And that is where Paphitis would have lost his shirt and underwear to the "house wife" traders by buying it.

Londonrake wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Londonrake wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.
Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).
Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).
And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!
Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....
I've tried hard to be charitable but have at the end to say - that post is basically a howl-at-the- moon rant. Totally ga ga.
It's OK if you don't like it. Join the many with their heads buried in the sand. Maybe you can assess the fracking potential ...
See what I mean?
'He’s rewriting the rules': locals furious at minister's fracking intervention
Campaigners in Lancashire say Sajid Javid’s decision to overrule council is an affront to local democracy.
Most money creation is backed by something of value. When you take a home loan, the money created is backed by the property as Security..
It doesn't just apply to property. You can borrow against other securities such as gold, Platinum, Oil, Resources and Shares.
You can also borrow against your savings. for instance, you can borrow against a large term deposit with the deposit itself being held as security.
All this just gives the average punter access and able to borrow in order to buy a home. it's not the Bank that creates the money but the bank and the Borrower combined.
Maximus wrote:GBP flash crash. from $1.27 to $1.19 in like one day.....
And that is where Paphitis would have lost his shirt and underwear to the "house wife" traders by buying it.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Londonrake wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Londonrake wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.
Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).
Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).
And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!
Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....
I've tried hard to be charitable but have at the end to say - that post is basically a howl-at-the- moon rant. Totally ga ga.
It's OK if you don't like it. Join the many with their heads buried in the sand. Maybe you can assess the fracking potential ...
See what I mean?
No, you are meaningless........ ... tervention'He’s rewriting the rules': locals furious at minister's fracking intervention
Campaigners in Lancashire say Sajid Javid’s decision to overrule council is an affront to local democracy.
The fascist Cons have overruled the people.
miltiades wrote:The continued weakness of Sterling has been brought about by the Brexit vote. Markets and investors have no confidence in UK PLC.
We just hope that we do not enter recession soon. Theresa May has fucked up by announcing her hidden agenda, one she had whilst pretending to support the Remain campaign.
We seem to forget that we import billions more than we export, soon prices will rise bringing the dreaded inflation back in fashion.
Well folks, at least we have our country back and our NHS is richer. What absolute bullocks !!
Robin Hood wrote:miltiades wrote:The continued weakness of Sterling has been brought about by the Brexit vote. Markets and investors have no confidence in UK PLC.
We just hope that we do not enter recession soon. Theresa May has fucked up by announcing her hidden agenda, one she had whilst pretending to support the Remain campaign.
We seem to forget that we import billions more than we export, soon prices will rise bringing the dreaded inflation back in fashion.
Well folks, at least we have our country back and our NHS is richer. What absolute bullocks !!
I thought you said you were an optimist?
miltiades wrote:Robin Hood wrote:miltiades wrote:The continued weakness of Sterling has been brought about by the Brexit vote. Markets and investors have no confidence in UK PLC.
We just hope that we do not enter recession soon. Theresa May has fucked up by announcing her hidden agenda, one she had whilst pretending to support the Remain campaign.
We seem to forget that we import billions more than we export, soon prices will rise bringing the dreaded inflation back in fashion.
Well folks, at least we have our country back and our NHS is richer. What absolute bullocks !!
I thought you said you were an optimist?
Optimist IS my second name, along with REALIST !
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