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The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:00 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I understand more than you do and I have no issue at all with the way the system works. You however do, which is your issue.

Debt is not a bad thing at all as long as the debtor has the assets to support the leveraging and uses the money for investment or business purposes. It creates jobs too, hence earnings for working people.

If you don't like Western society, then you better buzz off to North Korea.

Your usual measured response. You think the system is perfect ..... fine .... that is your choice. From your remarks, both now and in previous threads, I know just how little you know about the monetary system. :roll:

There is no such thing as a perfect system. The system is influenced (manipulated?) by human sentiments (Greed?) and emotion.

But it has been working very well for decades. And it is raising (the 0.01%'s) people's living standards.

It worked fairly well until the US Government decided that, having created orders of magnitude more dollars than it could back with gold, they (Nixon) then decided to drop the gold standard and replaced it with nothing! (Just piles of paper that were of no intrinsic value but decreed to be so by the US.)

So the real problems for the system started in 1971, made even worse by Clinton in 1999 (Glass Steagall act was repealed) and culminated in the Lehman collapse in 2008 when the FED created billions more dollars and gave it to the banks to prevent a total collapse of the Banking system.. Not just in the US but all over the World. Nothing has changed!

The problem? Banks were/are creating debt that the debtors have no chance of repaying in many cases ..... have a word with the Greeks, they can explain it to you. Of the last bail-out money they got from the ECB 97% of it went straight to the banks to pay off debt!

Today .... IMF estimates the worlds dollar debt is $152 trillion. I have not read the full report so, whether that is JUST dollar debt and the Euro, pound and other traded currencies, is on top of that I am not sure. This says $230 trillion (whats the odd trillion to worry about?)

The Banks rejected any more regulation over their practices after 2008 and never solved the root problem ...... they swept it under the carpet and just treated the symptoms. The disease never went away and in spite of a false impression of a remission ........... it is coming back to bite them in the arse!

Obviously your sources don't tell you the bad bits but most news sources now acknowledge that the gap between rich and poor is growing faster and faster and that another Lehman event is more likely than not. :roll:
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Maximus » Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:39 pm

Most money in circulation is not backed by gold but consider evertyhing else that it is or could be backed with.

Couldn't you replace 1oz of gold with bricks and mortar property? when you take out a loan from the bank, the new money created to buy it is backed by the value of that property. If you default, the bank takes your wealth and sells it to someone else.

If gold coins were being circulated instead of paper and binary codes there would probably not be enough of it to go around. That system could also be manipulated whereby the 0.01% accumulate and control the gold mines.

What is the difference?

If we need to print more money we would have to find more gold. Then what if we cant?

So if the face value of currency is backed by a shiny piece of metal that the average person could care little for why not back it with his home that he cares a lot about?
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Londonrake » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:13 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.

Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).

Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).

And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!

Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....

I've tried hard to be charitable but have at the end to say - that post is basically a howl-at-the- moon rant. Totally ga ga.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:23 pm

Londonrake wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.

Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).

Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).

And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!

Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....

I've tried hard to be charitable but have at the end to say - that post is basically a howl-at-the- moon rant. Totally ga ga.

It's OK if you don't like it. Join the many with their heads buried in the sand. Maybe you can assess the fracking potential ...
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Londonrake » Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:42 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.

Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).

Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).

And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!

Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....

I've tried hard to be charitable but have at the end to say - that post is basically a howl-at-the- moon rant. Totally ga ga.

It's OK if you don't like it. Join the many with their heads buried in the sand. Maybe you can assess the fracking potential ...

See what I mean?
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:32 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.

Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).

Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).

And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!

Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....

Absolutely 'On the button' !.

Anjem Choudary is doing five years for expressing precisely the same sentiments as you have highlighted.

Admittedly He added a few other choice observations which He declares necessary to clean up the place a bit BUT, all in all, it's possible that the man is also 'On the button' in one or two places.

Actually, I fancy the chap is a lot better off in the 'Nick' than most of the poor bastards that have to get out to work for a living. :wink:
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:44 am

Maximus wrote:Most money in circulation is not backed by gold but consider evertyhing else that it is or could be backed with.

Couldn't you replace 1oz of gold with bricks and mortar property? when you take out a loan from the bank, the new money created to buy it is backed by the value of that property. If you default, the bank takes your wealth and sells it to someone else.

If gold coins were being circulated instead of paper and binary codes there would probably not be enough of it to go around. That system could also be manipulated whereby the 0.01% accumulate and control the gold mines.

What is the difference?

If we need to print more money we would have to find more gold. Then what if we cant?

So if the face value of currency is backed by a shiny piece of metal that the average person could care little for why not back it with his home that he cares a lot about?

there is no difference.

Most money creation is backed by something of value. When you take a home loan, the money created is backed by the property as Security.

It doesn't just apply to property. You can borrow against other securities such as gold, Platinum, Oil, Resources and Shares.

You can also borrow against your savings. for instance, you can borrow against a large term deposit with the deposit itself being held as security.

All this just gives the average punter access and able to borrow in order to buy a home. it's not the Bank that creates the money but the bank and the Borrower combined.
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:46 am

Londonrake wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.

Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).

Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).

And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!

Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....

I've tried hard to be charitable but have at the end to say - that post is basically a howl-at-the- moon rant. Totally ga ga.

Indeed! Absolutely lalalaland!
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:48 am

Schnauzer wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Every day, more and more iron bars go up. Brits are trapped in and "others" are trapped out.

Meanwhile slave labour continues to rise as the biggest form of employment (1 Million and rising are the modish ZERO hour contracts, yeah) leaving the average household beholden to borrowing from banks (yipee) to survive or scrounging from (ever increasing) food banks to sustain their families (tralala).

Never mind - British soldiers can now kill at will and will be exempt from 'human rights" dilemmas (wowee) and get off Scott free whatever they do abroad (phew!).

And finally, if you're a foreign student expecting to pay good money for some much-touted British education - Theresa May says FUCK OFF FOREIGNER!

Poor, poor Brits! Will no one come to save them from the fascist regime ....

Absolutely 'On the button' !.

Anjem Choudary is doing five years for expressing precisely the same sentiments as you have highlighted.

Admittedly He added a few other choice observations which He declares necessary to clean up the place a bit BUT, all in all, it's possible that the man is also 'On the button' in one or two places.

Actually, I fancy the chap is a lot better off in the 'Nick' than most of the poor bastards that have to get out to work for a living. :wink:

The world doesn't owe you a living. You either got to work for living or use your brain.

if you don't want to work, then you got to think laterally and create something for yourself, but no one is going to give it to you.

This is the case in every country.

if you want a commie Flat, and work in the State Fields for a bowl of rice and an apple, then "north korea" is for you old chap and GreekIslandGirl!
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Re: The Pound takes a hammering ..... again!

Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:43 am

Overnight trading has pushed the Pound to it's lowest level against the US Dollar for more than 30 years, now stands at $1.242
and against the Euro it now stands at 1.117.

The effects on those British pensioners living overseas will be significant in financial terms, yet polls prior to the referendum showed that more than 70% wanted out of the EU, no doubt influenced by the crap given by the Clown and Farage that our NHS will be benefiting to the tune of 350 million PER WEEK !!!! We now have our back folks, no more Eastern Europeans, we are more than happy to continue receiving Asians, Africans, after all they share our ...culture, values and religion. :lol:

The recession has just begun, and since we import far more than we export prices of most daily essentials will naturally rise.

The GB now stands for Geriatric Britain.
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