not the country as a whole. Any losses will be made up later, it is the business cycle.

As they say, no gain without pain and this is very apt for the current situation. Fuck the EU they have destroyed the place and it is about time someone stood up to them. The UK, is best placed for this it is big enough and strong enough to get through this and when it does you will see others follow suit.

Yes, an Australian who had 1,600,000 Australian dollars in the bank a year ago could have bought 15 houses worth £50,000 in the UK ago; now the same money will but him 20 houses worth £50,000. The foreigner contemplating investing in the UK is gaining as Sterling falls. Conversely, somebody in the UK who is contemplating selling their UK assets and buying in Australia is losing.

Of course life goes on. The UK has not left the EU yet. That's why the right-wing tabloid comic's comments about a post-Brexit boom are nonesense.
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:05 pm

Never mind, cheer up. The right-wing tabloid comics can have a field day with this one:

FTSE 100 hits record high as pound falls further

FTSE 100 at record high! Post-Brexit Britain is booming! Project fear was a lie!

PS - The FTSE 100 is composed of international companies whose assets and cash flows are largely in currencies other than Sterling, so the more Sterling falls, the more the FTSE 100 will automatically rise to reflect these companies' intrinsic value (in GDP terms of course - the astute Aussie investor seeking to benefit from Britain's woes will find that the FTSE is priced in Sterling and the rise is balanced out by the fall in the currency. Bummer.)
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:13 pm

I think all the doom-and-gloom vendors and the ‘remain’ moaners have made an assumption. Every mention of consequences been made under the surmise the UK will be all on its own fighting a battle against a big powerful EU and even a kick in the ar*e from our special BFF .... the US ! Because that will be the only way your prediction will become anything like a reality. I think that assumption is going to prove WRONG!

Step back and take a look at what has and is going on in Europe. Junker, Merkel, Hollande and some other leaders have got serious problems. Some are on their way out of the driving seat and know it, to be replaced by those not quite so keen on their federalist views.

The people do not accept their immigration policies and many refuse to have open borders, one of the key points in the UK referendum. As a result these countries are all drifting right and are certainly no longer interested in a ‘Fourth Reich’. These leaders have all spouted about how they are going to make it ‘difficult’ for the UK, purely to protect this dream of federalism.

The reason is obvious! Make it smooth and successful and others will follow the UK. If the Europeans deserved to be regarded as our friends and support our willingness to trade with them on terms acceptable to both the UK our European neighbours, they would not make these threats. This ‘make it difficult’ attitude from some is the equivalent of the ‘Remainers’ fear campaign, which back fired on them and will do the same in the EU.

The EU is disintegrating from within and the troubles are obvious. They are terrified that a large percentage of their populations, driven by delusion and poverty, will vote for the right wing in countries like Portugal, Spain. Italy, Greece, Nederlands etc. and even France and Germany, could call to leave the restraints of the EU Federalists as they are likely to gain grounds in any election.

This is why Germany will change the ruling on ‘bail-ins’, or at least legislate to find a way around the problem as its banks slide into trouble. A bail-in for Germany would be catastrophic for not only Germany but the EU itself. Without doubt such an event will crash the Euro and the Euro has been shown to be unworkable already, this will just hasten its eventual demise.

But look around even further afield and the US is in a similar problem to Europe. The people are beginning to turn and already Texas has had calls for independence from the USA as I believe some other states have. The US response has been different though! They have turned their police into a very powerful well armed military force, massive surveillance and the repeal of civil liberties and free speech..... and they appear to be using this repression against those that step out of line or protest. So far this has not happened to the same degree in Europe.

The root cause is simply the rapidly increasing gap between the haves and the have not’s!

In the UK since the end of WWII we have enjoyed an expanding share of the wealth and the benefits that come from having that wealth. It was possible for even those in mundane relatively low paid jobs to afford their own home, a car, holidays abroad .......... unless you have been asleep for the last 40 years, there are fewer and fewer people that will be able to have this relatively comfy lifestyle. The jobs that created the middle class have been drying up and the middle class is in decline!

As I see it the ‘Remainers’ are those that are dumb enough believe this sort of life would continue ad infinitum. They have not yet woken up to the damaging changes to their way of life since they made their lifestyle decisions 40-50 years ago. The UK needs a recovery plan and this would not be possible from within the EU. The UK has tried to do so for years ..... and lost the battle. Now is the time to quit.

Europe is rotting and the EU Commissioners are busy covering up the symptoms..... it can only last for so long and then the house of cards will fall. The UK will, having its own currency, be able to take the necessary steps to protect itself from the turbulence (to a degree) but those in Europe especially those in the Eurozone, are gong to suffer greatly as their exit will be very abrupt ..... no real warning .... no planning .... and a way out of trouble cobbled together in a financial hurricane ! May their God have mercy on them ........ they won't get any from the UK.

Only my opinion :roll: ..... but if you spread the horizons of information .... the writing is on the wall. :roll: :wink:
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby B25 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:30 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
B25 wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:It’s all very well if you have no UK assets and you wait until Sterling hits the bottom to move in and buy up at bargain-basement prices, but what about people in the UK now whose assets are getting trashed?

Could you define getting trashed and to what asset classes are you referring to.

I don't see house prices falling, food prices falling life goes on. Sure there is bound to be a bumpy road ahead until it all gets sorted, but you guys are foaming at the mouth, seems to me it is because what you stand to lose not the country as a whole. Any losses will be made up later, it is the business cycle.

As they say, no gain without pain and this is very apt for the current situation. Fuck the EU they have destroyed the place and it is about time someone stood up to them. The UK, is best placed for this it is big enough and strong enough to get through this and when it does you will see others follow suit.

Yes, an Australian who had 1,600,000 Australian dollars in the bank a year ago could have bought 15 houses worth £50,000 in the UK ago; now the same money will but him 20 houses worth £50,000. The foreigner contemplating investing in the UK is gaining as Sterling falls. Conversely, somebody in the UK who is contemplating selling their UK assets and buying in Australia is losing. Looks like you are all mixed up if the sterling has fallen surely his AUD would buy him more not less! Sure if a person wants to sell up and buy abroad, but you are taking extreme cases.

Of course life goes on. The UK has not left the EU yet. That's why the right-wing tabloid comic's comments about a post-Brexit boom are nonesense.
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:33 pm

Tim Drayton:

Never mind, cheer up. The right-wing tabloid comics can have a field day with this one:

FTSE 100 hits record high as pound falls further

FTSE 100 at record high! Post-Brexit Britain is booming! Project fear was a lie!

Post Brexit Britains FINANCIAL economy IS booming ..... unfortunately for those pouring money into it ...... it is a false economy! What they are buying from this booming economy is ..... receipts and IOU’s, which have NO intrinsic value ....... they have a face value that is determined by The Markets computers. A computer glitch and It could be worth zero tomorrow morning.
PS - The FTSE 100 is composed of international companies whose assets and cash flows are largely in currencies other than Sterling, so the more Sterling falls, the more the FTSE 100 will automatically rise to reflect these companies' intrinsic value (in GDP terms of course - the astute Aussie investor seeking to benefit from Britain's woes will find that the FTSE is priced in Sterling and the rise is balanced out by the fall in the currency. Bummer.)

Their assets and cash flow have nothing to do with the FTSE or any other index! The face value is determined by ‘The Markets’ and that is not the intrinsic value of the company, it is the estimated value of the receipts and IOU's as the computers see it, based on the levels of 'buying' and 'selling'! It has little or no effect on the GDP of the UK in real terms as none of it goes into the REAL economy!
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:36 pm

B25 wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
B25 wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:It’s all very well if you have no UK assets and you wait until Sterling hits the bottom to move in and buy up at bargain-basement prices, but what about people in the UK now whose assets are getting trashed?

Could you define getting trashed and to what asset classes are you referring to.

I don't see house prices falling, food prices falling life goes on. Sure there is bound to be a bumpy road ahead until it all gets sorted, but you guys are foaming at the mouth, seems to me it is because what you stand to lose not the country as a whole. Any losses will be made up later, it is the business cycle.

As they say, no gain without pain and this is very apt for the current situation. Fuck the EU they have destroyed the place and it is about time someone stood up to them. The UK, is best placed for this it is big enough and strong enough to get through this and when it does you will see others follow suit.

Yes, an Australian who had 1,600,000 Australian dollars in the bank a year ago could have bought 15 houses worth £50,000 in the UK ago; now the same money will but him 20 houses worth £50,000. The foreigner contemplating investing in the UK is gaining as Sterling falls. Conversely, somebody in the UK who is contemplating selling their UK assets and buying in Australia is losing. Looks like you are all mixed up if the sterling has fallen surely his AUD would buy him more not less! Sure if a person wants to sell up and buy abroad, but you are taking extreme cases.

Of course life goes on. The UK has not left the EU yet. That's why the right-wing tabloid comic's comments about a post-Brexit boom are nonesense.

Yes, 20 is more than 15.
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:45 pm

If you own a house in the UK priced at £300,000, one year ago it was worth roughly USD 460,000, EUR 420,000 and AUD 640,000. Today it is worth roughly USD 365,000, EUR 330,000 and AUD 485,000. Measured in terms of other currencies, assets in the UK are getting trashed. I don't see anything extreme about this example.
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby B25 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:13 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:If you own a house in the UK priced at £300,000, one year ago it was worth roughly USD 460,000, EUR 420,000 and AUD 640,000. Today it is worth roughly USD 365,000, EUR 330,000 and AUD 485,000. Measured in terms of other currencies, assets in the UK are getting trashed. I don't see anything extreme about this example.

Thats only true if you are looking to sell to move to the US/EU/Aus. otherwise nothing changes, other than those with other currencies will do well. I bet they are laughing all the way to the bank.
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:38 am

Lordo wrote:more stupidity. even may said the parliement will have to vote on the brexit terms. in fact she will not be able to declare it unless parliament votes. this already has gone to court and the first round has gone to the remainers. of course there will be many more rounds. the constitution is very simple,only parliament can change the law.

No they don't. They can actually take the will of the people which outranks Parliament by a long shot.
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Re: Theresa May's declaration.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:45 am

Jerry wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
What first and second post. Please explain because the contradiction is lost on me.

Read my post again very slowly. :D

My life is not long enough especially when your posts are full of bitterness, doom and gloom and negativity. Sorry!

If you are unwilling to explain to me what my contradiction is, then I won't play your silly twisted game.

I for one am a BIG supporter of BREXIT. I would support ANY EU EXIT. The ultimate goal is the liberation of Greece and Cyprus from their masters! Being a slave to this EU nonsense, and that's what they are, is an indignity and I came to that realization during the Greek and Cypriot financial crisis.

Fact is, the precedence has been set with Greece and Cyprus. The precedence is this. If your economy faulters, or you have a banking collapse, then your State is unviable and requires austerity. look at the social impact in Greece. the country is literally torn apart.

I'm not going to take it in the bum from Juncker and his merry band of fascists.

I can also fully understand WHY many Brits support BREXIT too. this isn't some little Englander, or stupid outcome from people that do not know, or from people that had lower education levels than pro EU voters (ridiculous). I respect their democratic wishes, and frankly, the EU bought this upon itself with its disastrous open border and free movement policy which Britain suffers from the most.

that is because it is true that out of all the EU countries, Britain has the most generous Social and welfare policies as well as a world class Health System NHS. These will not be available to Britons one day if the current situation remains because it is unsustainable in an ageing population. See what happened to Greece which had a birth rate of 1.1 per family. BANKRUPTCY!

Basically, Britain will become a Muslim country in a couple of decades within the EU. Wages and conditions are in decline because of the influx of eastern European labor. And all you morons are worried about is a car manufacturer that is having a hissy fit and considering on moving production to the EU which might have happened anyway. Maybe they want to take advantage of lower work conditions and exploit eastern European workers which the British Unions will have more power to combat outside of the EU. Ever thought of that? No of course not! I'm sure this thought must have occured to most people because ask yourself WHY business and corporations favor the EU and are having hissy fits like you.

Here is a thought. Why not just accept the outcome of the referendum and desist from the negativity because there is a lot riding on this, not only for Britain but for others as well? otherwise, we literally are doomed when countries can't set their own financial policies.

Here's the contradiction - "That means they were always going to move with the new model.
It was either build the new line in Britain or EU." They were going to build in UK but now maybe not.
Nissan are looking to the UK government for compensation should the EU impose tariffs on UK exports.

And here's some more doom for you, petrol is going up by 5p per litre because of the devalued £. Were you able to read the serious Press in the UK rather than the red-top comics you would realise what a mess this Brexit business is.

You made a reference to the NHS in a previous post - believe me it's starting to fall apart in some areas, my friends in France get much better free treatment than members of my family have recently because funding has been cut back from annual increase of 4% to 2%. When the 30% foreign NHS staff are kicked out of UK as Nazi Nigel and his mob would like it will get much worse. As for UKIP passing the Conservatives - that party is falling apart, you really are out of touch with what is happening in UK. :lol:

There is no gloom from where I am coming from. And even if I was living in the UK paying your stupid over taxed petrol prices, an extra 5p is nothing and is expected since the GBP is trading lower.

It's not the UK Government's Responsibility to compensate car manufacturers for anything in regards to BREXIT. Basically, Nissan can get stuffed and piss off to Poland where it can pay its workforce $5/hour. It is the will of the British people to have BREXIT. The Government if anything was opposed to BREXIT.

Yes I believe they were going to move anyway. This would have been part of their strategic planning from years ago, because these car manufacturers, any manufacturers for that matter, are just looking at the bottom line. If they can get cheaper labour and production costs, they will go for it anyway and increase their profits.

No big deal!
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